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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Look at recent soveirgn debt of Euro countries. Rank Countries Amount Date # 1 United States: $12,250,000,000,000.00 2007 Time series # 2 United Kingdom: $10,450,000,000,000.00 2007 Time series # 3 Germany: $4,489,000,000,000.00 2007 Time series # 4 France: $4,396,000,000,000.00 2007 Time series # 5 Italy: $2,345,000,000,000.00 2007 Time series # 6 Netherlands: $2,277,000,000,000.00 2007 Time series # 7 Ireland: $1,841,000,000,000.00 2007 Time series # 8 Japan: $1,492,000,000,000.00 2007 Time series # 9 Switzerland: $1,340,000,000,000.00 2007 Time series # 10 Belgium: $1,313,000,000,000.00 2007 Time series # 11 Spain: $1,084,000,000,000.00 2007 Time series
  2. There is some talk of Nov this year. muttering to yourself hardly counts as 'some talk'
  3. Think I've been there - is that in the old East? Yes my dear.
  4. Brew all their own stuff and excellent it is too.
  5. Cocktails - Berlin http://www.gainsbourg.de/
  6. Best dub, cheapest bar, ganga, and drum and bass in Hamburg. Bit scary at times...
  7. They're allowed on the pavement here. Really does my head in.
  8. It was class like. Mark Lawson shit his pants. "What were you thinking of?" He had a pop at Kermode about an interview from 20 years ago too. Proper tart. "I went for an Italian"...
  9. How do these first time directors get such massive budgets? He's not done so much as a TV commercial. Canny trailer though. Fuck knows. Probably his agent was owed one by the studio from another project. With so much abiltiy to re-do everything in post production, the dir gig isn't as risky as it used to be.
  10. Guaranteed to be pure cack. Robert Rodriguez is the producer this time so I hold out a twinkle of hope. Take your point however.
  11. Cor blimey that looks cool.
  12. Talking out his arse. We didn't even manage to beat West Wombles Albion last season.
  13. Dr Butlers Heed. Quality boozer, best Guiness in London. Prefer Murphys or this one.
  14. Think I've been in there GR.
  15. Nightly Mozart here...Orangery Vienna.
  16. Loved Edinburgh but found a lot of them shut fairly early, another place that reminded me of Edinburgh that's great though is Galway, Cobbled streets lined with bars and such. No Bar will ever replace Katy's as my favourite i think, due to going there since i was 17. But yeah i'd echo Belfast, Dublin and Edinbrough/Galway. Certain cities i've been drinking in (like Cardiff recently it was a bit nuts) there seems to be a higher ratio of plastered arseholes around, and I tend to be watching what they're doing/on edge when I'm out with mates making sure no one gets hassle rather than relaxing when were wandering around the place. There are some good places around that castle. But a bit too studenty/gaylordscarf/irritating at weekends.
  17. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8681919.stm
  18. Don't let Leicster Sq depress you. First up, an admission: you can't get a pint here. No Adnam's, no Young's, no Pride - not even a Guinness. Not a pub then, but a wine bar. But what a bar. This place has been setting the standards for wine bars since the early 1970s and the onus of the place is still on quality wines, lovely food and an agreeable atmosphere to enjoy them in. Even more remarkable is that this haven is located so close to the tacky horrors of Leicester Square. And whilst this place isn't a pub it shares the qualities of all good pubs: first rate food and drink, staff that actually care about their customers (whether they be regulars or first-timers) and an overall atmosphere of cheery drink taking. The only downside being that as the place has been so good for so long, the secrets out so turning up early (or phoning ahead) is sometimes necessary to guarantee a space. Otherwise though, this one shares qualiti
  19. Canny for tribute bands too. Only pub where I literally got the 'Did you spill my pint?' treatment. I reckon you attract it though.
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