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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I think whenever I see Ranger sniffing around he looks more likely to score. The problem is Carroll seems part of the hughton gameplan.
  2. 2/3 games like this and I wonder if he'll get fucked off with it and stop bothring...As you say his movement was excellent. He must be in shock how shit we really are.
  3. Infact he looked scared at the end. Frozen.
  4. 5 min to go and every cunt dwelling on the ball. Pump it fuckers you know you can't do anything else anyway. Dire.
  5. I think in his month here this will be the case for the Dutch lad, he'll offer us a fair bit going forward and because of his pace and the shite opposition in this league he will be able to recover if he slips up now and then. Williamson did plenty in that half in the air and on the ground, shame that he's having to do so much though! Routledge needs to get the ball more, unfortunately he has Butt and Smith in the middle giving him nothing! Thought it was a fair yellow for the 2nd one and the first could easilyl have been red so he can't complain And i think all of us on here would have Guthrie in the middle for Butt and a winger on, but then we'd have all probably started with that anyway! Routledge looks tasty if he can just a proper angled ball to run onto.
  6. Agreed. Guthrie and Smith in the middle and Jonas on the left is part of the cure. Take Nolan off and get Ranger on. Flat 442 with slightly flared wingers.
  7. They're all over us. Ball in our half for the last 10 min. Edit Wellens sent off.
  8. Mirror says we offerred 20k wages.
  9. Blair should have gone down for it.
  10. I think it's a load of rubbish personally. There isn't a tech leap to go with this launch, just a bigger screen...Apple don't normally go sideways but in this instance they have.
  11. Have you ever met a Mexican in your life. If 1m yanks died tomorrow, I would feel no more feeling of sympathy than the 150,000 Haitians who have died in the last fortnight. I feel so sad for them people mass deaths, they didn't deserve what has happened. The world clearly cares but as one editorial put it it's a fight to see who can do the most for show. Fuckin wanks. I can't believe you've put a yank link up. Not one person here will ever meet a Mexican, so why put this pathetic link up? Put something relevant to fuckin English people. I don't understand any of it, through calculated ignorance and dismissiveness of them stupid yank bastards. Shame fuckin Russia never nuked the cunts (if they left us alone) in 1961. I was in a lift with 5 of the Mexican national football team in a hotel in San Francisco on my honeymoon does that count? Actually met loads of Mexicansin Disneyworld California. In fact it's pretty impossible to buy a burger in California without meeting a Mexican. Thought that was gonna be a joke like "I was in a lift with the whole mexican national football team".....
  12. London represents more than any other city in Europe the culture of the world and long may it remain so.
  13. The money recycles into the economy.
  14. hit a nerve did I? haha not in the slightest. You may think you know all about the UK,which you don't, but I can state quite categorically your knowledge of NUFC is zilch in comparison to me.......... full agreement with you there LM, however that is not the topic and nor has it ever been my opinion that I know more about NUFC than you or anyone else on this board.......your rampant xenophobia is exceeded only by your level of douche-baggery hit a nerve did I not at all, but your attempt to draw attention away from your own prejudices and your knee jerk reactions to a percieved threat from immigrants, by pointing out that you know more about NUFC than I do makes you look like a even more of a complete twat I didn't realise yanks used twat as a derogatory term. I didn't even realise they used cunt as a derogatory term till Sam Ace Rothstein called Ginger a cunt when she kidnapped the kid. I feel like i'm beating a dead horse here stevie, there is a lot of things that occur outside the UK that you have no idea about. I've been using twat since i was a kid ( i would've said bairn but i had to look that one up when i first joined the board) when a guy my mom dated introduced me to the flying circus and to fawlty towers. crazy eh? (note the particular canadianism) Was that big in Canada? I always thought it was shite. However I'm pretty sure John Cleese has never used the word twat on screen. FYP.....quite the WUM aren't you? no i don't think he had but when they rearranged the letters on the hotel sign it said Flowery Twats..... Whey a mean it's basically the same place isn't it, I mean you talk like yanks, share lakes with them, drive on the wrong side of the road, call football soccer and bum them.
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