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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Camping for the weekend. Take drugs.
  2. I don't have a fear of flying, but I can hear the change of the pitch of the engines.
  3. We line up with the black hole at the center of our galaxy at the end of 2012. The planet will be hit by some kind of radiation/electromagnetic sea at that point which wipes away our own magnetic field which protects us from our sun. I think them cowies were even better than what I had. NJS Stephen Hawking said that. The only way we can move on is if 80% of the population of the world die, and we start being more sensible. It will happen. It's some kind of solar wind that hits us every 48,000 years. All electrical and electomagnetic things will be fucked for ever. Any digital data will be wiped etc...Mob phones, planes, cars with computers, pacemakers, computer controlled machines of any kind will be fuked. If you want to save your laptop you'll have to bury it in a lead box. They've already got technology which protects electrical equipment from a hypothetical electromagnetic pulse, which the Russians would use in a nuclear war. What they'd do is detonate a nuke 100 miles above a country, basically frying every electrical circuit, but they've been able to counter that and some electrical equipment is protected, so it would be from that too. At least there'd be a boom in the electrical trade if I'm wrong. The solar radiation coming at us without our electormagnetic (van allen belt) will fry anything walking....There is no protection against that, that I know of unless everyone will be given a space suit or summat. Tiny amount of this radiation gives you fast breeding cancer. Well how come humans survived 48,000 years ago? That's classified.
  4. We line up with the black hole at the center of our galaxy at the end of 2012. The planet will be hit by some kind of radiation/electromagnetic sea at that point which wipes away our own magnetic field which protects us from our sun. I think them cowies were even better than what I had. NJS Stephen Hawking said that. The only way we can move on is if 80% of the population of the world die, and we start being more sensible. It will happen. It's some kind of solar wind that hits us every 48,000 years. All electrical and electomagnetic things will be fucked for ever. Any digital data will be wiped etc...Mob phones, planes, cars with computers, pacemakers, computer controlled machines of any kind will be fuked. If you want to save your laptop you'll have to bury it in a lead box. They've already got technology which protects electrical equipment from a hypothetical electromagnetic pulse, which the Russians would use in a nuclear war. What they'd do is detonate a nuke 100 miles above a country, basically frying every electrical circuit, but they've been able to counter that and some electrical equipment is protected, so it would be from that too. At least there'd be a boom in the electrical trade if I'm wrong. The solar radiation coming at us without our electormagnetic (van allen belt) will fry anything walking....There is no protection against that, that I know of unless everyone will be given a space suit or summat. Tiny amount of this radiation gives you fast breeding cancer.
  5. Small cities is a more apt description. America has about 30 odd of these. The greys have been helping breed a new kind of human that can live underground and needs little food and water. The metal core of our planet will make a new field but nobody knows how long that takes.
  6. We line up with the black hole at the center of our galaxy at the end of 2012. The planet will be hit by some kind of radiation/electromagnetic sea at that point which wipes away our own magnetic field which protects us from our sun. I think them cowies were even better than what I had. NJS Stephen Hawking said that. The only way we can move on is if 80% of the population of the world die, and we start being more sensible. It will happen. It's some kind of solar wind that hits us every 48,000 years. All electrical and electomagnetic things will be fucked for ever. Any digital data will be wiped etc...Mob phones, planes, cars with computers, pacemakers, computer controlled machines of any kind will be fuked. If you want to save your laptop you'll have to bury it in a lead box.
  7. Hedge funds and investment banks caused the last crisis. Lending banks can be left alone I'd imagine.
  8. There are already underground cities.
  9. We line up with the black hole at the center of our galaxy at the end of 2012. The planet will be hit by some kind of radiation/electromagnetic sea at that point which wipes away our own magnetic field which protects us from our sun.
  10. This is the team that did Sexy beast iirc. Generally the more producer involvement there is the more diluted things get. Intrinsically what is wrong with 44 is that the one plot line (his wife leaves him and they capture the bloke) isn't enough to carry the whole film. I would have had a sub-plot where perhaps one of the gang is also having a bit on the side with one of the wives/girlfriends of another member. Or the fallout from the relationship jeapordises some kind of crime they are planning. The audience need more than one train to get on imo.
  11. It always suprises me how so many potentially very good films are let down by a key ingredient being fucked up. Often it is the editing which fucks up the directors story to fit a time slot. It's amazing how many times I've watched a film and thought that it had all the right ingredients but just didn't work. This one time (at band camp) when I used to make commercials they brought this luvvy coronation street director in to "direct". Didn't have a fucking clue and had to relieve him of his duties a quarter of a way through a two day shoot! The biggest problem was that the storyline needed a sub-plot.
