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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I really wonder how we're top sometimes.
  2. Outplayed nearly all match.
  3. When loads of them run forward there is acres of space behind. Trust me I'm a vet.
  4. FYP And just like the Lord, people think it is better to err on the side of caution and believe in global warming / God as they are all protagonists of Regret Theory. In fact, the 'just in case' camp are remarkably similar in both contexts. As with all belief systems where the facts are disputed. On this topic I notice the word hypnosis continues with changes in the popular lexicon to do with global warming - climate change...Sceptic - denier.
  5. What has science solved? The planet is overpopulated and we're running out of food and water and oil.....Yet we stil don't have those levitating cars like in the Jetsons.
  6. Fish finger sandwich with salad cream.
  7. It's all unravelling. Punkawallah claims monkeys type the Bahgwad Gita.
  8. Pretty average deal. Might have been better to wait till we were up and things looked a bit more jazzed up.
  9. of course they are there to defend your way of life, the interests of the UK and its shores. What else do you think they are there to do ? I would not go and live in a country and bomb or demonstrate against their way of life, forces, laws and traditions. End of story. Their "tactics" as you put it, are cowardly and beneath contempt. Who's done that? The London Bombers were born in Leeds and Bradford. bet the parents wern't tho.............. No, but their parents didn't radiicalise them. That was Abdullah el-Faisal....but he was born Trevor William Forest who had evangelical Christian parents and was part of the salvation army until he was 16. These christian churches shouldn't be allowed should they? so he was born to good god fearing parents and the evil, wicked religion which deifies a medievel paedophile warlord corrupted him into becoming a monster? you'll not win many arguments with reasoning like that my friend!! All that handling snakes lark does their heads in apparently. That and the starched white cotton panties.
  10. There is still a lot of debate about who actually planned and executed 7/7.
  11. DFuck upou and ypour stupid fucking band.
  12. I would also argue that generally speaking it is good for kids to get a few infections. It's how the immune sys learns and gets stronger. Also don't feed your children any processed food if at all possible and avoid hi additive snacks.
  13. Don't do it. Less jabs the better. About 70/80% of jabs give you no or very limited protection anyway as the swine has so many strains and changes all the time. I wouldn't consider jabs for under 10's on any account unless it was life of death scenario, the child immune system is still developing and not a good place to start throwing in various curve balls. Parky Jnr has had the minimum jabs.
  14. Resonator Silence Mountain Grey
  15. Well at least there'll be plenty of skulls to go round next all nighter.
  16. Probably did the earthquake innit. [9/11]
  17. Parachute payment is over 2 years and some of the players we've shifted we still owe money on (Martins 5m for instance). This stuff is completely innacurate. The payments for Given and Milner for instance are over 3 years etc.... The biggest savings we've made are getting rid of Owen and Fatuka.
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