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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Sadled meself with some wanky contract which I didn't look at...Yes I'm a wanker.
  2. They should all be living in Milan knocking out minimal ambient- techno and giving interviews about vegetariansm or recording with Brian Eno in a cave in Guadelupe. No imagination these cunts.
  3. Courgettes, Toms and Rhubard gone in today.
  4. Hughton has never really changed. Silly fuck.
  5. Gives away free kick leads to goal. Classic Butt. Hughton fuckwitery knows no bounds.
  6. I have a good ice cream if anyone needs it.
  7. Lost it on the pearl necklace moment aparently.
  8. Looking forward to this, should be quite a crisp game. It's on 'the usual soruces' Stevie if you're staying in for it.
  9. The Norway Spiral. Beautiful.
  10. Some of those stats are appalling like, aren't they? Y'know, for reals, if I ever took a couple of you guys down to East St. Louis, you wouldn't be at all surprised why we don't have stuff like nationalized health care. I used to go into East Saint like 2 or 3 times a week in the late 90's when I was working for a computer services outfit. I honestly didn't think places like that existed in the U.S. It was like driving through a warzone- no street signs, burned-out buildings tangled in vegetation, no painted traffic lines on the roads. It was unreal- public libraries and schools that never turned on their lights because their budgets didn't afford it. The main hospital had an emergency room entrance with cameras and a buzzer system to open the door. The projects had fences and gates around them, and just like the hospital, you had to be buzzed in (course, I saw people actually jump the fences as I was standing, waiting to get in, lol). One old guy who was a minister at a nearby church asked me to park at the church and walk down the street to his house (it was about half a block away). The reason? He didn't want me parking the computer van in his driveway- then everyone would know he had computer equipment in his house (and would come steal them). The first time I went down there to work on a printer, I asked the client for directions to his business. He gave me a burned down building as a navigational landmark. Crazy, right? The fucked up thing was when I got there, I wasn't sure which burned down building he meant- there were several. I used to believe that if somebody hadn't made something of himself, it was largely due to the individual. After working in and around East Saint for a couple of years, I realized there are more people in this country who are completely and totally fucked at birth than anyone would care to admit. And from reading that bit about Detroit, it actually sounds worse. You lot need to take your country back.
  11. Christ no, have you no standards? Stupid question . She's always been a doll. Wore tight leather pants back in the day Good sucking lips.
  12. Booyaka!! The Green party are the least flexible and most dogmatic party of all. Take their stance on nuclear power. Idiots. I don't for one second think that the Green party would get in though, that's the point. A vote for either of the main two parties or not voting at all is the same thing. It shows support or indifference towards their almost identical approaches. An increased vote for extreme left and right wing parties will both pull the main parties out of the centre towards opposing extremes as well as increasing the flexibility of the extreme parties who will push to increase their vote by becoming more centerist. The greens time has come and gone. People are too busy struggling to make ends meet to worry about green issues. Unfortunately for the Greens, the mainline politico's have gazumped them by embracing the man-made global warming myth.
  13. Or perhaps some people have strong convictions and actually believe in something other than this being a popularity contest, or about personal gain. The sheep imo are those that are led by the popular media in this country. problem is I don't think there are many convictions left in politics. Snouts in the trough (3 at court yesterday) illegal wars ( thousands killed for oil) Tories any better? Convictions....... There are other parties. As much as i loathe and despise the BNP I'd rather people voted for them (or the Lib Dems, Green, UKIP etc.) than not voting because of apathy towards the Tories and Labour. A 30% turnout and hung parliament isn't really the kick in the arse the two parties that have shared power for over a century need. They need to get out and start trying to win some votes then. I've never had an candidate knock on my door (lucky escape for them Used to love a good old doorstep challenge with the mormons) I guess its because we live in a "foregone conclusion" area. That aside they should still try. You are a forgone conclusion Tree.
