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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. how so? For totally fucking up the campaign.
  2. Cameron is taking a kicking behind the scenes according to Beeb.
  3. I doubt very much that any agreement will be made and lost on voting reform tbh. Far too much else at stake. It will be. Progressive Left seems to be the catchphrase already.
  4. Tory Grandees won't let Cam offer voting reform and that will be that.
  5. As Rifkind says the Lib dems are too far apart on policy from the Tories, they're to the left of labour on a lot of things.
  6. Still think the Tories would be the biggest losers under PR as a lot of their seats are in places that are big but no one lives there.
  7. Good for exports bad for bankers.
  8. That is literally all I want right now. The two-party system might not have been shattered last night, but I still think it's on the cards if they can just hang tight and keep their hands clean until the next election, whether it's in October or 2015... Cameron won't offer PR and Clegg and the Lib Dem group will say no confidence. Mandy has already said many times last night he's into PR and Brown started studies in how it was going to work months ago. I take your point however. I assume the Tories would be hurt the most under PR? Yes cause they are only really the party of the South of England. Interesting they still got nowhere in Scotland and only tiny success in Wales. Lab would lose some muscle as well, but this would be counterbalanced by the soft left leaning Lib Dems.
  9. That is literally all I want right now. The two-party system might not have been shattered last night, but I still think it's on the cards if they can just hang tight and keep their hands clean until the next election, whether it's in October or 2015... Cameron won't offer PR and Clegg and the Lib Dem group will say no confidence. Mandy has already said many times last night he's into PR and Brown started studies in how it was going to work months ago. I take your point however. Nothing to stop Cameron offering a referendum and campaigning in opposition. I think you're underestimating the monumental failure Cameron has precided over. All the indicators across the country should have ensured a Tory landslide.
  10. Or stuck by his policy of allowing the party which wins the most seats and votes to try to form a government...even though he preferred it was labour. Cameron doensn't have the balls to survive in a min Govt in the rathouse. Clegg is just letting him fuck up which keeps his powder dry with the voters. Deft.
  11. That is literally all I want right now. The two-party system might not have been shattered last night, but I still think it's on the cards if they can just hang tight and keep their hands clean until the next election, whether it's in October or 2015... Cameron won't offer PR and Clegg and the Lib Dem group will say no confidence. Mandy has already said many times last night he's into PR and Brown started studies in how it was going to work months ago. I take your point however.
  12. All Clegg has done is remove himself from the shitstorm that is about to begin.
  13. Brown is impotent though. Whereas Dave is semi-flaccid.
  14. ...which he's just said he won't support. Simples. We'll see.
  15. It's not upto him though. He's saying if Labour approached him (as is their first option) he couldn't get into bed with the main party that doesn't hold anything close to a majority. Isn't he? Don't buy it. That was for public consumptiion. When he hears the heavy breath of Mandy on the blower he'll shit his kegs.
  16. It'd fail within 6 months. Yeah but Brown will step down in Sept imo. If he manages to last that long, best thing would be for him to step down a couple of months before a new election and allow the new leader to reap the benefits. Agreed.
  17. Don't think Clegg understands the unwritten constitution/procedure the dimbo. Brown has first dibs.
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/nickrobinson/20...otential_s.html Good old Nick Robinson; former President of the Oxford University Conservative Association, a member of the Bullingdon Club and chairman of the Young Conservatives. No doubt the Tories will still be bleating on about the left wing bias of the BBC. There's only 33 results to come in and a Labour LIB Dem coalition is STILL 27 short of a majority between them. If they won EVERY seat remaining between them (which they won't) they could only muster a 6 seat majority. Other parties can be roped in...but that wouldn't be stable. Robinson is spot on. Don't matter, the idea will be to keep the Tories out till Sept.
  19. It'd fail within 6 months. Yeah but Brown will step down in Sept imo.
  20. Don't know why the BBC keep banging on about what people will think?...The MP's don't give a shit and will be wheeling and dealing away all night.
  21. Must be galling that you like her so much yet she's still stopping the Tories getting in dont worry, the witch will be dead soon enough! And Cameron will take her place. As people were saying before the election, with the economic situation as it is, Cameron is going to fuck it up SO badly he'll make Maggie look like a happy memory. He's already fucked it up.
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