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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Really think Rawanda is out of context with regard to freedom of speech isn't it??
  2. "Freedom of Speech"...Sorry must have missed that memo.
  3. Obama snubs press pics and no comments made after Netanyahoo meet. He was in there a long time.
  4. YOu really couldn't make it up.
  5. This, he does come across as a smug wanker who loves himself and likes to hear himself as well. Well done Andy, chiv the cunt next time. P.S If that tale is true about him texting his bird when Carroll was in Swansea then he's got off very lightly imo. Agreed. Can't stand him.
  6. Beginning to wonder if he's safe near compost.
  7. Obama will step upto the plate this week. Let's see what he's made of.
  8. Completely out of character for Carroll ... Just because he's halfway to decent he has to be a caveman, though maybe he's halfway to decent because he's a caveman. Taylor has no excuse. Should have stunned Carroll with a 'he went thataway' arm pointing routine. Maybe Carroll took exception to being pointed at repeatedly?
  9. Get in line, bucko. Can't be left to an American are you fucking crazee?!!
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