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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The first rule of hits is never strike a moving target if you can avoid it, especially one that on that day was surrounded by max security. When you unpack the world fish you'll understand these things like you understand stories. And there's no security in The White House garden? Probably a lot less than when he visited Texas (where many hated him and he was actually told not to go) and was constantly moving plane-car-distance to target. Imagine they would have missed, the chance to have another crack at him would immediately become twice as hard...Right? Would it not have been a lot simpler to hit JFK when he was out of the spotlight (a grandstand event) perhaps visiting a school or something? Of course it would be. The JFK hit was staged for public consumption like 9/11. The staging is mythological....Deeper stories that trouble us....That make us give over our consent subconsciously.
  2. I hate it when pop stars get stick for 'just' being singers. You could say the same of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Nat 'King' Cole, Elvis Presley, Tony Bennet and a host of brilliant other SINGERS who only contributed a limited amount to their lyrics. I'm not a fan of Williams at all, but he's clearly a great showman. That said, watching him recently i think he has totally lost it. He looks like he's crying constantly. We all enjoy an emotional performance, but no-one wants to feel as uncomfortable as i do when watching what seems to be a fullblown mental breakdown broadcast to milllions as entertainment. He was a great showman because he had the audience in the palm of his hand. He still does the same old tricks to gee up the crowd, but seems to have lost control completely. He's into UFO's now.
  3. The first rule of hits is never strike a moving target if you can avoid it, especially one that on that day was surrounded by max security. When you unpack the world fish you'll understand these things like you understand stories.
  4. It's because the very same story is embedded in you.
  5. This is a staged event. Why didn't they just kill JFK when he was doing his gardening?
  6. See, that's what I was trying to say. I know Fishy. It's the story of what's inside them, the story of where they are, the story of our past....
  7. I find nothing controversial in the idea of non-linear development. Only religions and creationists have taught us otherwise, ironically. Good lad. They kept the best things from us the buggers. But the equalizer is coming and this time it's for real. Egyptologists work for 'them'. http://www.geoman.com/jim/pyramid.html The hand inside the jacket is a masonic symbol ala Napoleon. Check out the Sphynx...ha ha predates the pyramids by 3000 yrs water erosion... From here we go sublime... Some reading The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt; by John Anthony West Serpent in the Sky; by John Anthony West Fingerprints of the Gods; by Graham Hancock Heaven's Mirror; by Graham Hancock The Message of the Sphinx; by Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock Voyages of the Pyramid Builders; by Robert Schoch Gods of Eden; by Andrew Collins Cheers mate. Read a couple. You'll like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzKp2PeXeWI
  8. I find nothing controversial in the idea of non-linear development. Only religions and creationists have taught us otherwise, ironically. Good lad. They kept the best things from us the buggers. But the equalizer is coming and this time it's for real. Egyptologists work for 'them'. http://www.geoman.com/jim/pyramid.html The hand inside the jacket is a masonic symbol ala Napoleon. Check out the Sphynx...ha ha predates the pyramids by 3000 yrs water erosion... From here we go sublime...
  9. I find nothing controversial in the idea of non-linear development. Only religions and creationists have taught us otherwise, ironically. Good lad. They kept the best things from us the buggers. But the equalizer is coming and this time it's for real.
  10. Shhhhh... Where's that deepest trench again?
  11. This is a good book to check out. Written at the request of her advanced students, "Initiation" is an illuminating autobiography that connects the twentieth century European life of internationally beloved teacher Elisabeth Haich and her lucid memories of initiation into the hidden mystical teachings of the priesthood in ancient Egypt. A compelling story within a story emerges detailing the life experiences that catalysed her spiritual path. In an earlier life in ancient Egypt, a young woman is prepared for initiation into the esoteric secrets of the priesthood of the High Priest Ptahhotep, who instructs her step-by-step, consistent with her development, in the universal truths of life. Throughout this extraordinary book, Elisabeth Haich reveals her in-depth insights into the subtle workings of karma, reincarnation, the interconnectedness of individual daily life choices and spiritual development.Elisabeth Haich shares usually hidden truths that only a few rare individuals in any generation, seek, find and communicate to others, enabling the reader to awaken within the essential understanding necessary to enlighten any life no matter what events manifest. In twentieth century Europe, from childhood to adulthood, through war and remarkable meetings, she demonstrates the power of turning the searchlight of one's consciousness inward and using every life event towards expanding consciousness. "Initiation" is a timeless classic communicated in modern terms inspiring generations of spiritual seekers globally. Whether read as an autobiographical novel unveiling mystical truths or as a unique glimpse into Elisabeth Haich's exceptional journey to initiation, the personal impact on the reader is profound. To read "Initiation" is to be part of the initiation itself. http://www.amazon.com/Initiation-Elisabeth...h/dp/0943358507
  12. What we're really looking at is not only how space is organised, but possibly how life came about in the universe. Black hole swallowing itself and ejecting mass. The Mayans for one knew this and it looks like the Jewish kabballah and the numbers of the face of god 72....and the tree of life (the 64 bit tetrahydon) were aware of it too. Essentially the propositon is that life on this planet has been more advanced than us in its past.
