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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I'd venture that installing solar panels across the entire country and importing all our meat, fruit and veg would work out more cost-efficient than using the same land for agricultural purposes. Bit less pretty on the eye, admittedly. Of course, the present and next government would prefer us to accept the prospect of inhabiting high-rise matchboxes with a supposed market value of £150k+ and precisely no quality of life, which makes the issue of personal responsibility for efficient roof space usage somewhat less important, but there you go. these solar panel thingy's. if they are so good, why dont we just stick billions of them in the sahara desert (or any other desert for that matter)? admittedly the initial cost would be massive but i would imagine it'll pay for itself in a couple of years. obviously less energy production costs but also less money to spend on mending the sky etc.... It's expensive and logistically prohibitive to move electricity over great distances. For instance the solar leccy produced in California will stay in California etc..
  2. Good result and brave and astute starting line up from CH for a change. On the other hand Cardiff were missing 2/3 and started with too many youngsters.
  3. Aye, Guthrie in the middle and two wingers made all the difference. Thought the two centre-halves put the form Taylor and Colo into context as well. Mind when Nolan's skipping past challenges you have to ask a few questions about the opposition. I thought the two lads upfront did well also. Obviously Carroll got his goals but best looked quite sharp and was willing to graft. Lovenkrands 2nd goal was different gravy as well. He's only gone and done what I've been laying into him for on NO for the last few days. Well done CH.
  4. When you coming to a home game anyway, numbnuts? When it get a bit warmer.
  5. OK, fine, I'll bite - if only because it's Friday afternoon, I'm bored and my curiosity is getting the better of me. So. I realise it's only the Internet and you've been careful to never give any insight into why your opinions might be worthy of any kind of credibility - but, purely as far as your adopted persona on here is concerned, I can only see two realistic scenarios to explain your behaviour, and they are: 1) You know that your constant references to the Halls and Shepherd wind people up and you honestly don't give a shit because you're only here on the wind-up, other people's responses to your posts on everything from football to Muslims don't bother you in the slightest, and you could give up this forum at the drop of a hat; or 2) You honestly don't realise that your constant, knee-jerk harping on about the Halls and Shepherd actually damages the impact of every single other post you make on here, no matter how valid its content may be. So which is it? I'm honestly fascinated. And not just because I want to drool over your cock in the showers. Fcuk me assymetric grooming at its best!
  6. You're probably right, but the last thing we need is to be scraping around for a manager at christmans with survival on the line. Aye far better to fire the one we have a week before the transfer window closes in the summer, spend a fortune on termination payments and bring in a load of tossers who have no idea what the players are like eh? He's on peanuts.
  7. But he needs replacing when we're promoted yes? Maybe. He might surprise us and will get a shot anyway. He didnt do very well last time but the whole club was in disarray, Shearer hardly managed any better but we wanted him to take over. Are you on medication? Occasionally. Are you saying he hasn't done a good though? It's difficult to gauge isn't it? It's a shit league and we've manged to keep together by hell or highwater the best defence in the league. In the CCC the likes of Taylor, Collo and Ricky are world class, sides have very few chances against us (even though we are often being outplayed) and most oftne than not they haven't proved good enough to take them. The way we are playing this wierd containing game with ocassional hoofs up the middle or Guti running down the left will get murdered in the PL, you just can't get away with it over a season. In short what I'm saying is that our positon in the table is misleading, the key indicator is how badly we're playing (in a shit league). There is no hope whatsoever that CH will survive past christmas in the PL. Better to bite the bullet in the summer and try and get a better manager or a real one at least. The longer we leave this problem the harder it will be to get out of it. Whilst the tactics we are employing don't make good viewing it is effective, it is winning us games, we are not conceeding and Leicester aside it's a long time since we failed to score a goal. I agree that we'll struggle if we play the same way in the PL, but that's next season. The question is, does CH have the tactical nouse to realise that and change to a more effective style for the Prem? I think if you polled 100 toon regulars at the start of the season and offered them promotion with ugly football, every one of them would have said yes. Suddenly that's not good enough. I don't really give a fuck what supporters think tbh.
