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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I can't think of any actor better at portraying cold, calculated menace as De Niro. His German accent must be shit, as otherwise he couldve cleaned up all the meatiest Nazi roles in the last 30 odd years. Olivier did a class accent in Marathon Man.
  2. My lass is very funny and very sharp witted but she tends not to show that side of herself in front of me, as years of mental and physical torture have suppressed her. Swings and roundabouts.
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00rs...Panorama_Guide/
  4. thats probably what i meant. i dont know too much about american politics so please forgive my fumbling around the issue. Me neither. I was just taken aback by your 'untouchable' comment. Forgive me if i'm mistaken, but you seem to be leaning towards voting Tory in the election thread and so contributing to the status quo that's maintained by having two centerist parties, co-opted by big business, that are virtually indistinguishable on policy and run entirely on image. It's exactly that approach that keeps the corporate elite running things to benefit themselves. We are able to vote for other parties. I'd also recommend you write to the candidtaes telling them exactly why you will or won't vote for them. They're all attention whores who love getting the opinions of their constituents....which they'll ignore in favour of their paymasters ;o) Labour - milibandd@parliament.uk Tory - karenallen@southshieldsconservatives.co.uk Lib Dem - stephen@psallidas.net
  5. That would probably be closer. Used to be the Irish.
  6. na mate, just wanted an insight into your mind. quite scary really. I will be watching you from now on.
  7. thats probably what i meant. i dont know too much about american politics so please forgive my fumbling around the issue. I pretty much take that as read for any issue you comment on.
  8. All the worlds problems are muslims apparently.
  9. Industry rag which I get to see through work said at the time of the original stories: "Wildcat-ing of the type not seen since the early days of the North Sea, no-one benefits but the speculators" Original stories start = share price up, some sell make some dosh Reality strikes share price drops. What a surprise Yup.
  10. so whats the answer Parky? bring it all down and revert to anarchy? Get a farm and a gun. forgive me if i dont hold my breath till this apocolyptic vision happens Parky. If you're correct with your assertion of this so called NWO then it'll never happen as theres no way they would allow it. Eh? Thought you were asking advice on how not to get ripped off every day of your miserable life?
  11. so whats the answer Parky? bring it all down and revert to anarchy? Get a farm and a gun.
  12. it certainly looks that way sometimes! I guess im just uncomfortable with the idea of religiously motivated police is all. and before anyone starts that means any religion. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...l-tensions.html Race and immigration is just a distraction the ruling class use against us. Your problem is your Govt and their paymasters the banks and big business. But of course that is too big for you to think about so you waste everyones time repeating the mantra's put out in the mass media. why are the banks and big business my problem? aside from holding a bank account and having a couple of loans/mortgage i have no dealings with them. and doubly so with big business. they are there to make money out of the likes of you and me. you may think it exploitive and unfair but thats what businesses do so get over it. lastly i've never known ANY govt. that didnt put its owns interests 1st. again, exploitive and unfair but thats the way the world works old son. you obvously see this as some form of control device and maybe it is but a one man crusade on a championship teams forum page aint gonna change any of it. i see issues of race/loss of identity and immigration virtually every day (peddled by the media and also in the street) so thats what i tend to concentrate on. maybe im just one of the 'brainwashed' You don't see anything. You never will and this sorry cycle continues. All the money you have is only on loan to you and throughout your life you'll be giving it all back.
  13. it certainly looks that way sometimes! I guess im just uncomfortable with the idea of religiously motivated police is all. and before anyone starts that means any religion. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...l-tensions.html Race and immigration is just a distraction the ruling class use against us. Your problem is your Govt and their paymasters the banks and big business. But of course that is too big for you to think about so you waste everyones time repeating the mantra's put out in the mass media.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4qVAZOhD6M There you go, chap. Could watch Enrique's all day. Fucking golden. Cheers.
  15. It would have been the same in N.Ireland when the IRA and the Unionists were at war. The cops etc didn't mess in each others areas. Bearing in mind this is the embassy that is linked to forging UK passports and using them to do hits in other countries....Close the whole embassy down never mind protecting it. Fuvk off!
  16. Didn't realie it was the Israeli embassy!!11 Good on him, maybe next time don't complain and sneak a bomb in there.
  17. give over Parky, it's a completely ligit article Is this a series? Like "What have those evil muslims done this week"? Kinda thing?
  18. Another Meenz grooming fiasco!
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