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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Exacetedly. They did and were doing a number of things as I mentioned earlier, which made them super-competitive and strangely acting like a soverign country...MUST BE DESTROYED!!11 It was deemed intolerable that they didn't want more EU voodoo till 2015, that was as good a death warrant as there is. The EU is another top down elitist bueaurcracy which is self-serving and more out of the reach of democratic tools. WE NEED TO GET OUT. It is a myth that we benefit from it, far from it we lose money cause we're in it. Billions are wasted by this supra-tier of meddling by the pen pushing classes. Poland resisting 'coronation' of EU Council president In this section » ARTHUR BEESLEY in Brussels EU LEADERS remain deadlocked over the nomination of the first full-time president of the European Council as former Soviet bloc states resist a “coronation” of Belgian prime minister Herman Van Rompuy. Mr Van Rompuy emerged as a leading compromise candidate last week following the Socialist group’s rejection of former British prime minister Tony Blair and French and British resistance to Jean-Claude Juncker, Luxembourg’s long-serving prime minister. Other mattters.. "With about three-quarters of Polish banking assets now foreign-owned, it will keep two big state banks under Polish control, partly to finance projects and sectors favoured by the government. It may scrap talks with a UK group for control of the Gdansk Refinery, Poland's second largest oil concern, and merge it with PKN Orlen, the country's leading refiner - possibly as soon as this week. From telecommunications to insurance, it is the same story. Poland, which is hosting this week's U.N. climate talks, joined forces with Italy and threatened to veto the European Union's climate and energy package last year, arguing it could not afford to meet its requirements. Germany, some of whose companies have a financial stake in Poland's utility sector, has been a key ally. The goal of the EU is to destroy the EU. War is peace.
  2. Errr it was the bankers and financiers that left the country in the state it's in. Who removed restrictions from the bankers Yeah let's ignore responsibility of the public who embraced the credit card/buy to let culture which was the real cause - easier to blame the government. If the government legalised theft then people would clear the shelves. You can't expect the public at large to restrain themselves when products are offered to them even though you might have the sense to. It's up to the government to regulate the banks so loans aren't available to EVERYONE whatever their circumstances. It's not the point, he's blaming Labour for the worldwide financial crisis, like banks are governable in one single territory. they're not. De-regulation happenned as a policy right across the West to various degress and especially America. Banks will bend the rules anyway and interantional banks are practiacally impossible to Govern unless there is agreeement across all of the G7. In fact the earrly success of Labours economic policies was due to letting the Bank of England have more say in settting interest rates and general governanace, you can't have it both ways. The Tories have been wrong about everything during this crisis and have changed their minds two or three times inc the bank bailout policy, settling debt later so as not to harm recovery etc etc...The slammed the Northern Rock thing and then changed their positon when the like of RBOS and Barclays (their traditional friends) started asking for cash as well.
  3. Errr it was the bankers and financiers that left the country in the state it's in. Who removed restrictions from the bankers Name which restriction lifted in the UK and how it affected the pan European/ US financial crisis?
  4. Errr it was the bankers and financiers that left the country in the state it's in.
  5. Les Ferdinand turned them and Villa down to sign for us. Players are fickle if we were above them in the league over a three or four year period, we'd be seen as just as attractive a proposition. Who wants to live in that shithole anyway, I can never get my head round it. Do Liverpool FC have a redeeming feature? Fans? Players? Ex Players? Area? Tell me if they do, I need educating about the endearing qualities of this club. Many people don't think it's a shithole http://www.skyscrapercity.com/forumdisplay.php?f=60 There are plenty of threads there to see what other people around the country think of Liverpool and what a splendid place it is. For the rest of your post I'd say you need education period. Period!
  6. Yes we can!! Yes we can!! Yes we can!!
  7. well, im not sure that they have made the wrong decisions as they have no power to implement them. however labour does, and lets face facts here, we're still in recession, our deficit is the worst in the developed world and we're moving out of said recession slower than every other rich country in the world. looks to me like labour are the ones who've made the wrong decisions. just my opinion. (so ive been told) Our economy was particularly vulnerable to the global shit storm for many reasons which were difficult to predict without hindsight. I am sure had the tories been in power they would have also happily welcomed the banking sector in with open arms at least as much as New Labour did. But since the collapse of Lehmans etc, aren't most experts in broad agreement that Brown did the right thing and that Cameron's policies would have been disastrous? Plus, many aspects of the recession haven't been as bad as feared so far (unemployment for example), probably because of Labour's intervention. And I also read a BBC article recently that stated that revised figures now show we have come out of recession quicker than the EU (who still have no growth at all apparently). But anyway, Osbourne ffs! Oh aye, and is anyone really insane enough to think the tories will benefit the NHS or do you simply not care? Frankly Labour performed a miracle...Cause it looked REAL bad at one point last year. The worst is still to come however.
  8. Just back from the Labour and Tory press conferences. Most important observation first: the Tories put on a very good breakfast spread: muffins, smoothies, fancy custard things with fruit and lots of cake - all paid for by Lord Ashcroft (Ashcash?). David Cameron wheeled out Sir Michael Caine to support his plans for a national citizens service - a scheme to make young people do voluntary work at 16. Sir Michael was not entirely on message. "I hated national service," he said, before praising "this government." There was some confusion as to whether he meant this Labour Government or he thought the Tories were already in power. It was a clever wheeze by Dodgy Dave. The press were poised to ask a lot of difficult questions about how the Tory efficiency savings do not add up. George Osborne has commissioned two very clever people to look at Government spending and they have said it is possible to save £12bn in the next nine months. The only problem is we have yet to see their workings. When I was at school I was warned I would fail my GCSE maths unless I showed ALL my workings. For me I'd rather take the dowdy and boring Brown who by all reports is intellectually very bright as against the dumbed down for the masses Cameron, who appears clueless on most things.
