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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. It's almost like you've been reborn.
  2. Wait 2 years for the next one.
  3. Tiny amounts of current applied to the correct parts of the brain changes your memories for ever. Memories can be inserted via sleep programming by bringing the mind down first with sleep depravation and then playing tapes (of desired memories) during the reusltant relapse 20 hr sleep. The past is the future. We found that those who could remember the war were less inclined to fight another war and infact resisted openly so methods were sought to erase and replace memories of war, these had to be reprogrammed as the need for more and faster wars grew, ethics of good and bad delianeted top dowm from notions of godhood and nature were useful tools in distancing and overcoming the subjects resistance. In the beginning we could supplanted crude dualisms that inferred that peace needed war (how we giggled that night when the first subject started to give into this)...Truth we began to realise could constantly be re-programmed to be this or that as we liked...Mass hynotic episodes were slowly bought online as we moved to trauma based hynotic suggestion...Oh those were the days...!!!© Chronicles of Parkenstien. Peace and Out.
  4. True but the yanks are a very, very distant third in all of that. So far distant that you'd need a train to reach where they are. Russia and Britain won the war. Agreed us and the Russians took the brunt of it, while American war profiteering was rampant. The American people didn't even want to come into the war which says all you need to know about their commitment. Some Americans didn't. Have you two forgot the Americans had to deal with the Japanese ffs? They weren't a distant third by any margin, and we are endebted to them as much as the French are to us. It is a FACT that a vast majority of the american people had no interest of coming into the war. Having just come out of depression the American people although sympathetic to our plight didn't want to enter the war, in repsonse Roosevelt passed this unique legislation: January 6, 1941 *: "Washington, the U.S. Congress President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to pass what would be called the Lend-Lease Act Lend-Lease Act provision of American materiel to beleaguered Allies in WWII. [Am. Hist.: Van Doren, 480] See : Aid, Governmental . That law would allow the President to lend or lease [rent] guns, tanks, planes, and ships to any nation that the President thought needed help. That country, every American knew, was Great Britain."
  5. ?? not sure what your getting at. quite frankly the end of the empire was pretty much settled after the 1st world war as we could no longer afford imperialism. and tbh, i'd rather be at the beck and call of the yanks than soviet russia. not saying i'm happy with that fact that we are. dont think ive ever said that are you saying we shouldnt have fought WW2 and let germany have a free reign over western europe? that would have been a properly scary situation. with no resistance from the western allies germany would have probably overthrown the soviets and that would have been quite frankly terrifying as they could of then disposed of britain at their whim. biggest mistake germany ever made was not disposing of us (the UK) in 1940 (either by invasion or treaty) as in reality we turned into a huge drop off point for america after that and the 2 front war was more than german infrastructure could take due to the bombing campaign of the western allies. the same western allies that would of been out of the war or at least been severly curtailed by the fact that 'airstrip 1' wasnt off the coast of their controlled teritory. I'm not talking about the war, I'm referring to your constant digs at the proud tradition of fair play and inclusiveness that pervades the British left. Of course it began with that witch Thatcher (Is she still alive she must be drinking the blood of virgins?) She bought into the whole neo-conservative thesis of perpetual conflict and bolshiness and the expansion of a dracula like private sector. Working claw in glove with the dumbest man alive at that time Reagan (a puppet of the Jewish banking cartels like Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs/Bear Stearns (since defunct) they took profit and value out of the system and away from people driven projects. Of course this has been continued by Blair ( a very unsound man and a genetic liar with an ugly posh vindictive wife) and the the 2nd most cluesless president after Reagan - vis a vie Bush Jnr. None of these people and their supporters give a flying fuck about the likes of me and you and keep gumbies like you distracted with perpetual stories of fear and disaster.
  6. True but the yanks are a very, very distant third in all of that. So far distant that you'd need a train to reach where they are. Russia and Britain won the war. Agreed us and the Russians took the brunt of it, while American war profiteering was rampant. The American people didn't even want to come into the war which says all you need to know about their commitment.
  7. AA you have what you guys wanted a country at the beck and call of America. Hope you're happy with it.
  8. Classic hard knocks made good story. Genuine fella by the looks of things.
  9. If my memory serves me the inital palava with Stevie was something to do with a 'secret forum', the existence of which I have no knowledge. It is also correct that at the time Bluf and othes were trying to get more people to write about football on N.O. especially 'locals' who go to games, and Stevie clearly fitted into this schemata. It is also true I have witnessed funny postts from G on N.O. from time to time... What often happens to Stevie is he gets caught up in cyclical debates with with one or two people like G when he should really let it go. His knowledge of footy and his sense of humour is enough, HE doesn't need to win every debate on top of that. **I do understand there is history between the afformentioned 'couple'. Peace and out. P.
  10. Park Life


    I'm having fish tonight as well. But not cooking it... That looks cool btw. I thought you were a veggie now? I allow a little fish.
  11. Park Life


    I'm having fish tonight as well. But not cooking it... That looks cool btw.
  12. The force was strong in him.
  13. Where do you live Westcombe Park? Top end of Brockley, on the A20 basically. Strange place to get to if training it iirc.
  14. I don't know how many ways I can ask this question. It's generally accepted you're the most boring cunt on here, with the worst patter. Agreed? Bare in mind The Fish contributes some sense on the football forum. So with that in mind you don't have the right to criticise anybody elses "banter" do you? As I said if someone like you appreciated my "banter" I'd have to take a long look at myself as far as I'm concerned. Sense??!! Football!!?? Fish!! Doesn't compute....
  15. This has got to be one of the maddest threads on the internet and believe me I visit some pretty locco forums. Peace.
  16. Far superior atitude. We're basically savages.
  17. Lembit Opek, take note. Career politician. Which should have ruled him out for standing for parliament on grounds of insanity.
  18. Where is the right these days? ha aha
  19. just because someone doesn't agree with your anti west do gooder bollocks doesn't make them a right wing reactionary Touche
  20. Anyone managed to get the faux moral high ground on this one?
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