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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. This election is academic anyway, huge earth level changes are coming to an area near you. :(
  2. Any way I can watch the shit go down from Deutschland?
  3. Portugal next. I said two years ago this whole Euro lark is fucked. The Germans should stay out of it.
  4. Tories will win by about 28 seats, but not enough for a majority. All done. The Parkometer has spoken.
  5. With this one open up two pages of utube and start one about 15 secs after the other. Heaven baby.
  6. I was just listening to Four Calendar Cafe. Ah the 80s/90s This album is still in my top 10.
  7. apparently she thinks theres a "cure" for being a whoopsie.....prayer...... The folks at the Guardian (no shit!) are getting very ariated about it... http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/ma...stroud-gay-cure http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/be...gay-prayer-cure What a nutcase.
  8. The thing is I was heavily involved in politics in my teens and was disenchanted basically by how firstly constituency parties are run and secondly the secrecy and obstructionism apparent in the daily grind of the commons. The whole machinery basically is set up to get in the way of the people. Now we have another tier of intellectual prevarication and mystification coming from the EU. There is a middle class elite basically getting a free ride right across the board where careers come before politics/conscience/change and that is completely wrong. This is why the political classes are so out of touch not only with people but the world in general. Tbf I'd rather have a middle class elite with some social mobility (witness Bridget) than a ruling upper class or aristocracy. And for all you complain about the political system, in general I have to say the UK is a pretty damn good place to live. Seriously man it could have really been good, we had everything in place inc old trading partners (the commonwealth) new trading zones (the EU), a well informed majority (right uptill the late 80's before corporate media took hold), world class financial sector, we even had North Sea Oil ffs!! Now look at us, our rating is in line to be cut and given similar status to Spain.....Really England had it all and we more than any other country on the planet had a chance to run with it. We did stuff in the 50's and 60's with regards to education and health that were right on the edge of the curve.... A start would be to stop fighting pointless wars for the oil companies.
  9. The thing is I was heavily involved in politics in my teens and was disenchanted basically by how firstly constituency parties are run and secondly the secrecy and obstructionism apparent in the daily grind of the commons. The whole machinery basically is set up to get in the way of the people. Now we have another tier of intellectual prevarication and mystification coming from the EU. There is a middle class elite basically getting a free ride right across the board where careers come before politics/conscience/change and that is completely wrong. This is why the political classes are so out of touch not only with people but the world in general.
  10. Should all be secret votes really. Press a button like the ask the audience bit in 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' That would be good, but I'd like to know which way my MP voted.
  11. Arent socialism and capitalism just sociological expressions of man's psyche? Depends what you do if there are only two choc puddings left in the fridge. Eat one secretly, then tell ask our lass if she wants to share the last one and give her the bigger half. Eat both and then pretend they never existed.
  12. There should also be a common constitution which all parties should sign alligence to and it should inc basic human rights, access to healthcare and education and other basic democratic criteria which all parties when in power should move toward/protect. This would balance out the swings in policy and direction we often get in Britain which wastes a lot of money and talent and lets the infrastructure degrade by lack of clear direction.
  13. The other thing that needs changing is voting along party lines in debates, where whips are used with threats to get MP's to tow the line. This is archaic and counter-intuitive. All votes in the Commons should be free votes and MP's should vote without pressure from the party heirachy.
  14. Arent socialism and capitalism just sociological expressions of man's psyche? Depends what you do if there are only two choc puddings left in the fridge.
  15. Really? I think that'd mean a lot of MPs who know that they're not going to be accountable to the electorate for their final term. Like they are now you mean?
  16. I was just listening to Four Calendar Cafe. Ah the 80s/90s Mate, those are some of my fav albums of all time.
  17. One thing that needs changing is that you shouldn't be allowed to be an MP for more than 10 years. That IMO would sort out a lot of the internal shennanigans.
  18. @Chz Constructed correctly there shouldn't really be a conflict between socialism and capitalism, at the end of the day society is rewarded by one thing and one thing alone and that is the work and ideation of its people...Nothing else. Both modern day revolutions were run by middle class intellectual/idealists the French one and the Russian one. These weren't people who worked down coalmines and whatnot, they were well educated thinkers.
  19. Random, but all the same, it seems reasonable to blame the people for the people not turning out. I suppose there was a low turnout when we marched against the Iraq war? I suppose there was a geunine fear that there would be a lack of interest in a referendum regarding Lisbon and that's why we weren't given one? I take your point. The fact is the intellectual elite ruling class (on both sides) don't give a fuck what people want.
  20. Yeah blame the people for low turnouts....
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