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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Forest have offerred 1.5m btw
  2. Wow- congrats man! Is it your first? Cheers, yeah its the first one, not quite shitting myself yet but am getting there. Well done Adam. You'll make a great dad.
  3. I thought you WERE the Intellectual Elite???? (well the closest thing to it on this Board anyway...............) ;) The leaders of the Russian revolution were all intellectuals. yeah, and that worked out REALLY well, didnt it? (the squiggle formerly know as sarcmark) What?
  4. yes they are white, but why draw attention to the colour? If I was to draw attention to a group of peoples colour when reporting, say a crime, i would be called racist. why not just call it 'Angry Men'? Voters are classified all over the shop. The black vote for Obama has been analysed at length. And it's widely discussed that crime rates are higher among black men. No-one gets angry. It's only racist if you're denigrating people with falsehoods and ignorance. Facts are just that. The fact you see being classified as a BNP voter as a form of denigration is telling. The BNP are probably state sponsored to muddy the waters. [/Ridiculousconspiracythaturnsouttrueadecadelater].
  5. Is this the same Chavez that got a standing ovation at the UN?
  6. Most of the best people in the world today are mixed race. Now fuck off.
  7. Don't stay neat the train station. Don't eat near the station or exchange money anywhere near the station either. Stay away from the station.
  8. I thought you WERE the Intellectual Elite???? (well the closest thing to it on this Board anyway...............) ;) The leaders of the Russian revolution were all intellectuals.
  9. If we are moving into the pattern then there will be another major earthquake this year...:Probs Hawaii area or Japan. Hope not obviously. Wow! Mystic Meg!!!!!!!! There are over 2000 Richter 5 earthquakes a year Parky and thousands of smaller ones - luckily few of them occur near large cities And? and trying to hype your point with "there will be another major earthquake this year" is like saying " the sun will come up tomorrow" its true but what does it have to with the "Pattern"??? "They" say IF there is another MAJOR eathquake this year. The pattern is part of the full field theory. "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to the dark side young my Jedi friend."
  10. Don't stay neat the train station.
  11. Guthrie should have gone to Rb with Rightledge coming on. Hughton is clueless.
  12. "MI6, it transpires, learned of Saddam’s 45-minute capability from – get this – a taxi driver who had two Iraqi military officials in the back of his cab once. Or to more exact, the intelligence came from a bloke who heard it from a taxi driver who had overhead two other blokes some time ago." ;)
  13. T. Blair up Friday 9.30. Quite the spectacle.
  14. Been listening to it. Amazing how demure he seems now. Seems cool as a cucumber and certain of the legality. Still hasn't said what caused him to change his mind on the legality after months of saying it wasn't legal like. It's accepted he was leant on massively.
  15. this and if you are a good judge of a footballer like me it helps too. Stevie in the next post has a corker idea too, covering NUFC like John Gibson and getting presumably well paid for it too. Gibson will be on good wedge, as he's been there an eternity and comes from an age when journalists pay was not a joke. Anybody starting up in journalism should expect to struggle to make ends meet. The above is why I no longer have my dream job. Which opens up the debate, can it be a dream job if you are struggling to pay the bills? I think there is an inherant pleasure in running your own business that compensates for haphazard renumaration. When I worked for a company I made twice as much money but had little time to myself and found the whole experience much less rewarding.
  16. What kind of profit streams are we looking at with this?
  17. Been listening to it. Amazing how demure he seems now.
  18. Also we misread what liberal left really means in the States. All three of us for instance would be regarded as wide left by an American.
  19. Obama wasn't exactly leaning on any democrats to vote along party lines....lines that he dictates. This presidential order lark does it carry any weight?
  20. Thats what they call me I come up with some cracking ideas / business plans but am shite at turning them into reality! Thats the problem when your "creative". (special) Tell us one of your business ideas. Selling mobility aids such as scooters. Massive and growing market, old people living longer and demanding to stay as independant as possible. Currently have a spare bedroom full of scooters but cant be arsed to "get on with it". Also researched several franchises such as cash generator and then put off going ahead with it and watch some other fucker open it instead. Typical creative tbf You need a shop for that I guess? You'd have to sell a fair few mind. What is a cash generator?
  21. Looks more like a continuous party. I like.
  22. US Investor Warren Buffett Warren Buffett will not get a vote on the deal between Kraft and Cadbury - but said he would vote against it if he did. Photograph: Andrea Comas /Reuters Warren Buffett has blasted the controversial takeover of Cadbury by Kraft, and revealed that he would block the deal if he could. The veteran investor, whose Berkshire Hathaway group owns 9.4% of Kraft, claimed the US food group has blundered in its pursuit of the British chocolate producer. Appearing on CNBC, Buffett said he "felt poor" following Cadbury's decision to accept Kraft's £11.9bn cash-and-share deal. "If I had a chance to vote on it, I'd vote no, but I don't get a vote," said Buffett, who added that he "has a lot of doubts" about the takeover. Kraft has agreed to pay 500p in cash plus 0.1874 of new Kraft shares for each Cadbury share. Because the share component is less than 20% of Kraft's existing share capital, a shareholder vote is not required. Buffett is particularly displeased that Kraft is paying partly in new shares because he feels they are undervalued – a point he first made publicly to Kraft chief executive Irene Rosenfeld earlier this month. "I like Irene. She's done a good job in operations … she could be a trustee in my will. I just don't want her to do this deal," said the 79-year-old. Buffett is also unimpressed that Kraft sold its pizza business to Nestlé to raise cash for the Cadbury bid. He said this was done in an "enormously tax-inefficient way" that cut the underlying value of the deal from $3.7bn (£2.3bn) to $2.5bn. Shares in Kraft fell 2.2% in pre-market trading on Wall Street after Buffett made his remarks, eroding both the value of Kraft's bid for Cadbury and his own stake in the company.
  23. Scientist have been wrong about almost everything since day one. Aye, we know. That rocket never got anyone to the moon. It was a Roger Corman production. The rocket was built by Germans during wartime. Litte to do with science more to do with survival. No it wasn't. It was built by German rocket scientists after the war. It took them a long time to perfect it and it was borne out of the Cold War Space Race. Whatever, just a big firework innit.
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