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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. We can only hope for the best.
  2. "Me and Gordon Brown who were marginalised sat there discussing Blairs obsession with his legacy and a quick war"...
  3. Clare Short at the Iraq war inquiry - live Follow the action as the former international development secretary gives evidence to the Chilcot panel Clare Short Clare Short, who is giving evidence for three hours today. Photograph: Murdo Macleod 11.12am: Prashar asks about evidence from the MoD saying DfID officials did not want to get involved in the reconstruction effort because they disapproved of the war. Short says she does not accept that. DfID officials were very professional. 11.10am: Short says after the war there was a rumour in government that Goldsmith was thinking of resigning because he thought the occupation was illegal. She sought legal advice. She was worried about her officials doing something illegal. She was advised that preparing humanitarian relief was always legal. But she had been "thrown into a tizz" by the thought that she might be instructing them to do illegal things. 11.09am: They're back. Short says the Ministry of Defence did not prepare for its obligations as an occupying power under the Geneva Conventions to maintain law and order. 10.55am: Here are the main points: • She accused Blair of lying to her when he told her in 2002 that he had not had a presentation on military preparations for war. (See 10.08am and 10.18am) • She criticised Blair for ignoring the cabinet and sidelining dissident voices in government. (See 10.05am, 10.11am, 10.12am, 10.13am and 10.21am • She accused Lord Golsmith of "misleading" the cabinet on March 17. She said that he was wrong to say that the legal case for war was unequivocal. (See 10.28am) • She repeated her claim that Goldsmith had been "leant on" by Downing Street in an attempt to get him to declare that the war was legal. (See 10.28am) • She said she was "jeered at" when she attempted to initiate a discussion on the legality of the war on March 17. (See 10.28am) • She said the Iraq war had made it impossible to gather international support of humanitarian intervention in the future. (10.46am)
  4. Don't think Ashley's read it yet though.
  5. Manufacturing consent, brand building, financial footprint. Oh yes the new lexicon of football.
  6. Is he a big burly clogger? .......
  7. For the love of God get Vela in you dopey fuck!!!
  8. Society in general has got more passive imo. I've been living abroad mostly for the last 7 years, first France and then Germany...I was a bit shocked how passive, unthinking and poncey England has become since I came back. I doubt if you'd even get something like rave culture / acid house occurring now. Or maybe we're just getting old you're obviously not down with da kids alex. we've had nu rave, grime and dubstep all emerge in the past couple of years I think you've misunderstood what I meant. I was talking about a counter-culture like that starting from scratch rather than new style of music emerging into what is already an established 'scene'. We'er gonna end up sounding like Socialology teachers Alex. Better back off.
  9. I found St Pauli a bit different tbf. English football could use a Pauli or two, certainly. Although you could argue there's just as much conformity in the whole skull 'n' crossbones "alternative" thing. Yep, I know a couple of St. Pauli fans who think that the commercialism of the club is nowadays on par with the likes of Bayern etc. Once they move to a new stadium an lose any kind of Millerntor nostalgia they are probably going to be a club like any other. It's beyond belief that you get ads during the game at the AOL (HSV).
  10. I found St Pauli a bit different tbf. English football could use a Pauli or two, certainly. Although you could argue there's just as much conformity in the whole skull 'n' crossbones "alternative" thing. Yep, I know a couple of St. Pauli fans who think that the commercialism of the club is nowadays on par with the likes of Bayern etc. Once they move to a new stadium an lose any kind of Millerntor nostalgia they are probably going to be a club like any other. There is still some of it left at Pompey, Millwall and Brentford. Saw some of the old crowd on Sun night and the passion was still there.
