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Everything posted by Park Life
*MEEEEEEP* *MEEEEEEEP* Endgame. You mentioned being brainwashed by books and similar left-wing propaganda. These people have life experience (though they won't tell us what). Please leave the thread.
do they demonstrate on the streets of Spain against the showing of the spanish flag, heckle Spanish troops when they return from a tour of duty, shout for the death of Spanish people and bomb shopping centres because they don't get their own way They can't cause they're not Spanish. so by that logic, people from another country who move here arent British? yet they still can protest? bit confused by that statement Parky Correct me if I'm wrong but nearly all expats still hold UK passports, whereas most Muslim protestors etc are British by birth. I see you and LM have deftly avoided the questions about the NHS and the various epochs of caring capitalism with regard to employment and labour. The pair of you need to read at least one book between you.
do they demonstrate on the streets of Spain against the showing of the spanish flag, heckle Spanish troops when they return from a tour of duty, shout for the death of Spanish people and bomb shopping centres because they don't get their own way They can't cause they're not Spanish.
I'm not attempting to stop you, I said there are lazy Brits because there are. I said that those who are shown to not want to work should have benefits cut/stopped or restricted to a maximum amount so it doesn't pay them to choose not to work. Muslims attempting to force their culture on us can fuck off. Foreigners out to milk the benefit system and are not prepared to learn English can fuck off. You can't defend these people being allowed to live in this country, which is what some of you are trying to do. And we should put our house in order and realise the dangers of overpopulating the country, especially where there is already not enough money for education, the Health Service, defence etc etc... How is the NHS gong to work? do you advocate private health care for all regardless of if you can afford it or not ? I refer you once again to my question.
hmmmmmmmmmmm, again, close but no cigar. whilst i will fully admit there are lazy bastards in this country i dont think its endemic of the population as a whole. I think im right in saying that there was virtually no unemployment in this country before the first mass wave of immigrants arrived in the late 60's. now there is mass unemployment. do the math man! and also, the socialist powers that be effectively pay a lot of claimants to stay on the dole. whereby taking a job would mean a drop in income. the system is properly fucked up. step 1 - create unemployment step 2 - fill gaps in market with imported labour step 3 - keep an underclass who can be relied upon to vote whomever pays the most dole every time repeat ad infin... in essence, i dont think its as cut and dried as you are trying to make it Fish Capitalism was in boom in the 60's. what about the 50's. dont think there was much unemployment then either. point being the unemployment level started to rise in the early 70's We had hostage economies in Asia and Africa and China hadn't started to make everything.
Yeah vote for a party who represent big business because they just hate the cheap labour that immigration brings. Do you seriously suggest repatriation of all immigrants who don't meet your approval mark? The thing is immigration is a red herring perpetuated by the media who are in the pay of big business and the ruling elite. You see LM's hesitation in having a pop at the Govt. It doesn't compute. It's like those in the US who go on about closing the Mexican border...Well LA would come to a standstill without illegal workers. oh I'll have a pop at the govt alright but at the end of the day, even if they thought it was best for the country, the people of the country ie particularly the do gooders, would not vote them in or allow them to enforce strict immigration levels. Whatever argument you can put forward, fact is the population is growing and taking aside all the cultural changes which are being allowed to happen the economic dangers are also obvious. So why is ovt hell bent on this policy? because they were idealistic do gooders when they were younger and don't know what they are doing ? Do they show this behaviour toward any other issue?
I'm not attempting to stop you, I said there are lazy Brits because there are. I said that those who are shown to not want to work should have benefits cut/stopped or restricted to a maximum amount so it doesn't pay them to choose not to work. Muslims attempting to force their culture on us can fuck off. Foreigners out to milk the benefit system and are not prepared to learn English can fuck off. You can't defend these people being allowed to live in this country, which is what some of you are trying to do. And we should put our house in order and realise the dangers of overpopulating the country, especially where there is already not enough money for education, the Health Service, defence etc etc... How is the NHS gong to work?
