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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Or choke them with dry snacks from his trolley.
  2. Peter Mandlhelson. John Kerr (Royal Dutch Shell), John Micklethwaite, George Osbourne, Martin Wolf, Vandeline Von Bredlow, Edward McBride. If you want to know your enemy don't look any further.
  3. Spurs fans going on about Judas....
  4. I reckon 10m is set aside...But I can't see much more at this stage with all the signals coming out of the club.
  5. Or the old I'm gonna sell, buy back, sell, buy back sell Defoe/Keane (delete as appropriate) till eveyone has lost track of what's going on... *Banks cash.
  6. Lanky falling over ballerina silly hair - check Cant work out which one that is Guti
  7. He basically goes in a nicks all the cash...Thought that was well known. "Boss I need 6mill for this def" *Pays 1 million for no hoper banks the remainder. Allegedly.
  8. Lanky falling over ballerina silly hair - check
  9. Well, this is a point in hand. You 'like the look' of this chemical but based on what? There's no way of knowing if it is good for you or not without conducting a properly controlled study in humans. Take vitamin E, an antioxidant that was presumed to protect you against heart disease because of its biochemical properties, and was massively championed by nutitionists etc 10 years back (not surprisingly since they profitted from it). It took the Heart Protectio Study (a massive RCT with 20,000 participants iirc) to find out at best it did you no good and at worst it might even harm your health. Incidentally the benefits of multivitamins have had doubt cast on them very recently in a massive observational study (500,000 people), but because this isn't controlled it's impossible to draw firm conclusions (increased cancer risk could be due to confounding factors). I blame the internet. GSK bought out the company that had all the patents on it last year for a product based on it for clinical use dimbo. Give me the details of your employers they're clearing wasting their money on you. Tbh Parky I've never heard of Resveratol before and its not yet on the radar of healthcare services as far as I am aware. Given your earlier post on 'spun' water I'd assumed this was your usual cut and paste nonsense. Anyway, you are aware that GSK will test literally thousands of chemicals, but only a tiny fraction of these will reach the market? The time to get interested in it will be when it shows benefit in clinical trials, if it gets that far (which is unlikely). Nice backtrack.
  10. Well, this is a point in hand. You 'like the look' of this chemical but based on what? There's no way of knowing if it is good for you or not without conducting a properly controlled study in humans. Take vitamin E, an antioxidant that was presumed to protect you against heart disease because of its biochemical properties, and was massively championed by nutitionists etc 10 years back (not surprisingly since they profitted from it). It took the Heart Protectio Study (a massive RCT with 20,000 participants iirc) to find out at best it did you no good and at worst it might even harm your health. Incidentally the benefits of multivitamins have had doubt cast on them very recently in a massive observational study (500,000 people), but because this isn't controlled it's impossible to draw firm conclusions (increased cancer risk could be due to confounding factors). I blame the internet. GSK bought out the company that had all the patents on it last year for a product based on it for clinical use dimbo. Give me the details of your employers they're clearing wasting their money on you. Science is bascially about a decade behind me.
  11. Just put a bounty up for a clean kill why fuck about?
  12. You guys are living under the sad illusion that the law applies to all equally. Seriously.....
  13. You guys are tripping if you think they are going to touch the Pope.
  14. What you mean is your mates have changed their 'opinion' on it after backing it for a decade. Business as usual. Here is something else I like the look of Resveratrol Summary * Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound found in grapes, red wine, purple grape juice, peanuts, and some berries. (More Information) * When taken orally, resveratrol appears to be well-absorbed by humans, but its bioavailability is relatively low because it is rapidly metabolized and eliminated. (More Information) * Scientists became interested in exploring potential health benefits of resveratrol when its presence was reported in red wine, leading to speculation that resveratrol might help explain the “French Paradox.” (More Information) * Moderate alcohol consumption has been consistently associated with 20-30% reductions in coronary heart disease risk, but it is not yet clear whether red wine polyphenols, such as resveratrol, confer any additional risk reduction. (More Information) * Although resveratrol can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in culture and in some animal models, it is not known whether high intakes of resveratrol can prevent cancer in humans. (More Information) * Resveratrol administration has increased the lifespans of yeast, worms, fruit flies, fish, and mice fed a high-calorie diet, but it is not known whether resveratrol will have similar effects in humans. (More Information) * At present, relatively little is known about the effects of resveratrol in humans.
