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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Inter making a game of it. Worth watching.
  2. Nolan and Ricky. Nolans key goals just shades it for me.
  3. Why does Council Tax exist anyway. Let the Govt pay for bins and Lighting and whatnot...Take a chunk of local council gravy trainers out of the loop while you'rew at it. Libraries my arse!!
  4. So it doesn't matter didly squat Parky whether there's 2 people living in the house or 200 - you pay the same amount My general point still stands, people on housing benefit and council tax benefit lie about the numbers, who's working, who isn't etc so as not to lose benefits and so on..Part of that means they don't register to vote either so as not to appear on official data. Which means it takes the poorer amongst us out of the voting loop. I was partly wrong as after two people it doesn't really matter, I conceded that. This for me is a wider problem with our democracy as many of the less well off may never vote in their whole lives, which suits the Tories more than the others. If it was kept as it was RATES and only property owners PAID then we wouldn't be having this debate and nobody would worry about registering to vote etc..
  5. The electoral roll is what they use to check if people are avoiding council tax. ie Saying they live alone when infact they aren't etc...Sheez what do you think the thought police do all day?/
  6. That's another thread tho. ...and the closest we're getting to creative is probs O'Hara.
  7. Not sure about the engine or the composure, see him more as a running forward fast anywhere, kicking and spitting as he goes.
  8. You forgot the serial mass murderers bit ...and the annual chicken foetus wake.
  9. By definition, then, Parky supports MPs who maintain multiple residences but only pay tax on the "cheapest" of them. It's a hard life. You should have been a politician. Impossible, I'm right far too often for that. With that kind of delusion...Straight to the House of Lords with thee!1
  10. By definition, then, Parky supports MPs who maintain multiple residences but only pay tax on the "cheapest" of them. It's a hard life. You should have been a politician.
  11. He's knees are fucked though.
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/04/18/us....dex.html?hpt=T1 There will be no strike on Iran. I really can't see it.
  13. I would have imagined this would be your speciality subject Rob.
  14. That would require the assumption that councils have any kind of functioning communications between their various departments. But I can understand why people think that way, obviously. If Council tax was levied against houses rather than people then the number of voters will rise drastically. Dame Thatcher used the poll tax (re-named council tax) to wipe out some of the lower levels of voters who traditionally don't vote Tory (sneaky)... Erm, as far as I am aware Council tax is levied against the property, not the person? What are you on about? Obviously don't pay it. It's calculated by how many adults are living in a residence and the size of the residence and the working status of those adults. Whereas before it was levied against the house alone (iirc down to size and location). I've owned poperty since 1995. It's my understanding that council tax is based on a valuation band which in turn is based (loosely) on the value of the property. The number of occupants is irrelevant (but actually perhaps shouldn't be). There is ONE bill per home (usually paid by the owner unless agreed otherwise). I don't see how this will affect voting. The more people that live in your house the more council tax you pay, can't really make it clearer than that bro. Absolute tosh! The only exception to the rule is single occupancy when you only pay 75% of the charge. Poll Tax was levied against the person but Council Tax is most definitely levied against the property so anyone refusing to register on account of tax evasion is wasting their time! Not quite absolute tosh then is it. Quite. Craig is beside himself he might get one over on me. There are other reasons why people don't register to vote... Council Tax Benefit is a top-up benefit which helps with the costs of your Council Tax bill. It's payable if your income is low and you don't have too much capital. It's administered by your local authority. It can be paid whether you're in rented housing or you're an owner-occupier, and you can claim it whether you're working on not. Council Tax Benefit is different from Council Tax discounts and Council Tax reductions. For a description of the Council Tax system, see the Directgov website (see External links). The main Council Tax Benefit is dependent on your circumstances. A 'second adult rebate' may be payable if you share your home with another adult who's on a low income, even if you're not eligible for the main Council Tax Benefit. Your claim covers both types of benefit and is on the same form as Housing Benefit. The main benefit may cover your whole Council Tax bill, while the second adult rebate pays a maximum of 25% of the bill. If you get Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance or the Guarantee Credit part of Pension Credit, you'll get the maximum possible Council Tax Benefit. You'll also get maximum benefit if your income is below a level set by law (your applicable amount). If your income is above this level you may still get benefit but at a reduced level.