hmmmmmmmmmmm, again, close but no cigar. whilst i will fully admit there are lazy bastards in this country i dont think its endemic of the population as a whole. I think im right in saying that there was virtually no unemployment in this country before the first mass wave of immigrants arrived in the late 60's. now there is mass unemployment. do the math man! and also, the socialist powers that be effectively pay a lot of claimants to stay on the dole. whereby taking a job would mean a drop in income. the system is properly fucked up. step 1 - create unemployment step 2 - fill gaps in market with imported labour step 3 - keep an underclass who can be relied upon to vote whomever pays the most dole every time repeat ad infin... in essence, i dont think its as cut and dried as you are trying to make it Fish Capitalism was in boom in the 60's.
Yeah vote for a party who represent big business because they just hate the cheap labour that immigration brings. Do you seriously suggest repatriation of all immigrants who don't meet your approval mark? The thing is immigration is a red herring perpetuated by the media who are in the pay of big business and the ruling elite. You see LM's hesitation in having a pop at the Govt. It doesn't compute. It's like those in the US who go on about closing the Mexican border...Well LA would come to a standstill without illegal workers. oh I'll have a pop at the govt alright but at the end of the day, even if they thought it was best for the country, the people of the country ie particularly the do gooders, would not vote them in or allow them to enforce strict immigration levels. Whatever argument you can put forward, fact is the population is growing and taking aside all the cultural changes which are being allowed to happen the economic dangers are also obvious. So why is ovt hell bent on this policy?
Good post, I learnt someting there. I would also argue climate change modelling is not only politically driven (green taxes etc/ replacement boom ((cars, boilers, ind equip)), but also it is clear a boon to that particular field of science/climatology and itenarant profit avenues. It's not just a simple thing about grants and whatnot, but climate change has become a clarion call around which all manner of vultures have been settling. Soros reckons it might be the replacement for the capitalist engine (America), which is for now unfixable. A belief system that in recent history has built profit from surplus and waste (as givens to limit supply and therefore create profit), climate change the mad ideologies around it must seem like a new playground to make a quick buck. Rarely do Govt hamstring industry with legislation unless there is some bigger bonus in the wings.
ridiculous generalisation. There are lazy bastards and people who want to work hard on both sides of this particular coin. The key is that those who haven't paid into the system ought not to get as much as they do, if anything, especially if they don't want to work. There is a minimum wage, I think there should be a maximum benefit entltlement too. And as Stevie says which I have also said myself, if people want to live and work here then do it and live the English life and learn to speak English or fuck off if they want to live with different customs and cultures. wouldn't want to start with those now would we............ If LM and Stevie agree to give up their curries I'm willing to listen.
a) It's not from BL he's dead. And It's bollocks.
Yeah vote for a party who represent big business because they just hate the cheap labour that immigration brings. Do you seriously suggest repatriation of all immigrants who don't meet your approval mark? The thing is immigration is a red herring perpetuated by the media who are in the pay of big business and the ruling elite. You see LM's hesitation in having a pop at the Govt. It doesn't compute. It's like those in the US who go on about closing the Mexican border...Well LA would come to a standstill without illegal workers.