  11. He's here most days. I would like to see him post sometime. I don't know why he doesn't post to be honest, he used to raise the occasional good point. what I find amusing is that NO is such a goooood board, with so many banned and unwanted posters now on here, yet he finds the time to read all our posts. Still would have thought more of him if he had been big enough to respond to my posts/attempted pms months ago too. Still, wtf. You can swear on here and other terrible things, talk earnestly and factually about how good it was to be in europe regulary, and disagree with admin. It's not that good a board, there's far more posters than here, and as a consequence far more talking shite. My bitterness was squarely due to the fact people who grew up hundreds of miles away with absolutely no connection to the club other than we were good in 90s, had the power to ban me. Most of us slag Man Utd and Liverpool's cockney reds, so I see no difference between them and Newcastle. They see a magic in Liverpool and Man Utd, and they saw something similar in us and support us for that very reason. That's not exclusive to NO, it's everywhere. Anyway good luck to NO, we all piss and shite the same, and I'm sure a lot of them are very good people, no point in bleating on about not having access. Anyway, lets give Best a chance, I was thinking about him tonight texting his mates "YE BLUD BUZZIN HOME BOY, GET U TICKETS FOR DA GAME", and he'll be aware the expectancy level is higher here. We've got him now, he's our player and lets get behind him so he can turn out for us with a lot of confidence. When a player, especially at Newcastle I would say, has the belief that the crowd like him he can raise his game 50% you saw it with Sibierski, and there's a lot of players the crowd just don't like and they never manage to raise it. So lets get behind him, and lets hope what happened to Harewood when he got booed off never happens to him, because he's 23, and most people are still kids mentally at 23, regardless what front they put on, he'll be sensitive to abuse, so lets get behind him and see if he can flourish. I was taking the piss Stevie. There are as you say far more posters talking shite, in fact the vast majority do. I was often asked why I only posted in threads about the board, the reason for that - which I also said - was that there were too many threads and I was just posting in the ones that interested me. What I find peculiar about the likes of Dave spending so much time on here is because having banned all the posters on NO that he thinks drag it down or whatever why spend so much time elsewhere? Surely he and anybody else on their admin should be pleased that they have retained all the best posters over there Repeat. I would have thought more of them if they/he had responded to my pm/posts on here. Whatever. It is interesting to look in now and again and find people saying that you talked sense etc etc.......and of course as I make an odd post and they don't know it is me obviously I can't post anything that would make them realise it is me but beating their childish way of doing things is amusing. They had the chance to keep a new id for me in the open but tbh there isn't much point really in posting stuff that isn't what you really want to say. That board was better for the likes of me and you posting on it. They know it and so does everybody else, I see the self styled accountants like macbeth have disappeard along with Baggio ......... Another dickhead I had disagreements with is back too, macca888, another exile like tooner and Noelie who think they know all about the club, who did nothing other than slate Keegan for his "tactical ineptitude" etc etc while watching no manager since get anywhere near him, who is now slating Shearer for exactly the same thing and harping on about Hughton being a "good coach". I bet Hughton gets nowhere near Keegan either. Anyway. I can't really agree with being optimistic about Best. To me he is just another Tony Cunningham, in principle you are getting behind a player for the sake of the club but you are also showing the owners you are accepting shit standards. Not acceptable in my eyes, which is exactly how I felt about this club all the way during the 70's, 80's until 1992-93. I take your point about slagging Keegan although that's not just exclusive to Newcastle Online. I usually find it's out of town people who do this who jump on the national ridicule Keegan bandwagon. Your younger local fan does it, in fact the only two notable younger under 25 who support Keegan hand over fist are Jonny2J and Smoggeordie. When you read people saying "Everyone knew Keegan would quit" anyone with any fucking dignity would have done with a dwarf like rodent (his genes need checking for a new species) undermining him and telling him to watch youtubes. I know nobody is above criticism, but with Keegan he's pretty close to being exempt from it in my eyes, cynics say he came back for the money, cynics are wanks, he came back because of his deep love of the club, if you couldn't see that in his interviews and passion on the touchline then they're blind cunts. It's the biggest thing at fucks me off about these "half fans" as I term them, and media absorbing sheep. Myths are too dangerous. This country will end up like America...fuckwits to the dozen.
  12. Society in general has got more passive imo. I've been living abroad mostly for the last 7 years, first France and then Germany...I was a bit shocked how passive, unthinking and poncey England has become since I came back.