  15. That would require the assumption that councils have any kind of functioning communications between their various departments. But I can understand why people think that way, obviously. If Council tax was levied against houses rather than people then the number of voters will rise drastically. Dame Thatcher used the poll tax (re-named council tax) to wipe out some of the lower levels of voters who traditionally don't vote Tory (sneaky)... Erm, as far as I am aware Council tax is levied against the property, not the person? What are you on about? Obviously don't pay it. It's calculated by how many adults are living in a residence and the size of the residence and the working status of those adults. Whereas before it was levied against the house alone (iirc down to size and location). I've owned poperty since 1995. It's my understanding that council tax is based on a valuation band which in turn is based (loosely) on the value of the property. The number of occupants is irrelevant (but actually perhaps shouldn't be). There is ONE bill per home (usually paid by the owner unless agreed otherwise). I don't see how this will affect voting. The more people that live in your house the more council tax you pay, can't really make it clearer than that bro. Absolute tosh! The only exception to the rule is single occupancy when you only pay 75% of the charge. Poll Tax was levied against the person but Council Tax is most definitely levied against the property so anyone refusing to register on account of tax evasion is wasting their time! It's worse than that... "After all I would no longer be living in the house, city or county so how could I be using their services? But I might have been dreaming there, because the conversation didn’t quite go as I had imagined. I was asked if my home would be furnished whilst no one was living there, to which I replied ‘Yes, it would be’. Knowing this question sounded fishy I asked whether or not this would affect the amount of council tax discount I would be entitled to. "You would only be entitled to 10% sir, council rules" was the reply. Initially I thought I heard her wrong. But no, apparently being 380 miles away in a different country I will still be paying over £90 a month for the streetlights that I can't see and the ‘emptying’ of my rubbish bins. Even worse, if I actually lived there I would be paying less, as I would have been entitled to the full 25% discount for single adult occupancy! Even if you don't live there you still pay. *Craig dragged down the Parky rabbit hole.
  16. Don't tell me you don't love a finger of Fudge now and again. Meenz tucked.
  17. Think they will get taken down a good peg or two this time round as they by accident hurt the ruling elite.
  18. The old style fudging and prevaricating Liberals were the best vintage. They are beginning to look like they give a shit these days.
  19. Lib-Lab pact coming up. Good old days are back.
  20. Yeah but in the case of rented property each separate home is class as a property, is it not? So you're still wrong But only the landlord was liable for rates as against it moving over to occupants under the council tax legislation. IMO the bigger the house the bigger the local tax should be, everything else is UNDEMOCRATIC. That's the current system, more or less Anyway, see above, I know what you're getting at. Good. I'd get rid of it altogether and trains should be free an all.
  21. That would require the assumption that councils have any kind of functioning communications between their various departments. But I can understand why people think that way, obviously. If Council tax was levied against houses rather than people then the number of voters will rise drastically. Dame Thatcher used the poll tax (re-named council tax) to wipe out some of the lower levels of voters who traditionally don't vote Tory (sneaky)... Erm, as far as I am aware Council tax is levied against the property, not the person? What are you on about? Obviously don't pay it. It's calculated by how many adults are living in a residence and the size of the residence and the working status of those adults. Whereas before it was levied against the house alone (iirc down to size and location). I've owned poperty since 1995. It's my understanding that council tax is based on a valuation band which in turn is based (loosely) on the value of the property. The number of occupants is irrelevant (but actually perhaps shouldn't be). There is ONE bill per home (usually paid by the owner unless agreed otherwise). I don't see how this will affect voting. The more people that live in your house the more council tax you pay, can't really make it clearer than that bro. I'd be interested if anyone can verify this as its not mentioned on the government site I've just visited? Here's a section of it: Under rates these two bands weren't paying a penny you can look it up, it all fell to the landlord and rightly so.
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