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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The whole media war is a refraction of the me v the establishment meme. The real things are happening behind the scenes and we won't know much about it till much later.
  2. It's just a slogan. 'Low energy Bush' etc...
  3. You're powers of analysis are so poor. /MSM
  4. They said he wouldn't get the nomination, that he wouldn't be president blah blah....
  5. The last 10 pages shows how played you are. They are just continuing with the outsider narrative. Everyone is against us etc.... Every night they do AB testing to see what is flying and what isn't working. They have analyzed the media war thing as a win.
  6. He has a whole team behind him. He on purpose doesn't use prompter stands and looks down at bits of paper it's to make him look genuine.
  7. He's been playin you lot like violins man.
  8. He lacks competence in key areas and they will keep the attention away from these until they work out what to do.
  9. Because it makes him look like an outsider under fire. It's what won him the election. The whole media war is a win for them. He is continually combative and encouraging it.
  10. That's all pretend. When he goes back to his Palace he chortles to himself how easy it all is. The Wall, Mexico, gold curtains, immigration bans...These are all distractions.
  11. It's an old trick pretending to be worried about what is actually the slightest danger. Bush and Reagan were the same. It's an area he's comfortable with hence he continues drawing attention to it. They've analyzed the press thing as a win. All the hue and cry makes it look like he's doing something. More gold curtains.
  12. He's just havin a laugh he doesn't give a shit about the press. /Young Pope
  13. Too concerned with feng shui and not enough gun.
  14. It's a farce that although he's adapted that Sanchez is having to play out of position and Giroud is the only out and out striker. Wellbeck isn't top class and in no way could have been bought as a player who can make a difference in the big games. RM let Ozil go because basically he's quite lazy and doesn't always turn up either.
  15. He rarely buys the finished article. I can only think of Sanchez in the outfield who is a Tier One player. Ozil his whole career has drifted in and out of games and there is also a question about his stamina. Lot of kids or players who haven't matured in that side. The way Munchen are you can't really play a loose 433 at their place.
  16. ''I don't deserves this blahd''...
  17. Wipe them out...All of them.
  18. True. The Flynn thing is a proper deep state move. Taking out a trusted lieutenant big time! Must be weird being the president and knowing the whole state security apparatus is against you....
  19. Soft coup against Trump has begun.
  20. What does he mean by Liberals?
  21. That's a weird claim he made. I don't see the point of it or how he imagined it benefited him.
  22. Wow didn't know that. Thought it was a massive flop.
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