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Everything posted by Park Life
Well spotted Stevie. What might happen and what is going to happen however...The Parky Jury is still out. Here's some 2000 yr old batteries..(It's been attacked a lot, but make your own mind up)..Knowlege comes and goes and there are gaps... "In 1938, Dr. Wilhelm Kong, an Austrian archaeologist rummaging through the basement of the museum made a find that was to drastically alter all concepts of ancient science. A 6-inch-high pot of bright yellow clay dating back two millennia contained a cylinder of sheet-copper 5 inches by 1.5 inches. The edge of the copper cylinder was soldered with a 60-40 lead-tin alloy comparable to today's best solder. The bottom of the cylinder was capped with a crimped-in copper disk and sealed with bitumen or asphalt. Another insulating layer of asphalt sealed the top and also held in place an iron rod suspended into the center of the copper cylinder. The rod showed evidence of having been corroded with acid. Schematic of Babylon BatteryWith a background in mechanics, Dr. Konig recognized this configuration was not a chance arrangement, but that the clay pot was nothing less than an ancient electric battery. The ancient battery in the Baghdad Museum as well as those others which were unearthed in Iraq all date from the Parthian Persian occupation between 248 B.C. and A.D. 226. However, Konig found copper vases plated with silver in the Baghdad Museum excavated from Sumerian remains in southern Iraq dating back to at least 2500 B.C. When the vases were lightly tapped a blue patina or film separated from the surfaces, characteristic of silver electroplated to copper. It would appear then that the Persians inherited their batteries from the earliest known civilization in the Middle East."[1] http://www.forbiddenhistory.info/?q=node/37
I'll give it a go sweetie. One of us must survive. 2009 x6 the safe dose of Barium discoverd in Chem trails. Barium is a know x-ray absorber and radiation shield.
Nov 2009 Nasa launches WISE telescope one of the most advanced deep space scopes ever made. The search for 'dark twin' intensifies.
June 2009 NSC classifies all space rock data. Scientist access no longer ad hoc from telescope data streams and imaging.
Dark twin returning...?? http://vaticanobservatory.org/VATT/index.php
6/6/2006 Rockefellar and Gates foundation builds the global seed bank.
2005 CIA relocate main operations to.....................
I dunno what I did. What are your numbers all about then? If you are doing what I said above, that's obviously going to get you two different results because you're searching for very different things. One will give you links to the HP site from external sources, while the other will return all indexed pages on the HP site as well as other sites that mention (not necessarily link to) HP. It's widely regarded that Google's link: operator is inaccurate (and not what they use for gauging link popularity). Also, if you want Google's actual number of results, don't take the first one it shows, make sure you go right to the end and you'll often find (even when you include the repeated/similar results) that the actual figure is a lot lower. The backlink checker most widely used by the public is Yahoo's Site Explorer. There's also a lot more to 'link relevance' than getting a huge number of links. Back in the olden days of the internet, it was just a case of getting as many links as possible. That led to link farms (sites with just link after link after link and nothing else) that were incredibly spammy. Google started weighting links in various ways (links with anchor text are better than just URLs http://www.anchor.com/, a link from a reputable website is better than a newly created blog, links without 'nofollow' are better than those with, etc) to try to fight spammers. Spammers, of course, are very clever so they'll always find a way to try to beat the system. We have a member on this site who works for a company that tries to get links for clients and as he's still around I assume he's doing a good job. So even if HP has a massive number of links, they may not be from the best sources or formatted in the best ways to make them good links. And your numbers, wherever they came from, look to be irrelevant. Yeah you're probably right.
You're not encouraged to hang around in there. Btw it's build behind the biggest mountain range in the States.
Mild mannered Janitor?
I dunno what I did.
I'm working on the breaking the dam model, throw enough things at HP and sooner or later one will stick. The man is a menace.
It's new to me so please be patient... If we take Huffington Post a good source of left field analysis (without corporate overview), the liink relevance the google engine really has for it (when you type in key words are : 851,000, but THEY (GOOGLE) chop it down to 47,000....So many times it won't come up on your search althogh it may have something significant on your subject matter or topic or search. But honestly why would they bother...? That's the real mystery here. Try this: Google has many different criteria when it decides how close to the top a website gets, but the main and most important one is Link Relevance. It simply means in laymen's terms; The more sites that link to your site, the higher you go on the list. There is a simple way to check on Google how many other websites are linking to your website. You go to Google and type in the word link: before the web address, for example; link: www.theultimateconspiracy.com Now here is where the proof is that Google has implemented some kind of script that is giving all the alternative media sites less that 1/4th of the Link Relevance that they deserve. If you go to Google and simply type in www.yourwebsite.com you will find the REAL number of sites that have a link back to your website. This does not mean that the sites are being added to the Link Relevance, it only shows that they have the link on their website. Want proof? Let's do some searches of various alternative media related websites and see what we get. Click the links to see results; link:www.infowars.com http://www.infowars.com Now notice that the "Link Search" brings up 2,960 pages that are linked back to www.infowars.com, but when you look at the actual numbers of sites with links to www.infowars.com the real number is 207,000. Ha ha these are the same buggers who were having a go at the Chinese.... The IT bods in here can probs explain it better.
One of the best posts you've ever made mate.
Google supress links (link relevance) to popular alternative media sites purposefully and daily with cold due process. One may ask why they would bother innit?
link:www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com You get 47,000 "Link Relevance", but the real number is 851,000. Now, let's turn the tables and do a link search on a popular Neo-Con supporting website called Hotair.com, run by the Fox News Shill Michelle Malkin. link:www.hotair.com www.hotair.com You get 11,400 "Link Relevance", and the real number is 526.
Hut!! Hut!!!
Tbf I rate Canadians higher than americans...At least the provide wide ranging public healthcare..America is basically mostly white savages with pink necks and tiny heads.....Tiny those heads are.
Will be that thing under Dennver Airport you were about sending them off track Same thing happened here a few years ago, then they all came back the next year. I don't think Polish builders are the issue here mate.
Goes without saying and anyone who GENUINELY likes them is a total cunt by definition. No one can enjoy them surely?? Saying you enjoy that is like you enjoy getting your teeth pulled out without anaesthetic. Goes without saying. Infact some Uni or other should do research into the saddo's who watch this shit...Probably some kind of syndrome or other..
Serioulsy lads all american sports are shit.
Some bearded mug, why do they have these ridiculous beards, makes them look even more ugly, "We in our faith don't feel an affinity with the land we are born, but in the lands of our faith" WELL FUCK OFF THERE THEN YOU BEARDED CUNT!! Hey honestly, even the fence sitters must feel repulsed by people like them, and I know it aint all them, but it drives me up the wall. Yeah it's the ridiculous beards that are the problem.
No it's about he end of the world.