Top climate change adviser calls for honesty from scientists in global warming debate John Beddington Professor John Beddington: Scientists should be more open about uncertainty Scientists must be more 'honest and open' about the uncertainties of global warming, the Government's chief scientific adviser declared yesterday. Professor John Beddington said climate researchers should be less hostile to sceptics who question their predictions. But he added that the underlying physics of climate change - that carbon dioxide released by burning fossil fuels warms the planet - was 'unchallengeable'. Professor Beddington's comments follow a series of blunders by climate scientists. Last week, the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was forced to apologise after wrongly claiming most of the Himalayan glaciers would vanish within 25 years. The warning, which appeared in the IPCC's 2007 report, turned out to be taken from a news story from New Scientist magazine in the late 1990s based on an interview with a glacier expert. The expert later admitted his comment was speculation. The same report also exaggerated claims that global warming will increase the number of tropical storms. In November, leaked emails appeared to show scientists at the University of East Anglia manipulating data to strengthen the case for man-made climate change - and debating ways to stop sceptics getting hold of their raw temperature data. Professor Beddington said public confidence in climate science would be boosted by greater honesty about its uncertainties. 'I don't think it's healthy to dismiss proper scepticism,' he said. Climate researchers should be less hostile to sceptics who question their predictions Glaciers: Claims they will melt by 2035 were not backed up, the UN said 'Science grows and improves in the light of criticism. There is a fundamental uncertainty about climate change prediction that can't be changed.' He said that the false claim about glaciers in the IPCC report revealed a wider problem with the way that some evidence was presented. 'Certain unqualified statements have been unfortunate,' he added. 'We have a problem in communicating uncertainty. There's definitely an issue there. If there wasn't, there wouldn't be the level of scepticism. 'All of these predictions have to be caveated by saying, "There's a level of uncertainty about that".' Professor Beddington also said that computer climate modelling resulted in 'quite substantial uncertainties' that should be communicated. 'It's unchallengeable that CO2 traps heat and warms the Earth and that burning fossil fuels shoves billions of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere,' he told the Times. 'But where you can get challenges is on the speed of change. When you get into large-scale climate modelling there are quite substantial uncertainties. 'On the rate of change and the local effects, there are uncertainties both in terms of empirical evidence and the climate models themselves.' The UN is under increasing pressure to reform the IPCC - and include research from sceptical scientists in its reports. Dr Benny Peiser, of the Global Warming Policy Foundation thinktank, said of Professor Beddington's remarks: 'His public rebuke is a highly significant development which we hope will help to restore some much needed balance and realism to the climate debate.' Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12...l#ixzz0e0wGpZDQ Is the tide turning??
There's about 200,000 non Brits in receipt of state benefits in total. 6.7 million foreigners are resident. So under 3% of immigrants are 'benefit scrounges'. The Uk population is over 61 million so about 55 million are British. 6 million of those are on benefits which is 11% If anything immigrants are covering benefits for British residents at a far higher rate than Brits are paying foreigners benefits. source for these figures please cos i cant believe that only 200000 immigrants (legal and illegal) are claiming benefits. maybe 200000 in london perhaps but countrywide? extremely skeptical. 199,667 non-British citizens in receipt of state benefits House of Lords debate The number of people from overseas living in the UK reached a record high of 6.7 million last year BBC The total number of people claiming benefits in the UK has been forecast to rise to more than 6 million when official figures are published later this month, according to the Conservative think-tank Policy Exchange. The latest official figures, published in February, showed that the total was 5.8 million. The Independent hmmmmmm, not quite. firstly these figures are 12 months old. in the meantime weve gone through the worst recession this country has ever had which means they'll have been an awful lot of job losses, hence more on benefits. secondly, it only discribes non british, ie people who dont hold a british passport, not immigrants. thirdly, unless im mistaken, it doesnt take into account the arrivals from the eu? such a defragmented approach to reporting stats is bound to cause confusion. 2 of them are from within the last 5 months. one is 11 months old. If you can get more recent figures. I'll bow down to them. Given that most immigrants are skilled workers allowed in to fill a jobs gap it's unlikely that they've seen more lay-offs than the British population. Those foreigners that have lost work (like the polish losing out on building work) tend to go home, while job-losses for British citizens can only increase the number of British benefit claimants and make my case even more strongly. it still doesnt change the fact that if the immigrants wernt here in the 1st place thered be more jobs for the indiginous peoples of this land. ergo, less british people on benefits. oooh, what a racist comment i hear you all say. i say its not racism but realism and common sense There woudln't be cause for capitalism to remain workable it needs a pool of umenployed (normally around 7-10%).
And so far as the likes of you are concerned, anything deviating from a hard-line approach or with a nod to realism makes you a brainwashed, Guardian-reading "do-gooder" who cleans the toilets of mosques for a living. Which is why neither side will ever agree and this thread and versions of it will keep happening. Again and again and again. Tedious, isn't it? it will end when the muslims are in a position to dictate meenzer.......not for them, this "multicural society" and "tolerance, understanding and adapting" business You and the others won't get it though.... Who's fault is it the Govt or the Muslims?