  13. I found St Pauli a bit different tbf.
  14. He's not that bad. Proabably played badly cause Cov is so depressing and was getting boed regularly.
  15. He's here most days. I would like to see him post sometime. I don't know why he doesn't post to be honest, he used to raise the occasional good point. what I find amusing is that NO is such a goooood board, with so many banned and unwanted posters now on here, yet he finds the time to read all our posts. Still would have thought more of him if he had been big enough to respond to my posts/attempted pms months ago too. Still, wtf. You can swear on here and other terrible things, talk earnestly and factually about how good it was to be in europe regulary, and disagree with admin. It's not that good a board, there's far more posters than here, and as a consequence far more talking shite. My bitterness was squarely due to the fact people who grew up hundreds of miles away with absolutely no connection to the club other than we were good in 90s, had the power to ban me. Most of us slag Man Utd and Liverpool's cockney reds, so I see no difference between them and Newcastle. They see a magic in Liverpool and Man Utd, and they saw something similar in us and support us for that very reason. That's not exclusive to NO, it's everywhere. Anyway good luck to NO, we all piss and shite the same, and I'm sure a lot of them are very good people, no point in bleating on about not having access. Anyway, lets give Best a chance, I was thinking about him tonight texting his mates "YE BLUD BUZZIN HOME BOY, GET U TICKETS FOR DA GAME", and he'll be aware the expectancy level is higher here. We've got him now, he's our player and lets get behind him so he can turn out for us with a lot of confidence. When a player, especially at Newcastle I would say, has the belief that the crowd like him he can raise his game 50% you saw it with Sibierski, and there's a lot of players the crowd just don't like and they never manage to raise it. So lets get behind him, and lets hope what happened to Harewood when he got booed off never happens to him, because he's 23, and most people are still kids mentally at 23, regardless what front they put on, he'll be sensitive to abuse, so lets get behind him and see if he can flourish. Like the second para. We all need to get positive for the run in, the future of mankind depends on it.
  16. And why might that be? Because Hughton is a fucking puppet and does whatever Ashley & Llambias tell him to do. Tell you what I think SJH was an absolute cunt for selling us out to this outfit, but at least he had the balls to admit he was wrong and back Keegan when put on the spot. Ashley's bloody-mindedness is primarily why we are where we are now. "Who does Kevin think he is trying to tell me how to manage a business, he'll bankrupt us!" Wasn't that the general message from the fat one? Not only had KK been there and done that but he'd done it with this very club. Excuse the rant. Indeed and it's the Fat one that's got egg on his face now, had he have backed KK when he should have instead of whinging and letting Dennis 'I think I will scout on Youtube' Wise control things we most likely wouldn't be anywhere near the predicament we find ourselves these days. Still remember Keegler munching on a sandwich after the ManU game....Remember thinking it was the start of good times.
  17. Fat Sam wanted to get him in iirc
  18. Why the fuck didn't we sign him? Everytime I see Burnley play he looks class.
  19. You'll know things are bad when the Leon 'Best' debate comes down to whether he can run fast or not....Never mind the football.
  20. Rijkaard, Koeman, Ferriera? Ok, maybe this thread is edging toward fantasy....
  21. Can't give 2.5 under new rules as after a year they're allowed to look around or summink. You sure about that? Isn't it the other way round if you think about the Webster case, i.e. that a player can look elsewhere after a protected period? Though, FIFA seem to have changed Art. 17 now, so I am not sure. Well at the very least it stops them running it down as they would if it was 2 or so. In the 3.5 the protected period is 2 iirc. Not sure these days. Nothe protected period is three years for players under 28 and just two years for players over 28. 2.5 years would have been enough, maybe an option for another year, for a player who is at the moment mediocre Championship standard at best and it's questionable if he can become a decent striker for a higher level. There would always been the chance to offer him a new contract in case he proves to be a hit (and people wrong). Gotcha.
  22. Can't give 2.5 under new rules as after a year they're allowed to look around or summink. You sure about that? Isn't it the other way round if you think about the Webster case, i.e. that a player can look elsewhere after a protected period? Though, FIFA seem to have changed Art. 17 now, so I am not sure. Well at the very least it stops them running it down as they would if it was 2 or so. In the 3.5 the protected period is 2 iirc. Not sure these days.
  23. I'll bet anybody on here anything H will be gone by Christmas.
  24. Hughes, Curbs, Coppell, Ranieri, Trappatonni, Some Dutch wonkerkid manager nobody has head of? That bloke who's doing well with another CCC side?
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