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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The parties agree to implement a full programme of measures to reverse the substantial erosion of civil liberties under the Labour Government and roll back state intrusion. This will include: A Freedom or Great Repeal Bill. The scrapping of ID card scheme, the National Identity register, the next generation of biometric passports and the Contact Point Database. Outlawing the finger-printing of children at school without parental permission. The extension of the scope of the Freedom of Information Act to provide greater transparency. Adopting the protections of the Scottish model for the DNA database. The protection of historic freedoms through the defence of trial by jury. The restoration of rights to non-violent protest. The review of libel laws to protect freedom of speech. Safeguards against the misuse of anti-terrorism legislation. Further regulation of CCTV. Ending of storage of internet and email records without good reason. A new mechanism to prevent the proliferation of unnecessary new criminal offences.
  2. Nothing has to be done till June the 1st for Fifa.
  3. They want to be cancelling Corporation Tax and Business Tax with businesses with a turnover of less than half a mill. If they are really serious about growing the core economy.
  4. Bringing in a tax on planes cancel third runway....Yeah I see how it works now...
  5. For the environments sake? Fuck that shit. It would have produced jobs and income. Indeed...but so will the nationwide network of charge points for electric vehicles. Added to a massive and unprecedented increase in leccy prices along with a totally unvaunted tax on second cars. :(
  6. For the environments sake? Fuck that shit. It would have produced jobs and income.
  7. To be fair though (which I dont like being) The libdems and the cons did agree that cuts were the way to tackle the deficit not tax rises. The disagreement was more the timetable, and I can see how the piigs in Euroland may have concentrated their thinking. Thats the end of my impatiality - I feel dirty all three parties agreed cuts were inevitable - labotu too. the only difference being the tories banking overmasters wanted to start straight away while the libdems and labour wanted to secure the recovery before starting to make cuts. interestign to note that the economy (the big issue fought in the election campaign) is the one where clegg made compromises instead of things like electoral reform and fuixed terms. cameron appears to have made more concessions but on the big issue thaat really matters, he got his way. Tidyied.
  8. Thing is Clegg now looks weak and changeable and these two are going to have to preside over the biggest cuts in modern history...It's what I meant by Mandy being reasonably happy. Get Milliband in and re-invent core Labour ideas. It's getting a bit boring now with all this constant faux re-appraisal of "the new politics"...Unless we get PR it will be business as usual once the coalition breaks down.
  9. I'd hoy your crystal ball in the bin if I were you Parky... Really expensive it was. :(
  10. What's the point in cancelling the 3rd runway exactly?
  11. I sense Mandy is quietly happy. Lib Dem defections to start within weeks my dears.
  12. Sounds like Osborne is eyeing new banking legislation. Why not just gold back the pound and renage on debt and if banks play up invade them (after all some have bigger holdings than a lot of countries) but they don't have armies. Sorted.
  13. Good post bro. Ken Clarke as justice sec...The mind boggles. ...also I predict the failing of external and international money markets which imo should hasten internal investment and local regeneration. Making money from money is becoming a precarious/fraudulant/impossible activity so making money from ideas and labour and skills should be the way forward. Personally I'd also shorn the claws of the predators and take all public utilities back...ha ha I feel we will see this year the long foretold war against the banks/international finance...Soverign states need to crack on with this...Perhaps Europe as a whole should do a Mexico.
  14. Osborne looks like he's shitting it...ran like a rat.
  15. The upside. No id cards Tougher on the EU Vince Cable sounds like he's going to have a go at the banks.
  16. Lib Dems entering government with the Tories will be "like vegetarians who've got jobs at McDonald's - they'll be chewed up and spat out", Labour MP Stephen Pound tells Sky News.
  17. Why do they keep worrying about what the markets think ffs?!! The top 100 are mainly international companies with bigger impacts and interactions abroad.
  18. Is there a record for how many times a person can be wrong in one thread I probably underestimated what a scheming cunt Clegg was.
  19. Clegg was basically cornered and told to forget about PR and shit his pants.
  20. This is a total catastrophe mark my words.
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