There's about 200,000 non Brits in receipt of state benefits in total. 6.7 million foreigners are resident. So under 3% of immigrants are 'benefit scrounges'. The Uk population is over 61 million so about 55 million are British. 6 million of those are on benefits which is 11% If anything immigrants are covering benefits for British residents at a far higher rate than Brits are paying foreigners benefits. source for these figures please cos i cant believe that only 200000 immigrants (legal and illegal) are claiming benefits. maybe 200000 in london perhaps but countrywide? extremely skeptical. 199,667 non-British citizens in receipt of state benefits House of Lords debate The number of people from overseas living in the UK reached a record high of 6.7 million last year BBC The total number of people claiming benefits in the UK has been forecast to rise to more than 6 million when official figures are published later this month, according to the Conservative think-tank Policy Exchange. The latest official figures, published in February, showed that the total was 5.8 million. The Independent hmmmmmm, not quite. firstly these figures are 12 months old. in the meantime weve gone through the worst recession this country has ever had which means they'll have been an awful lot of job losses, hence more on benefits. secondly, it only discribes non british, ie people who dont hold a british passport, not immigrants. thirdly, unless im mistaken, it doesnt take into account the arrivals from the eu? such a defragmented approach to reporting stats is bound to cause confusion. The recession has been caused by banking greed. Companies also likes immigration cause it reduces the bargaining power of the natives. A by product is also some erosion of identity around which the hostage population (whitey) can fight back. All good for for banks and international capitalism. Not good for normal working people.
Aren't the Poles the largest group in recent data and didn't most of them work and pay tax contributing to the economy?
Nor do the billions of muslims around the globe support Al Qaeda. They support the cause, 50% in this country understood and supported the July 7 bombings in London. Fuck free speech you support that you are an enemy of the state, and should be removed. Million marched against the Iraq war. It's a complex issue to unpack.
I dont know whether to believe this or not................. certainly answers a lot of questions i guess............. but most conspiracy theories do.................... I'm torn....................
Nor do the billions of muslims around the globe support Al Qaeda. I dont blame them either for supporting al qaeda. however i will strive to make sure that they dont carry the fight to us. Edit: and if that means they cant come here or should be kicked out then so be it They DON'T support them let alone join the fight. i think i may have misunderstood your post Happy. doesnt change my feelings towards those who do support al queerer or whatever its called. you know, like the fucka's who preach outside certain mosques telling all who'll listen that they should kill the 'infidel'. I dont know of any COE vicars or priests or whatever they call themselves nowadays who still preach the whole fire & brimstone version of the bible outside of their places of worship. The nastier ones have been dealt with tho haven't they?
1. We have MI5 (British CIA) posing as Alqueda. "Al-Qaeda cleric exposed as an MI5 double agent", http://www.timesonline.co.uk/printFriendly...1050175,00.html 2. We have Mossad (Israel CIA) posing as ALqueda in Palestine: fakealqaeda.html http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2002/2949idf_qaeda.html http://www.antiwar.com/justin/j120902.html http://www.propagandamatrix.com/palestinia...eda_poseurs.htm http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/Sh...amp;subContrass ID=5&sbSubContrassID=0&listSrc=Y&itemNo=241042 terrorist.html 3. We have USA posing as Alqueda: fakealqaeda.html The FBI lists Gadahn's aliases as Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki, Abu Suhayb, Yihya Majadin Adams, Adam Pearlman, and Yayah. But Adam Pearlmen is his REAL name! Adam is the grandson of the late Carl K. Pearlman; a prominent Jewish urologist in Orange County. Carl was also a member of the board of directors of the Anti-Defamation League, which was caught spying on Americans for Israel in 1993, much as AIPAC has been caught up in the more recent spy scandal. 