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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Almost every word of that post is complete unmitigated bollocks in your "opinion" No. In fact. If the majority of the 1.5 billion muslims on the planet weren't peaceful we'd have lost this "war" a LONG time ago. 4 of them have managed an attack on the UK. Still a matter for debate in some quarters.
  2. So you think 1m+ protestors were all Iraqis? Tony Benn is an Iraqi? haha, Tony Benn supported Soviet Russia too No he didn't. oh yes he did Rubbish. Show me.
  3. Nothing like a bit of alu to panic the immune response.
  4. So you think 1m+ protestors were all Iraqis? Tony Benn is an Iraqi? haha, Tony Benn supported Soviet Russia too No he didn't.
  5. America and Israel are the problems here. Sheeeeesh!
  6. What like me and you? In 20 years time you are going to thank me, spending resources on healthcare will be an issue until humans die out or leave the planet. Tbf to Parky there is some consideration required on the risk-benefits of the vaccine which as was noted by the Doctor probably depends on your likely exposure. If your exposure is above average then your risk-benefit says get vaccinated. Only kidding, i'm enjoying it and it will be useful. It is added work and stress though - particularly the 3 hour written exams I have to do for the first time in over a decade.... Re: vaccination, there may be a risk-benefit involved, but I think it's almost always skewed towards the benefit side of things. And then there's the social responsibility of trying to achieve herd immunity. I've recently written quite a few guidelines on the diseases that the childhood immunization programme protects against. Far from being the benign conditions many people imagine, a lot of these (measles for instance) can have truly horrific complications. I can understand a parent's fear of actively damaging their child through vaccination, but on the flip side, how would you feel if you passively let your child die from meningitis C? Of course. Its the uncertainty i guess for a lot of parents. When they ask, what are the long-term risks? the answer involves clinical experience from the previous mass vaccinations, limited experience from trials, the basic science around the type of adjuvants and kinetic modelling. If you are massively risk-averse* then there is not that much categorical evidence to re-assure you. Hence it rears its head on here. *Kahneman & Tversky. I'm risk-averse.
  7. I am not suggesting anything. I started off by saying those who abuse and demonstrate against British troops on British soil ought to be chucked out of the country or banged up until they agree to leave. I also said if their sympathies lie with the other country in question, then they should fuck off and fight for them, openly, in uniform unlike the cowardly fucks that they are supporting. There is nothing wrong with that, it is spot on in my view. To date, nobody, including you, has gave me any reason to say differently nor have you gave any reason why they should not do this because they certainly don't belong on the streets of the UK Britain has a long history of demonstrating against war. One million against the Iraq war iirc. Are they all going to be sent back? point being Parky, there was nothing to stop Iraqis going back to Iraq and fighting our troops if they felt they didn't want to support their actions ? That protest in Wooton Basset or wherever was thoroughly abhorent in its timing and pure publicity seeking I wouldn'd disagree on that at all...But I think in your anger you're trying to reletavise bigger issues. For one think the prosperity of the West in the next decade will hinge on us making peace with radical Islam and it will happen.
  8. I am not suggesting anything. I started off by saying those who abuse and demonstrate against British troops on British soil ought to be chucked out of the country or banged up until they agree to leave. I also said if their sympathies lie with the other country in question, then they should fuck off and fight for them, openly, in uniform unlike the cowardly fucks that they are supporting. There is nothing wrong with that, it is spot on in my view. To date, nobody, including you, has gave me any reason to say differently nor have you gave any reason why they should not do this because they certainly don't belong on the streets of the UK Britain has a long history of demonstrating against war. One million against the Iraq war iirc. Are they all going to be sent back?
  9. Islamic fundametalism is, on the whole, horrible though. No one on here ever supports it, do they? It's not even being discussed really though, is it? I'm completely behind the Palestinians on here, I don't think it really bothers anybody.
  10. I'd rather you gave your opinions frankly. I certainly do on here on all matters and have had no bother. Life's too short Steven.
  11. Nothing a nice mint tea can't sort.
  12. I SAID EARLIER THE RISKS WERE SMALL NOW FUCK OFF Aye, that bit wasn't bollocks though I don't talk bollocks when it comes to parents and their children. I have a clear conscience to every post in this thread I've made.
  13. Well don't ask for it then. If someone bases their personal health care decisions on the opinions of a 'message board loon' they deserve the Darwin award anyway. Quite. In other news parents discuss their worries and experiences and get stoned for it.
  14. ...and Chez will tell you Tamiflu more or less useless.
  15. Well don't ask for it then.
  17. Might be important to get the Muslims onside. Just a thought.
  18. That'll be the tabs Same here. The body is too busy staying alive than worrying about immune responses to colds and whatnot.
  19. From that: Why are healthy people over 65 and children not a priority for the swine flu vaccine? "Healthy people aged over 65 appear to have some natural immunity to the swine flu virus. And while children are disproportionately affected by swine flu, the vast majority make a full recovery - therefore the experts do not advise that children (other than those in at-risk groups) should be vaccinated initially." Actully people over 40 have a tiny risk from swine flu as over the years their bodies have developed partial immunity.
  20. I'm getting upset cause my wounds from vaccination all night argument are still fresh.
  21. You always say that in every thread. I'm discussing it here with a few people because I've got a child and have been through these issues. The knowledge base about vaccinations now is in the public domain like never before so it is discussed more. Unfortunately NOBODY can give the correct ans regarding a bad vaccine episode...Which can devestate a child and family for life. You always spout baseless bollocks in every thread though. I'm just providing a balance. There is a genuine concern about vaccinations for children, there is nothing baseless about that. Most aspirin brands state death as a possible side effect. Good for staving off heart attacks though.
  22. You always say that in every thread. I'm discussing it here with a few people because I've got a child and have been through these issues. The knowledge base about vaccinations now is in the public domain like never before so it is discussed more. Unfortunately NOBODY can give the correct ans regarding a bad vaccine episode...Which can devestate a child and family for life. You always spout baseless bollocks in every thread though. I'm just providing a balance. There is a genuine concern about vaccinations for children, there is nothing baseless about that. I'm not saying there isn't but you're very anti-science and I'd hate someone clueless to influence someone else on such an important matter. Having a kid doesn't make you an expert btw. I'm not influencing anybody, as I said earlier the risks of something going wrong are low. Keep up.
  23. You always say that in every thread. I'm discussing it here with a few people because I've got a child and have been through these issues. The knowledge base about vaccinations now is in the public domain like never before so it is discussed more. Unfortunately NOBODY can give the correct ans regarding a bad vaccine episode...Which can devestate a child and family for life. You always spout baseless bollocks in every thread though. I'm just providing a balance. There is a genuine concern about vaccinations for children, there is nothing baseless about that.
  24. In fairness like, I've just assumed they were his kids. Need to check the missing list tbf. A lot of GP's who use patient mangement techniques will say they've had the vaccine or their children have etc...Thought everyone knew this. Yours might have kids I wouldn't know. I read something somewhere that the GP's were the least vaccinated group.
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