  14. Whilst I can normally at least understand the ideas behind your thoughts, this is just flat out ridiculous. Well. It happened. Sadly. Unless you want to change history. Leazes thread derailment count: 24
  15. From http://tarpley.net/2010/03/10/letter...100-per-month/: "Letter to Congressman Van Hollen: Reject Obamacare, Enact Medicare for All at $100 per Month "Webster G. Tarpley TARPLEY.net March 10, 2010 "Dear Congressman Van Hollen: "I urge you to reject the Obama health care bill. This is not reform; it is a bailout of bankrupt insurance companies at the expense of average working people, obtained through coercion and extortion. Forcing Americans to buy insurance from private, for-profit, deregulated companies is clearly unconstitutional. The idea of a mandate to purchase insurance is a reactionary Republican invention, and we want no part of it. Furthermore, this bill’s $500 billion in Medicare cuts are a direct attack on the economic rights of Americans implemented under the New Deal and the Great Society, and will cause incalculable suffering and human tragedy. These colossal Medicare cuts will inevitably result in rationing, delay, and the denial of care, causing patients to die needlessly. The spirit of this bill is that of OMB Director Peter Orszag, the sinister Malthusian bureaucrat who is behind recent attempts to deny Americans Pap smears, mammograms, and PSA tests – as cost-cutting measures. "Instead, we should set a national goal of extending US life expectancy by five years over the coming two decades. Funding for Medicare must be increased by making Wall Street pay their fair share with a 1% Tobin tax or Wall Street sales tax on derivatives and other speculative transactions, by clawing back the TARP bailout from the zombie banks, and by ending the Iraq and Afghan wars. Give every person the voluntary option to join Medicare For All at any age for $100 per person per month, with generous allowances and fee waivers for families, the unemployed, students, the working poor, and the destitute. Further savings can come through a fully funded national and international crash program of biomedical research to find cures for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and other dread diseases. "In addition, health care requires more than insurance. We need to build 1,000 modern, state of the art hospitals with 500 beds each just to reach the minimum of targets set by the Hill-Burton Act of 1946. We need to train 250,000 doctors over the next ten years. These goals require serious investments, not subsidies to predatory insurance companies who are going broke because of their reckless derivatives bets. "Your role in the Democratic leadership suggests that you are severely out of touch, paying far more attention to the needs of Obama and Pelosi than to the needs of your district. Stop armtwisting for this wretched sellout and listen to your constituents. Vote no on this bill. "Webster G. Tarpley"
  16. House of Commons Cafe is free apparently.
  17. Sun's Nemesis Pelted Earth with Comets, Study Suggests By Leslie Mullen Astrobiology Magazine posted: 11 March 2010 08:16 am ET A dark object may be lurking near our solar system, occasionally kicking comets in our direction. Nicknamed "Nemesis" or "The Death Star," this undetected object could be a red or brown dwarf star, or an even darker presence several times the mass of Jupiter. Why do scientists think something could be hidden beyond the edge of our solar system? Originally, Nemesis was suggested as a way to explain a cycle of mass extinctions on Earth. The paleontologists David Raup and Jack Sepkoski claim that, over the last 250 million years, life on Earth has faced extinction in a 26-million-year cycle. Astronomers proposed comet impacts as a possible cause for these catastrophes. Our solar system is surrounded by a vast collection of icy bodies called the Oort Cloud. If our Sun were part of a binary system in which two gravitationally-bound stars orbit a common center of mass, this interaction could disturb the Oort Cloud on a periodic basis, sending comets whizzing towards us. An asteroid impact is famously responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, but large comet impacts may be equally deadly. A comet may have been the cause of the Tunguska event in Russia in 1908. That explosion had about a thousand times the power of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, and it flattened an estimated 80 million trees over an 830 square mile area. While there's little doubt about the destructive power of cosmic impacts, there is no evidence that comets have periodically caused mass extinctions on our planet. The theory of periodic extinctions itself is still debated, with many insisting that more proof is needed. Even if the scientific consensus is that extinction events don't occur in a predictable cycle, there are now other reasons to suspect a dark companion to the Sun. The Footprint of Nemesis A recently-discovered dwarf planet, named Sedna, has an extra-long and usual elliptical orbit around the Sun. Sedna is one of the most distant objects yet observed, with an orbit ranging between 76 and 975 AU (where 1 AU is the distance between the Earth and the Sun). Sedna's orbit is estimated to last between 10.5 to 12 thousand years. Sedna's discoverer, Mike Brown of Caltech, noted in a Discover magazine article that Sedna's location doesn't make sense. "Sedna shouldn't be there," said Brown. "There's no way to put Sedna where it is. It never comes close enough to be affected by the Sun, but it never goes far enough away from the Sun to be affected by other stars." Perhaps a massive unseen object is responsible for Sedna's mystifying orbit, its gravitational influence keeping Sedna fixed in that far-distant portion of space. "My surveys have always looked for objects closer and thus moving faster," Brown said to Astrobiology Magazine. "I would have easily overlooked something so distant and slow moving as Nemesis." John Matese, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, suspects Nemesis exists for another reason. The comets