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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. 3 hours in the oven baste regularly.
  2. MrsP parents - dry duck grilled about Brexit. Other relatives in Bremen - poorly cured meats rank wine - Grilled about Brexit Other couple friends get together - bad meal - they frown at my drinking and weed - grilled about Brexit.
  3. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/11/30/investigatory_powers_act_illegal_under_eu_law/
  4. Yeah but the Irish enjoy everything it's in the dna.
  5. Same. I look at the schedule and work out escape routes. Or better still not turn up if I've said I'll pop in laters. The box sets of Mad Men, Suits and The Bridge take on a new life.
  6. You gotta learn the gears first.
  7. Don't get cheeky.... Here, Martin Hardy says that Mitro has two personal trainers bulking him up making it hard for him to run around much.....Why Rafa doesn't pick him.
  8. I know...It was figurative.
  9. I heard biotech was where is was at the last few years....
  10. Boris has nude mags and whiskey in his desk drawer. /Oldskool
  11. Do they know you're busy destroying the health of the nation?
  12. There won't be any real Brexit nobody in either establishment wants it (EU or us). You can see the ferocious back peddling from our side already. They just need to find something they can sell to the masses.
  13. They bought Man City on the cheap and were laughed out of the room at Anfield. They might have a few billion but it clearly isn't all earmarked for football looking at their failed bids in other areas. Funds are continually looking to up the perception of their footprint as there literally are hundreds out there with many billions to spend. Positioning is everything as they are constantly trying to attract more money and the fund game competition is fierce. Buying into the PL automatically gains many column inches because of its world wide reach. The publicity would have done them no harm - unless they fail of course. In saying that she would be better than the fat cunt we have in place as there would be a desire to grow our business with a long term outlook.
  14. It's a tiny fund in the scheme of things borne out by her getting slapped by Liv and resorting to trying to buy a crisis club. Donkey.
  15. It will be the hardest group imaginable. /World Cup curse.
  16. Amanda has certainly got a lot of cheap publicity for her 'fund'.
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