  9. According to tomorrow's New Statesman, Barack Obama was unimpressed by his encounter with David Cameron earlier this year and commented: "What a lightweight!" According to James Macintyre's report, Cameron's attempt to stress his pro-American and Eurosceptic credentials did not meet with Obama's approval. According to Macintyre's diplomatic sources, the Democratic candidate was "distinctly unimpressed" and labelled Cameron a lightweight. Macintyre notes that 48 hours earlier Obama had delivered a speech in Berlin stressing "the importance of Europe's role in our security and our future". Following the meeting with Cameron, Obama apparently asked officials for more information on Tory Euroscepticism. Macintyre also speculates that Cameron's support for the Iraq war – which Obama opposed – did not help the relationship either. Got it all wrong basically.
  10. CAMERON ON AFGHANISTAN... The Tories will back a troops surge to Afghanistan, even though it will mean higher numbers of casualties. "The status quo is not acceptable because we are not making progress," he said. He warned it would take "real leadership" to maintain public support, adding: "I believe there is a lot of disquiet, uncertainty and worry. "It won't be easy and we do have to prepare the public for the fact this will be difficult and that there will be casualties." Mr Cameron defended Barack Obama against critics accusing him of "dithering" over reinforcements. But he added: "It cannot go on forever." Pulling out would be wrong as there would be "a Taliban takeover", with terrorist training camps returning and a threat of Pakistan's nuclear weapons falling into extremist hands. CAMERON ON VAT... A strong signal that the Tories are willing to raise VAT was given by David Cameron. “We are going to have to do difficult things,” he warned. “We don't rule out putting up taxes. “Of course, we want spending to bear the brunt of the deficit reduction programme but no responsible government can ever rule out raising taxes.” Mr Cameron said he thought Britain was “overtaxed” already with the new 50p top rate and rises in National Insurance.
  11. Love the way that in their desperation the Tories have just cut to the chase and hired a PR guru to actually lead the party.
  12. +1 +2 But then I thought Brown undersold a lot of what's going on under labour. He didn't quantify how many more police there are now and how much crime has dropped while the other two kept complaining about crime out of control. Or by how much immigration has been coming down (or even how the net profit from immigratioon is positive rather than negative) while Cameron suggested border police (WTF? More spending David?). Overall it just depressed me a great deal. 3 blokes telling everyone what they want to hear. "We need to cut spending, cut bureaucracy, cut democratic representation, cut the deficit.....but pump far more cash into helicopters, ships, nukes and equipment for keeping 10,000 soldiers in Afghanistan on the false pretense of counter-terrorism" Cameron is clearly an uber-cunt of magnificent proportion. He just ignored the point when anyone raised the contradiction of cutting the deficit and tax cuts for the wealthiest. His head's longer than Beaker's, the fucker. Clegg seemed a bit nervous. Stuttering about and getting his grammar muxed ip. Says it all that he still looked a more solid option with a better grasp on issues than either of the other two and didn't make wild promises to pull in votes as I recall. Nobody who might actually do something gets to lead these parties man you know that. It will be business as usual...It will be another war = check, public money wasted = check, lies after tea time =check...etc...
  13. The return of Atlantis?
  14. 25 games in 3 years for £17m And we thought Owen was a shit deal. That Berbatov fee is also beginning to look a bit silly.
  15. So homosexuals have sex/relationships with persons of the same sex. Catholic Priests seem to have a penchant for choirboys, so the predator is predating on the same sex, but can't be a homosexual ??? If not, how not. Guardian Article How can sexual abuse of a minor of the same sex as the abuser NOT be homosexual in nature ?? I do accept that to abuse minors you must be "deviant" and not representative of the wider "population". If I molested a little girl, I think very, very few people would consider that heterosexual in nature. Anyhizzle- cunts the lot of them. Dawkins, the Pope, they're the same. Keepers of some kind of flame that they themselves are the ones who decide who is worthy and who is not. Academia and the Church really aren't that different when you boil it down. Well meaning in charter, but somewhere along the way ego plays into it then it all gets fucked. The Catholic Church has massive problems- many of them stemming from this antiquated notion that there are men out there who can live a relatively normal and sane life without ever experiencing some kind of sexual release. You got the last bit wrong..They are at it all the time...And those beards are really stubbly ffs!!
  16. It will mainly be about not making any gaffs.
  17. The best post in this thread. Give some examples of them being annoying. Have they ever said that religious people were less than human? (as Cormac O'Connor said about Atheists) Have they ever ignored the deaths of millions of South Americans and said they were "crying out for Christ" before conquest like Ratzinger? Although Hitchends amuses me, I find his condascending smugness and general 'look at me I'm so clever and erudite' somewhat irritating...Rank grade A attention seeker imo.
  18. Is there still time for Labour to change leader?
  19. Nah it was the Ruskies this time IMO. So on the way to a memorial to acknowledge the massacre of Polish leaders of one kind by the Russians, the current Polish leaders were wiped out by the Russians? They love to roll like that..These events are like inside jokes.
  20. Nah it was the Ruskies this time IMO.
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