in the inner solar system seem to mostly come from the same region of the Oort Cloud, and Matese thinks the gravitational influence of a solar companion is disrupting that part of the cloud, scattering comets in its wake. His calculations suggest Nemesis is between 3 to 5 times the mass of Jupiter, rather than the 13 Jupiter masses or greater that some scientists think is a necessary quality of a brown dwarf. Even at this smaller mass, however, many astronomers would still classify it as a low mass star rather than a planet, since the circumstances of birth for stars and planets differ. The Oort Cloud is thought to extend about 1 light year from the Sun. Matese estimates Nemesis is 25,000 AU away (or about one-third of a light year). The next-closest known star to the Sun is Proxima Centauri, located 4.2 light years away. Richard Muller of the University of California Berkeley first suggested the Nemesis theory, and even wrote a popular science book on the topic. In his view, Nemesis is a red dwarf star 1.5 light years away. Many scientists counter that such a wide orbit is inherently unstable and could not have lasted long — certainly not long enough to have caused the extinctions seen in Earth's fossil record. But Muller says this instability has resulted in an orbit that has changed greatly over billions of years, and in the next billion years Nemesis will be thrown free of the solar system. Binary star systems are common in the galaxy. It is estimated that one-third of the stars in the Milky Way are either binary or part of a multiple-star system. Red dwarfs are also common — in fact, astronomers say they are the most common type of star in the galaxy. Brown dwarfs are also thought to be common, but there are only a few hundred known at this time because they are so difficult to see. Red and brown dwarfs are smaller and cooler than our Sun, and do not shine brightly. If red dwarfs can be compared to the red embers of a dying fire, then brown dwarfs would be the smoldering ash. Because they are so dim, it is plausible that the Sun could have a secret companion even though we've searched the sky for many years with a variety of instruments. NASA's newest telescope, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), may be able to answer the question about Nemesis once and for all. Finding Dwarfs in the Dark WISE looks at our universe in the infrared part of the spectrum. Like the Spitzer Space telescope, WISE is hunting for heat. The difference is that WISE has a much wider field of view, and so is able to scan a greater portion of the sky for distant objects. WISE began scanning the sky on January 14, and NASA recently released the mission's first images. The mission will map the entire sky until October, when the spacecraft's coolant runs out. Part of the WISE mission is to search for brown dwarfs, and NASA expects it could find one thousand of the dim stellar objects within 25 light years of our solar system. Davy Kirkpatrick at NASA's Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at Caltech found nothing when he searched for Nemesis using data from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). Now Kirkpatrick is part of the WISE science team, ready to search again for any signs of a companion to our Sun. Kirkpatrick doesn't think Nemesis will be the red dwarf star with an enormous orbit described by Muller. In his view, Matese's description of Nemesis as a low mass object closer to home is more plausible. "I think the possibility that the Sun could harbor a companion of another sort is not a crazy idea," said Kirkpatrick. "There might be a distant object in a more stable, more circular orbit that has gone unnoticed so far." Ned Wright, professor of astronomy and physics at UCLA and the principle investigator for the WISE mission said that WISE will easily see an object with a mass a few times that of Jupiter and located 25,000 AU away, as suggested by Matese. "This is because Jupiter is self-luminous like a brown dwarf," said Wright. "But for planets less massive than Jupiter in the far outer solar system, WISE will be less sensitive." Neither Kirkpatrick nor Wright think Nemesis is disrupting the Oort cloud and sending comets towards Earth, however. Because they envision a more benign orbit, they prefer the name "Tyche" (the good sister). Regardless of what they expect to find, the WISE search won't focus on one particular region of the sky. "The great thing about WISE, as was also true of 2MASS, is that it's an all-sky survey," said Kirkpatrick. "There will be some regions such as the Galactic Plane where the observations are less sensitive or fields more crowded, but we'll search those areas too. So we're not preferentially targeting certain directions." We may not have an answer to the Nemesis question until mid-2013. WISE needs to scan the sky twice in order to generate the time-lapsed images astronomers use to detect objects in the outer solar system. The change in location of an object between the time of the first scan and the second tells astronomers about the object's location and orbit. "I don't suspect we'll have completed the search for candidate objects until mid-2012, and then we may need up to a year of time to complete telescopic follow-up of those objects," said Kirkpatrick. Even if Nemesis is not found, the WISE telescope will help shed light on the darkest corners of the solar system. The telescope can be used to search for dwarf planets like Pluto that orbit the Sun off the solar system's ecliptic plane. The objects that make up the Oort Cloud are too small and far away for WISE to see, but it will be able to track potentially dangerous comets and asteroids closer to home.
  18. Booyaka!! The Green party are the least flexible and most dogmatic party of all. Take their stance on nuclear power. Idiots. I know, muppets. But loveable, especially some of the chicks.
  19. Congress debate on getting out of Afghanistan started yesterday. Didn't know the legislation used to start the war was only a 90 day emergency resolution after 9/11...!!!
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