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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. V I Lenin You betcha!! If I lived in rednecksville I'd be shooting anything that moved basically.
  2. America the only country dumb enough to vote in the antichrist.
  3. Thinking about it the only gf's I've had who have been a bit funny were a bit dykish (small titted, athletic)... I think it is probably the case men want a woman who thinks and laughs like a man, but looks like a woman...Sadly this don't exist.
  4. They really don't like each other though...Err not sure if that means anything...
  5. Once people realize that this healthcare deal really isn't that bad and the beast doesn't rise from the lake of fire, they'll try and remember why they got all worked up about it to start with. It is nuts over here though. Have you all been hearing about the people who voted for this thing getting death threats and whatnot? Some Representative got a bullet through his window because he voted for the bill. Not surprising, really though. Pitiful state of education + Fox News = stupid scared people. And stupid scared people do stupid scary things.
  6. ...the problem with female comedians uptill now is that they tend to be either dykes or Jews or butch" Christopher Hitchens.
  7. What exactly is meant to be " a rational analysis of exploitation"?? ha ha Get dem guns boi!!1 http://www.americanmilitiamovement.com/forum/
  8. Park Life


    I'm giving this one the all clear. Pud is there any way you can click a few buttons on yer computah and make like my tax is upto date? **
  9. One thing I really do like about Americans is that they tend to fight back.
  10. Breaking SHTF: Homeland Security, FBI Raid Militia in Michigan Submitted by sharpsteve on Sun, 03/28/2010 - 02:55 in Video Homeland Security, FBI Raid Militias in Multiple States 1/2 Homeland Security, FBI Raid Militias in Multiple States 2/2 Digg it FBI, Homeland Security Raid Militias in Michigan http://digg.com/d31MrCE WXYZ) - The FBI was conducting raids Saturday night at multiple locations in southeast Michigan. Railgunner2000 (3 hours ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply | Spam "If you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." -- Winston Churchill Nailer45 (3 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam just got off one of our back up phones with another militia unit commander. His first comment was Well Mark, I guess that we arent going to chirch this morning. [04:35] mark_Koernke_ He then told me that as he was packing up his LBE and weapons into the armored truck he has that he asked his wife to bring the congregation together to say a prayer for the militia that may be going to war this sunday.
  11. Sounds lovely but what about all those Jewish run banks and Washington pressure groups and all those millions that go to both party funds?
  12. It was really good. Still on iplayer I think.
  13. The need child sex magic to speak to higher dark et.
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