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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. If you'd ever seen Conan The Barbarian, all of this would be obvious. It's all in there.
  2. We're looking at around 10 to 12,000 BC for some of the more intersting stuff. Warm periods between ice ages on average tend to last about twenty thousand years. I like to mix in with this the facts (that nasa are beginning to come around to) that Mars had water and an atmostphere.
  3. All this stuff about being accountable is only really for public consumption, cause the general public are programmed essentially in the father (big brother) - child relationship. We are programmed to give consent and we really don't want to know about the nasty stuff.
  4. It will. Besides, I don't dare even try and list everyone for fear of leaving someone out and hurting their feelings. is that manc mag the poor little dear Gosh no, I could never forget him and his wandering hands.
  5. No. I do, however, instantly know if I like someone when I meet them in person. I'm usually right too, if I don't like someone, they invariably turn out to be a cunt. So you know what you want from people very quickly? What is that? no, I just mean I instinctively know what sort of person I think they will be and if I will take to them. Having said that, there are some people on here I think I would get on with although you can't be sure. Stevie is one by the way. Of course Stevie would be excellent. Do you think you might be narrowing down too much the kinds of people who you'd like?
  6. No. I do, however, instantly know if I like someone when I meet them in person. I'm usually right too, if I don't like someone, they invariably turn out to be a cunt. So you know what you want from people very quickly? What is that?
  7. There is scant oversight on the security services....I mean scant....Very little....
  8. Would people say we attract similar people or different people with online persona as against realtime persona....Of course time on here is broken up and we have a lot of timeouts.
  9. I wouldnt bother, he'd still smell of hippy juice.
  10. I know you don't know what you mean.
  11. I hate it when pop stars get stick for 'just' being singers. You could say the same of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Nat 'King' Cole, Elvis Presley, Tony Bennet and a host of brilliant other SINGERS who only contributed a limited amount to their lyrics. I'm not a fan of Williams at all, but he's clearly a great showman. That said, watching him recently i think he has totally lost it. He looks like he's crying constantly. We all enjoy an emotional performance, but no-one wants to feel as uncomfortable as i do when watching what seems to be a fullblown mental breakdown broadcast to milllions as entertainment. He was a great showman because he had the audience in the palm of his hand. He still does the same old tricks to gee up the crowd, but seems to have lost control completely. He's into UFO's now. So's Danny Dyer. Did you watch that one?
  12. Guantanamo isn't about scaring muslims it's assymetric warfare against us. In our name. When they carpet bomb Fallujah they are really carrpet bombing us. In our name. Manufacturing consent through fear and overwhelming useless information.
  13. Virgin Mary or weeping statue not reported at scene apparently.
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