  8. You're probably right, but the last thing we need is to be scraping around for a manager at christmans with survival on the line.
  9. But he needs replacing when we're promoted yes? Maybe. He might surprise us and will get a shot anyway. He didnt do very well last time but the whole club was in disarray, Shearer hardly managed any better but we wanted him to take over. Are you on medication? Occasionally. Are you saying he hasn't done a good though? It's difficult to gauge isn't it? It's a shit league and we've manged to keep together by hell or highwater the best defence in the league. In the CCC the likes of Taylor, Collo and Ricky are world class, sides have very few chances against us (even though we are often being outplayed) and most oftne than not they haven't proved good enough to take them. The way we are playing this wierd containing game with ocassional hoofs up the middle or Guti running down the left will get murdered in the PL, you just can't get away with it over a season. In short what I'm saying is that our positon in the table is misleading, the key indicator is how badly we're playing (in a shit league). There is no hope whatsoever that CH will survive past christmas in the PL. Better to bite the bullet in the summer and try and get a better manager or a real one at least. The longer we leave this problem the harder it will be to get out of it.
  10. But he needs replacing when we're promoted yes? Maybe. He might surprise us and will get a shot anyway. He didnt do very well last time but the whole club was in disarray, Shearer hardly managed any better but we wanted him to take over. Are you on medication?
  11. I love snuff in the morning. Really clears the head also means I smoke less during the day.
  12. I was told that at Asda the interviews are quite long winded affairs covering 3 / 4 hours. They basically want to establish that you'll jump through hoops without question and can be a team player. 2 hours interrogation then 2 hours on the shop floor. Did you not get that job then? Na, not a team player. Tbf when I was 17 I worked for a supermarket in Jarrow called Laws. Just remember loads of fanny working and shopping there. Used to have a permanent teenage hard on! Thank god I used to wear quite a heavy butchers apron. A young Dexter reminices about the early days.
  13. They want us (the people) to pay to fix all the shit again.
  14. Bill Hicks or Dennis O'Leary? what happened to O'Leary?....drink or drugs? No talent.
  15. I was told that at Asda the interviews are quite long winded affairs covering 3 / 4 hours. They basically want to establish that you'll jump through hoops without question and can be a team player. 2 hours interrogation then 2 hours on the shop floor. See if you steal things and eat them round the back?
  16. In the beginning there was darkness and within that darkness there were stories and the stories remained hidden within that blackness and that blackness covered all that there was across all there was...The words could not be seen or spoken for there was no light or firmament, no spark or frission and the stories waited across the black void and the words and the void were one.
  17. This thread needs to be required reading at the UN.
  18. Kazenga, Vukic, Spear and Tozer are the best young lads we have...If we still have all of them that is.
  19. hehehe.......thats how I read it. ok Junior [good yank phrase for you there]........ you may add anything intelligent to the last few pages too if you can no need right now, other people have pointed out that the fact that because an organisation with sympathetic views towards communism recieves money from unamed sources doesn't mean that said organisation is being controlled by the KGB or or the Soviet government. ....but as long as i've started... ...... i don't think that anyone who counts themselves as a communist would want the kind of soviet leadership that existed under Stalin, the communist model as laid out by Marx is a different animal than that which actually came into being under Lenin and Stalin. The use of violence and the corruption of the soviet system (which really isn't all that different to the corruption that existed under the Czarist regime) was not (IMHO) what Marx had in mind. but then that is my opinion on communism and not the CND to which i really don't know anything about, as an aside i thought the best anti-proliferation protest stunt I've seen was done in the UK, greenpeace took a projector and a slide that read "This ship contains Nuclear Warheads" or (something to that effect) and floated out to the ship and projected it in letters that where 20 feet high. Fucking brilliant if you ask me. quite the public backlash if the greenpeace magazine is to be believed. Stalin was funded by western banks and power brokers to get rid of Trotsky and shut down communism and to a toralitarian state. There just saved everyone 5 years at a POLY.
  20. Stevie still hasn't kicked off this thread.
  21. They're all the same tho aren't they?
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