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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Agree with the first bit of the second para but alas you let yourself down with the second bit.
  2. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk is set to seal a key gas deal with Russia’s Gazprom days after the death of opponents to the contract — including Polish President Lech Kaczynski — in a mysterious plane crash in Smolensk, Russia, reports Polskaweb. Under the contract worth an estimated 100 billion dollars – the biggest business deal in the history of Poland – Poland is to increase its imports of Russian gas. The contract to buy gas from Gazprom until 2037 will make Poland 100% dependent on Russian gas for the next 28 years in spite of the announcement of the discovery of huge gas reserves in Poland in April just before the memorial service in Katyn, Smolensk. Poland could have 3 trillion cubic metres of reserves of shale gas, enough to satisfy domestic demand for more than 200 years. Europe’s gas reserves could jump 47% as a result of Poland’s gas reserves, according to the Russian newspaper Kommersant. Poland currently consumes 14bn cubic metres of gas a year and imports more than 70% of it from Russia. The development of its own shale gas deposits could have allowed Poland to satisfy all its gas needs, and even export ga, becoming a competitor to Gazprom. Shale gas already accounts for up to 20% of US natural gas production. President Lech Kaczynski and many other opposition party politicians, who were killed in a plane crash in Smolensk, had opposed the Gazprom deal. Earlier this year, Russian energy giant Gazprom and Polish gas monopoly, PGNiG, signed agreements extending gas deliveries until 2045. Under one of the agreements, Gazprom gas supplies to Poland will increase from 8 to 11 billion cubic meters per year and the current agreement will be extended by 15 years, through 2037. But the deal was put on ice after the opposition party had threatened legal action over the contract which was so disadvantageous to Poland’s economic and energy interests, alleging „lobbying“ (bribery?). Kaczynski said that he was „deeply worried“ about the contract which would have made Poland even more dependent on Russian gas for 28 years. It was also argued that Poland already had a contract with Russia until 2022, and there was no need to rush into a 30 year contract. In addition, customers in Germany could face higher gas prices because of an expansion of Gazprom’s and PGNiG’s monopoly of the production and transport of gas. US energy companies such as Exxon have also been given generous incentives by Tusk to develop the shale gas reserves – when Polish companies could use the new technology. A verbal agreement between Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and was struck at the Katyn memorial service in Smolensk just days before the death of Kaczynski and other opponents to the deal, and formal documents are soon to be signed, says Polskaweb, asking whether Kaczynski was murdered over the gas. Gazprom has also just begun construction on the Nord Stream pipeline, designed to pump Russian natural gas to Europe and running through the territorial waters of Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany. It is easy to see how Gazprom, Exxon and other energy companies could benefit from removing the main obstacles to their exploitation of the gas reserves in an engineered plane crash, though investigations have yet to be concluded and are unlikely to yield results as they are in the hands of Russian and also Polish prosecutors widely believed to be in the hands of the government. The sound of four gun shots on a video suggest members of the crew of the crashed plane were murdered. The same video was shown, however, on Russian TV shortly after the accident without shots, raising questions about which version of the video is authentic. This is the video of the gunshots with translations etc: It has also emerged the allegedly dead pilot stopped Kaczysnki from flying to an EU summit in Brussels by reporting sick at short notice. No trace of the dead pilot’s body has been found at the scene of the crash. It has been speculated another pilot was in the plane. This raises questions about which voices are on the black box and whether the voices are authentic or not. Photos posted by Polskaweb show the sun shining on Smolensk airfield just 40 minutes before the crash, which was allegedly due to dense fog. Photos taken one hour later show the runway lamps being changed – also in sunny conditions." Pilot was fluent in Russian btw.
  3. What kind of money are we talking?
  4. If we don't spend some cash it won't really matter who is manager.
  5. That's a repeated theme from you though and makes you seem a bit naive to be fair. Like everybody (Govt's) aren't just printing money. Nahh, just adding a few zeros at the end on the database nowadays Parky.
  6. That's a repeated theme from you though and makes you seem a bit naive to be fair. Like everybody (Govt's) aren't just printing money.
  7. I don't care about cost...We should make our own stuff..You can sell some of it on later ya kna..
  8. Loads of good pilot reports. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8285709939745631584#
  9. ... apparently a steady stream of fresh girls and pre-cut Colombian did the trick.
  10. Your hidden treasures If a Superman comic can fetch $1.5m - as one did recently at an auction in the US - then how much could the toys, records and furniture in your house be worth? Emine Saner puts a price on some unlikely collectors' items Comics A Beano back number During the war, the only American comics that made it to the UK were brought by US sailors docking at Southampton, who would swap them for sweets and cigarettes. Sadly, that means the chances of finding a comic in your attic to rival the 1938 issue of Action Comics No 1 (the first Superman cartoon), which sold recently for a record-breaking $1.5m, is remote. Nonetheless, says comic expert and auctioneer Malcolm Phillips: "Any British comics from the war years are very collectable. There would be a lot of propaganda in them aimed at children, which was very interesting. You'd get a picture of Hitler hanging by a rope, dead." Phillips is well placed to judge. In 2004, he sold a copy of the first Dandy from 1937 for £20,350. "What was rare about it was it came with its original free gift – a whistle," says Phillips. A Beano from the early 40s could go for up to £40, and special issues can be double or treble that. In a pile of 50s comics, Malcolm always looks for issue 452 – the comic in which Dennis the Menace makes his first appearance. It isn't just comics either. Phillips recently auctioned an almost complete year of Melody Makers from 1963, which includes its first Beatles cover."We are inundated with people wanting to sell stuff, but we turn a lot of it away," he says. Most comics from the 70s onwards, in good condition, are still only worth a few pounds. Toys "There is a massive market for 20th-century toys," says antiques expert and TV presenter Jonty Hearnden. Indeed, last month a collection of toy cars fetched £100,000 at auction. Anyone who has ever watched an antiques show will know that collectors prize mint condition, but even if you weren't one of those odd children who never took their robots or Batman models out of their original boxes, there is a chance your old toys could still be worth something. I reckon most people have summat in the loft.
  11. Don't give a fuck about oil prices me. 500 years and loads of imported soil.
  12. ISRAEL BANS iPADS. Customs officials said they have already confiscated about 10 of the lightweight tablet computers since Israel announced the new regulations this week. The ban prevents anyone from bringing iPads into Israel until officials certify that they comply with local transmitter standards. "If you operate equipment in a frequency band which is different from the others that operate on that frequency band, then there will be interference," said Nati Schubert, a senior deputy director for the Communications Ministry. "We don't care where people buy their equipment. ... But without regulation, you would have chaos." Not as tech minded as they vid would have one believe eh?
  13. Still fancy Barca to go through.
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/vote2005/fl.../html/map05.stm
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