3. We have israel posing as alqueda in the phillipines. http://www.mb.com.ph/PROV2004061411759.html The two British operatives, arrested by Basra police and later freed by a British military operation, were identified by the BBC as "members of the SAS elite special forces" (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/424614.stm). They were disguised by wigs and Arab dress. Iraqi sources reported that the Iraqi police were watching the two, and when they tried to approach them they shot two policemen and tried to escape the scene. The Iraqi police chased and captured them, to discover large amount of explosives planted in the car, which apparently was planned to be remotely detonated in the busy market of Basra. The SAS involvement in Iraq was discovered on the 30th of January 2005 when an RAF Hercules plane crashed near Baghdad killing then British servicemen after dropping off fifty SAS members north of Baghdad to fight Iraqi guerillas. ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE WATCHING THE RIGHT ENEMY !!!!!!! CIA + Mossad + MI5 = AlQueada The greatest false-flag operations conducting in the history on man !!!! In case you weren't paying attention... * Vinnell bombing leader Khaled Jehani, fought for the CIA in Afghanistan, Bosnia & Chechnya * Members of the Moroccan terror group Salafi Jihadi fought for the CIA in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Dagestan, Bosnia and Kosovo * USS Cole Bomber Jamal al-Badawi fought for the CIA in Bosnia * Zacarias Moussaoui fought for the CIA in Chechnya * Khalid Sheikh Mohammed fought for the CIA in Afghanistan * Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman fought for the CIA in Afghanistan * Head of Egyptian Islamic Jihad Ayman al Zawahiri, fought for the CIA in Bosnia * His brother Ayman al-Zawahiri fought for the CIA in Kosovo * Abdullah Azzam, "one of the ideological founders of Hamas" fought for the CIA in Afghanistan # When Osama Bin Ladin Was Tim Osman # Zbigniew Brzezinski: "Your cause is right, God is on your side." # CIA "Arranged" for Passports for Al Qaeda Terrorists & Brought Them to the USA to Recruit for Jihads # Will the CIA Leave Their Saudi Partners in Crime Holding the Bag? # "The Farce Goes On - The Hunt for Ayman Zawahiri, Mohammad Omar, & Osama # "Moussaoui, Khadr, & Ressam Are "Graduates" of CIA's Khalden Camp for Afghanistan & Balkans "Jihads" # Bin Laden Puppetmasters Smoked Out In Balkans # The CIA arranged for HUM guerrillas to fight in Bosnia & Kosovo # Bin-Ladin and KLA have a 'joint' cash box in the United States # The CIA & Bin Laden worked hand-in-glove in KLA operations # U.S. Protects Al-Qaeda Terrorists in Kosovo # Wolfowitz Meets "in Private" with NLA Terrorist Ali Ahmeti # America used Islamists to arm the Bosnian Muslims # Bosnia, 1 degree of separation from Al-Qaeda # Where was the "Concern" about "al-Qaida Operating in Iran" during the War in Bosnia? # Terror mastermind with taste for high life # US Has Al Qaida Backers List # CIA Told "Malaysian secret police" to "Monitor" Al Qaeda Meeting on Plans to Hit WTC on 9-11-2001 # The CIA's "Operation Cyclone" - Stirring the Hornet's Nest of Islamic Unrest" # The Muslim Brotherhood: The Globalists' Secret Weapon # U.S. Armed, Promoted Accused September 11 Terrorist Mastermind # CIA Bankrolled System of Madrassas & Training Camps to Brainwash "Jihad" Warriors # British Press Gagged on Reporting MI6's £100,000 bin Laden Payoff # Ramzi Yousef was part of a CIA recruitment drive in New York and he did have "ties" to Bin Laden # CIA Recruits Terrorist Agents At Guantanamo # Oregon group thrives despite al Qaeda ties # Sniper link to al Qaeda investigated # Who is behind the "Terrorist Network" in Northern Iraq, Baghdad or Washington? # Did Rambo ever stop loving Osama?
Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication by Mr. Charrington on January 7, 2008 BBC’s killer documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“. Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al-qaeda, a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after. This video documentary is off the hook…
The panel are making the case that even if Saddam had fallen into line with 1441, people like Cheney still wouln't believe it. That saddam actually had little room to manouvere. Blair raises the 'dual use' red herring again. The man is really a disgrace.