  13. The 19.47 can be found on more moring sites, but they are a bit tedious to read and with less pics. Need to keep it simple for the iq in here. Boring version The tetrahedron is its own dual polyhedron, and therefore the centers of the faces of a tetrahedron form another tetrahedron (Steinhaus 1999, p. 201). The tetrahedron is the only simple polyhedron with no polyhedron diagonals, and it cannot be stellated. If a regular tetrahedron is cut by six planes, each passing through an edge and bisecting the opposite edge, it is sliced into 24 pieces (Gardner 1984, pp. 190 and 192; Langman 1951). Alexander Graham Bell was a proponent of use of the tetrahedron in framework structures, including kites (Bell 1903; Lesage 1956, Gardner 1984, pp. 184-185). The opposite edges of a regular tetrahedron are perpendicular, and so can form a universal coupling if hinged appropriately. Eight regular tetrahedra can be pla http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Tetrahedron.html
  14. Watched it on iplayer yesterday, beautiful film. Anyway, A lot these structures including the pyramids are build on the 19.47.... We can see what that means here... http://www.crystalinks.com/merkaba.html
  15. Pythagoras, as many people know was a physician and a mathematician. He worked with radionics and mathematics, sound and light and used them in healing and the practice of spiritual medicine. Besides astrology, Pytagoras taught geometry as part of that science and of course, mathematics is a corresponding part of both. Astrology, though denounced by many and scoffed at, has been used from the beginning of the knowledge in ancient times all the way up to today, including by our beloved President Reagan. Joey tells us that his visiting angel taught him about numbers, starting with 8. He began 1X8=8; 2X8=16, 3X8=24, etc. all the way to 8X8=64. The pointed out that 64 is an important cardinal number and that 6+4=10 which added together becomes 1 using the Pythagorean skein. The angel continued that 8X8 = 64 which is the number of squares on a chess board that the Egyptians invented, that there are eight octaves in music and 88 keys on a standard regulation size piano. Next the angel taught Joey about the number 9. Using the English alphabet ... numbering the letters A=1 through I=9, then starting over with J=1 through R=9, and repeating S=1 through Z=8, the numbers add up to 126 - which adds together to equal 9. In another column, and listing 1X3=3, 2X3=6, 3X3=9, all the way to 26X3=78=15=6, all the ending 1 digit numbers equal 3, 6, 9 all the way down and added together = 153 = 9. See: 153 In a third column, and listing 1X6=6, 2X6=12=3, all the way down to 26X6=156=3, again all the final digit numbers add to 153=9. All the final single digit numbers add to 3, 6, and 9. In a fourth column, and listing the numbers 1X9=9, 2X9=18=9 all the way down to 26X9=234 = 9, all the final digit numbers are 9, which again added together = 234=9. The angel explained that English and Hebrew alphabets can be equally deciphered and even though English is read left to right and Hebrew is read right to left, the mathematical result is the same. The first language called Babel was invented to express at least in part the Godly perfection of mathematics. Babel came from the early Semitic Mesopotamian language called Akkadian, meaning 'gate to God'. Other languages developed since then do not translate the same mathematically and the 'gate to God' is hidden.
  16. It's an important story for the time that is coming. Hollywood pre-figures events.
  17. I bet everyone would be staring at him if the plane started losing altitude.
  18. Kev, Are you gonna start a thread next time you can't take a shit?
  19. Surprised Disney hasn't knocked up really.
  20. The temple at Abydos in Egyot in a layer under the Pyramids has the flower of life cut into the rock The "Flower of Life" can be found in all major religions of the world. It contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the "Great Void". Everything is made from the Creator's thought. After the creation of the Seed of Life the same vortex's motion was continued, creating the next structure known as the Egg of Life. This structure forms the basis for music, as the distances between the spheres is identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division (The first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells then to eight). Thus this same structure as it is further developed, creates the human body and all of the energy systems including the ones used to create the Merkaba. If we continue creating more and more spheres we will end up with the structure called the Flower of Life. http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_sage1.htm Interesting! Parky do you have any good links to websites that have good information on ancient cultures and civilizations? Or do you know any good books? Because when im in a position to start planning my year out travelling id want to focus on stuff like this. Peru, Bolivia, Brazil (Amazon rain forest), Mexico, Africa, China and Egypt. I'll have a look.
  21. Forbidden city in China monument with 64 bit tetrahydon grid...... 10min.
  22. The temple at Abydos in Egyot in a layer under the Pyramids has the flower of life cut into the rock The "Flower of Life" can be found in all major religions of the world. It contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the "Great Void". Everything is made from the Creator's thought. After the creation of the Seed of Life the same vortex's motion was continued, creating the next structure known as the Egg of Life. This structure forms the basis for music, as the distances between the spheres is identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division (The first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells then to eight). Thus this same structure as it is further developed, creates the human body and all of the energy systems including the ones used to create the Merkaba. If we continue creating more and more spheres we will end up with the structure called the Flower of Life. http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_sage1.htm
  23. The recently discovered pyramids under the sea of Japan and the pyramids (hidden) in China...Looks like a planet wide civilization?
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