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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Aww diddums. Let me assure you we do try terribly hard not to "bother" anyone with our god-/Allah-given orientation and all that jazz. I realise it's rather audacious to ask for such fripperies as equal treatment in the eyes of the law and, in particular, the right to be able to sit by our partners' death bed rather than being turned away at the hospital door - but hey, it's only the 21st century and we wouldn't want to risk making people uncomfortable or anything. Anyway, for all I may retain a naive belief (well, knowledge, but let's not be too radical here) that certain kids who've been shunted around from foster home to foster home can actually find a more stable environment living with a couple who've been together for decades and who know a thing or two about being an outcast from society, you'll no doubt be pleased to hear that my fella doesn't have much time for kids in the first place, so we're unlikely to ever adopt anything more challenging than a kitten or a puppy. Just promise you won't report us as sex criminals when we have them neutered. You'd make a good dad Meenz.
  2. I've had that texted twice. The top and bottom of it is you can't trust these third world mugs, especially the most wank of the third world nations where they have a monkey holding a pineapple on their flag. No World Cup should be in Africa or Asia, if it was up to me every world cup would be in Northern Europe it's the only chance on minimalising the terrorist threat. All you need to know about the place surely?
  3. Need doing. Can't be arsed.
  4. Youre a hard man to please Parky lad. Everyone I know whos seen Law Abiding Citizen have given it 8.5+ man! Me actually watching a film is praise enough.
  5. Harry Brown 6.9 - 10 In the air (the new clooney) 7.1 Law Abiding citizen 6.5 Avatar 7.0 Invictus 7.2 (strong central performance from old watery brown eyes).
  6. Hunt every last fucking mother of them down.
  7. I expected more from you on this. One or two of his things are said to have 'worked'. Not a Crowlyite, in the other camp, so disdain is all you'll get out of me on this subject as well as my musings on Blavatsky for whom I also have disdain...Althogh she was good at converting some of the Egyptian numbers and sysmbols for power. So it WAS you in that pub in Islington a couple of years back sitting with an old biddy who was gibbering on "...and I tell you, my dear, that when they demolished his house they found a scroll, hidden in the chimney stack, which was in the language of the Ancients......"
  8. The mad love the snow. Unreality comes best in white.
  9. I expected more from you on this. One or two of his things are said to have 'worked'. Not a Crowlyite, in the other camp, so disdain is all you'll get out of me on this subject as well as my musings on Blavatsky for whom I also have disdain...Althogh she was good at converting some of the Egyptian numbers and sysmbols for power.
  10. Park Life


    That finale has taken Dex to another level. Spot on......Was getting worried the show was going a bit 'soft'.
  11. That's what I usually pay my victims to keep schtum.
  12. The planet is out of balance, but it has very little to do with Co2.
  13. Park Life


    Pizza and pasta isn't really cooking - all piss easy.
  14. Always wondered what happenned to the pink pound...This thread explains a lot.
  15. You boys are clueless. Crowley was no more than a freakshow for London 'types'.
  16. Milk to supermarkets is delivered on bulk by big trucks so when it snows..... And they're taking your fucking eyes out. £1.60 for four pints at most supermarkets, 70p at the ethnics on Shields rd, something wrong somewhere. The chains are evil basically.
  17. Nothing to do with the cold snap at all. This happens quite often regardless of the weather. If you get there after 8, no veg, bread, potatoes, eggs etc....I will make sure not to go so late again. It saves throwing more stuff away.
  18. The clock will start to unravel next year.....Those in the north will march south. The initiate knows his place. The black eye will speak.
  19. Because supermarket waste is an issue?
  20. Park Life


    That Lasagne looks like quite a lot fannying around. Just use mince and a tine of toms ffs!! Roasted Vegetables Lasagne!!!! Tastes like shit I bet.
  21. Milk to supermarkets is delivered on bulk by big trucks so when it snows.....
  22. I wonder where you got that idea from.... Btw get yersel this oldskool album "Urban Gamelan" by 23 skidoo.
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