  15. I thought the Chinese had already given Iran nukes.
  16. What the hell is charged/spun water? http://kangen.net/h2o-research/ Also... Antioxidant health improving detoxification benefits of drinking restructured ionized water from a home drinking alkaline water ionizers filter and drinking ionizer water improvement system. Experience the revolutionary new health improving home drinking water ionizer filter system from Bawell water ionizers. Alkaline water ionizers are a scientific type of home drinking water filter system which goes beyond simple water purification and cleaning of ordinary tap water and transmutes the water into molecularly restructured optimized drinking water. This new drinking water from the alkaline water ionizer is broken down at the molecular level inside the electrolysis chamber of the water ionizer to produce ionized drinking water which is now consisting of groups of molecularly smaller water clusters. Water found in nature consist of water clusters of 12-24 H2O molecules per cluster, but the drinking water coming out of your kitchen water ionizer filter device is restructured into new smaller water clusters of 4-8 H20 molecules per cluster. These new ionized water clusters are now less than 1/4 the size of ordinary water clusters, since they are smaller in size this new drinking water from the water ionizer is absorbed much more easily by your body’s cells. Cells are like tiny engines which are lubricated with water molecules, they absorb these water molecules through tiny openings in their cell walls known as orifices, since the ionized water from the ionizer is now 4 times smaller than ordinary water your cells can absorb the ionized water clusters easier and faster through the cell walls than water clusters from all other drinking water sources. This higher rate of rehydration of cells from water ionizer produced water is akin to the benefits of increases lubrication of engines with synthetic as opposed to organ tic motor oil. Since your body’s cells are like tiny engines they now rehydrate more than twice as fast and also function at a higher rate of efficiency as the ionized drinking water you supply them has been confirmed through scientific research to protect DNA RNA and cell proteins from oxidative damage and free radical damage. This leads us to the health benefits of alkaline ionized drinking water and how the ionized restructured drinking water produced achieves these health benefits. In the electrolysis chamber of the water ionizer system the water molecules are polarized in an electromagnetic field leading causing them to break their weak inter-molecular hydrogen bonds. This breaking of H2O water molecules leaves them in two parts, one part hydrogen H and one part hydrogen and oxygen HO now when the water molecules exit the electrolysis chamber of the water ionizer they reform into the new tiny water clusters of 4-8 H2O molecules as we discussed earlier but they also leave an abundance of broken segments of only Hydrogen H ions and Hydrogen + Oxygen Ions HO These ions are water give the water ionizer its name and the water ions are what produce the positive health benefits in living biological tissues when exposed to ionized water. The drinking water from your water ionizer now possesses two additional properties over ordinary water, smaller molecular water cluster size and an abundance of health improving hydroxyl ions. These water ions improve health by producing a scavenging removal effect of the positively charged free radicals which damage cells that are naturally found in our body as a byproduct of metabolism. The ionized alkaline drinking water acts as antioxidant water detox sponge wiping away and removing these harmful free radicals in our bodies, kind of like a oil filter in your car it filters out contaminants in the bodies life giving fluids providing a detoxification effect and overall improvement in the bodies biological systems such as immune function, metabolism, and rate of cellular reproduction. The ionized drinking water ionizers properties of antioxidant alkaline detoxification health improving ability is so profound upon the bodies condition that within as little as 1 months time of drinking electrolyzed ions from your water ionizer you will notice that you have lost weight, with continued use the weight loss will continue and be sustained as the ionized drinking water increases your body’s ability to get rid of toxins and waste which are normally stored in fat cells which are 90% water by weight. and... Microwater, with its low molecular weight and high reduction potential, makes it a superior scavenging agent of active oxygen. But electrolysis inside the Microwater unit not only charges the reduced water with electrons, it also reduces the size of reduced water molecule clusters. NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) analysis reveals that tap water and well water consists of clusters of 10 to 13 H20 molecules. Electrolysis of water in the Microwater unit reduces these clusters to about half their normal size - 5 to 6 water molecules per cluster. As the graph shows, the NMR signal that measures cluster size by line width at half-amplitude shows 65 Hz for reduced water and 133 Hz for tap water, revealing that the reduced water clusters are approximately half the size of tap water clusters. This is why microwater is more readily absorbed by the body than untreated tap water. Microwater quickly permeates the body and blocks the oxidation of biological molecules by donating its abundant electrons to active oxygen, enabling biological molecules to replace themselves naturally... http://www.iwanthealthywater.com/Alkaline.html
  17. And Chez when are GSK releasing reseveritrol?? Musn't keep that away from the masses....
  18. Behind the scenes of course the diseases that affect us in this reality have no effect on the light body, which can eternally re-create the perfect physical body. Psychedelics are kind of a mind medicine and can in the lucky initate activate various brain processes that are almost always beneficial...Also water is really key IMO for alternative medicine, I sometimes drink charged/spun water where the water information is changed. http://www.alibaba.com/product/watersimon1...ygen_Water.html Drinking this water for a week (our body is essentially a water information device), I have found feeling a lot less stress, anxiety and my creative thinking also improved. Also Vitamin D activation...Sunlight on the body (at least 75% body exposure to midday sun for at least half an hour is ideal) then the body produces 10,000 iu of D, D3 and D7...A lot of problems in colder countries is simply that people aren't getting enough Vit D. Vit D actually operates somewhat like a hormone when activated and nearly all cells have Vit D receptors and it has a mass effect on well being. Really store up on it in the summer as the body stores it for about 3 months. Peace.
  19. If that legislation goes through, how pukka would that be?
  20. Depends on our price really. 500m for Liv is probably 50m too high...For us if MA was asking 250m then I reckon there would be more chance.
  21. Reckon he'll go to Citeh in the summer.
  22. How the world has changed my friend. The Reich really packed up and moved to Amerikkka.
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