  12. 44inch chest. Yes very Pinteresque, excellent central performances. Not quite put together right. 6.2
  13. Old skool hacker. Did it all with dial up and was looking at pc's inside nasa.
  14. When will you get it that Britain is the place is it now precisely because immigrants over 3000 years have "imposed" their culture on the rest. How do you define a native? What is your baseline period of time for the changes you despise? 43AD? 1066? 1704? 1948? 1999? What is the "basic" culture that is so great it can't handle a little dissent? This multi cultural society will not work mate, it is already causing deep divisions in the country due to foreigners expecting us to adapt to them instead of the other [correct] way round, the population is continuing to grow, can you not also see the economic danger to the future ? it has and it does. .....Oh Canada, our true home strong and free..... Can't wait for America to invade you lot.... And they will. You have too much water and even oil they say. don't I know it.....manifest destiny and all that You need to get some nukes and fast.
  15. When will you get it that Britain is the place is it now precisely because immigrants over 3000 years have "imposed" their culture on the rest. How do you define a native? What is your baseline period of time for the changes you despise? 43AD? 1066? 1704? 1948? 1999? What is the "basic" culture that is so great it can't handle a little dissent? This multi cultural society will not work mate, it is already causing deep divisions in the country due to foreigners expecting us to adapt to them instead of the other [correct] way round, the population is continuing to grow, can you not also see the economic danger to the future ? it has and it does. .....Oh Canada, our true home strong and free..... Can't wait for America to invade you lot.... And they will. You have too much water and even oil they say.
  16. LM, The erasing of identity of resistant populations is a little more complex than you perhaps realise. But even I don't know who's side who is on. [/icke]
  17. I wouldn't advise nuking Israel like, they'd be compelled to nuke us back. and they've probably got more bombs these days ...and their subs are German made. Gauleiter you never answered the point that you highlighted their religion and not their politics H Goering I'm waiting for the N.Y. Jews to go first. When THEY start criticising Israel I'll stop. yours sincerely, Jawalal Neheru.
  18. Hindu/Sikh integration as against Muslim integration in say Birmingham (where I lived for a spell) is a case in point. These would be the same Sikhs that cause a street riot outside a Birmingham theater because it was playing something they didn't like? Cracking example of harmonious integration that. Isolated incident tbf. The Sikhs have a long and harmounious record in the area apart from the fact that to a man they support Villa. I agree that muslims have specific problems regarding integration. But also it is true that it can occur with any faith group. Which is one reason why I am such a staunch defender of secularism and believe France are right to make a stand against extreme religions that result in the wearing of the burqa. I think in the final analysis France is correct.
  19. Hindu/Sikh integration as against Muslim integration in say Birmingham (where I lived for a spell) is a case in point. These would be the same Sikhs that cause a street riot outside a Birmingham theater because it was playing something they didn't like? Cracking example of harmonious integration that. Isolated incident tbf. The Sikhs have a long and harmounious record in the area apart from the fact that to a man they support Villa.
  20. Probably because they continue to do it with flagrant disregard for the rest of humanity and seem to meet little formal recourse in the process. Just imagine if Iran was doing the same thing......American planes would have taken to the skies long ago.
  21. Hindu/Sikh integration as against Muslim integration in say Birmingham (where I lived for a spell) is a case in point.
  22. Tell me why I have to be "oh so careful" when discussing the dead sea wallahs? Not saying you do, but if you're prejudice against Jews rather than just dismayed by the actions of Israeli Jews it's lacking in balance and devalues any valid points you might make on that subject. Just like my prejudice against fatties makes my view carry less weight.* *B'dum dum tsssh I get that and I agree with you and Alex actually sometimes my anger and irritation comes close to the edge, I'm well aware of that....But tell me everytime I hightlight some new wrong doing do you really want to know if the Jews are from New York (the new settlers in Jerusalem who are buying out Palestinian families) or whether the Jews are from Washington or Tel Aviv and the specifity of their variation of the Talmud etc....Course you don't its a football board and sometimes I just use blanket terms...I don't want to have to use safety winks and make sure I balance all post regarding Israel - Jews etc Cause if I do ON HERE it only shows their power, that their hegemony has filtered down even to a toon board. Get me?
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