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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The Nicholson character Gittes in Chinatown. Pacino as Serpico. Marlowe in The Big Sleep. Lee Marvin in Point Blank.
  2. Are we meant to be watching this cause there is poeple from the wire in it?
  3. Probs a naughty third party involved.
  4. It ties in with the alien landing at the closing ceremony.
  5. People will still be discussing their flights tho.
  6. Like it or not....he will be. What about his lucrative pop career and his penchant for exotic synths?
  7. Can't believe we're actually discussing Moby as a starter.
  8. Other major acts need some pressure put on them... Shame on Zimmerman. It's all in the name.
  9. Alice in Wonderland. Watched it twice already. 8.4 out of 10. Excellent.
  10. There is a difference, paying in installments, means you can get rid if he don't fit and you haven't paid out that much in the first place.
  11. We need at least ONE PL standard striker and two CM's of PL quaity. This is the bear minimum. ..............Harper ..?.......Collo...Taylor...Enrique ..............New DM................ Routledge...New CM.......Guti ..............Nolan................. ...............New Striker.......
  12. That's a lot of money even for A.
  13. Every new para of that post takes it down a notch. You forgot and an inexperienced manager.
  14. It will look much better after this season as long as we don't buy any Mikey Owens or 60yr old black strikers.
  15. Btw the money we need to watch when Mash accounts come in.
  16. That's only one of 3 companies the way I read it. Newcastle United - £20m overdraft outstanding (according to the club) Owned by... SJHoldings - £36m overdraft outstanding Owned by... MASHHoldings - No details available. So if we were to make £20m profit each season it would take 3 years to pay of the debt we know about, without Ashley taking anything out for himself. It would make more sense of the statement that way, but i might be way off. Isn't the SJH and NUFC overdraft the same? Turnover target this year will be 90m Ourgoings around 60m?? (As player wages stand)...iirc
  17. So, with PL money SJHoldings should break even this year if there is no or limited net spend (1-2m). Tell you what I'd rather be in our positon as bad as it seems than Liverpool.
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