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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. This is a new masterclass in muppetry and no mistake.
  2. The euro crisis is a judgment on the great lie of 'Europe' The EU is paying the price for its pursuit of 'integration' at any cost, says Christopher Booker By Christopher Booker Published: 7:00PM BST 22 May 2010 Comments 168 | Comment on this article Sarkozy and Merkel Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel, grim-faced, emerge from an EU leaders' summit on the eurozone crisis Photo: AP Easily the most telling statement by any politician last week was that from an anguished Angela Merkel, in pronouncing that "the current crisis facing the euro is the biggest test Europe has faced for decades, even since the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957". "If the euro fails," she went on, "Europe fails," warning that the consequences for the whole of Europe would be "incalculable". We have still scarcely begun to wake up to the gravity of the crisis now upon us, not just for the eurozone but also for us here in Britain and for the entire global economy. The measures so far taken to prop up the collapsing euro, such as that famous "$1 trillion package", are no more than gestures. Greece was just the antipasto: Italy, Spain, Portugal and others are now hanging over an abyss of debt which scarcely all the money in Europe could fill – created by countries living way beyond their means, thanks not least to the euro's low interest rates. The only possible consequence of the collapse of one of the world's leading currencies, leaving Europe with no money to trade in, would be utter chaos. What we are witnessing here is a judgment on the entire deceitful and self-deceiving way in which the "European project" has been assembled over the past 53 years. One of the most important things to understand about that project is that it has only ever had one real agenda. Everything it has done has been directed to one ultimate goal, full political and economic integration. The headline labels put on the various stages of that process may have changed over the years, such as building first a "common market", then a "single market", finally a "constitution". But by far the most important project of all was locking the member states into a single currency. This was always above all a political not an economic project, to be driven through at any cost, which was why all those "Maastricht criteria" laid down to bring it about were repeatedly breached. But as expert voices were warning as long ago as the 1970s, when it was first put on the agenda, there was no way economic and monetary union could work unless it was run by a single all-powerful economic government, with the power to raise taxes. As was advised by Sir Donald MacDougall's report to Brussels in 1978, it could only work if, following the US model, between 20 and 25 per cent of Europe's GDP was available to such a government, to enable a huge transfer of wealth from richer countries such as Germany to the poorer, more backward countries of southern Europe – and how ironically has that come about! When the 10-year-long construction of the euro began in the 1990s, all these warnings were ignored. The cart was put before the horse. So fixated were the Eurocrats on the need to get their grand project in place that the "rules" were treated as mere window dressing. The member states were locked together willy-nilly in a one-size-fits-all system, with a single low interest rate, enabling countries such as Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece to live on a seemingly limitless sea of borrowed money. And now, entirely predictably, judgment day has come. If the euro does disintegrate, as Mrs Merkel warns, the consequences would be incalculable. Replacing all the national currencies was a gargantuan task, by far the most ambitious ever attempted in the name of European integration, and there is no Plan B. Without a currency, trade would collapse – leaving Britain, dependent on Europe for 50 per cent of its trade, just as seriously affected as everyone else. A system failure on this scale would make the 1930s pale into insignficance. Inevitably, cries went up last week for the EU to be transformed into a proper economic government with control over national budgets and the power to raise taxes – exactly what MacDougall and others were talking about in the 1970s. But it is too late, and all that remains are desperate gestures. As reported by the think tank Open Europe, Mrs Merkel was even calling last week for a "global" tax on financial transactions to raise 321 billion euros a year Europe-wide – 204 billion euros of which would come from Britain, still the world's leading financial centre, with 43 billion euros from Germany and just 17 billion euros from France. As alarming as anything, with this tsunami roaring down on us, has been the sight of our new leaders preening themselves with their list of irrelevant little "coalition policies" and babyish boasts about the "greatest democratic shake-up since the 1832 Reform Act", as if none of this was happening. As one analyst put it: "They are like children let loose in the sweet shop, seemingly oblivious to the horrendous reality unfolding before us." A well-known economist said wryly to me last week: "Bring back the days of Alistair Darling and Gordon Brown. At least they had some grasp of what is going on. This lot are just totally out of their depth."
  3. Nobody gives a fuck about SK.
  4. The European parliament is expected tomorrow to approve a draft directive to toughen regulation of hedge funds and private equity firms despite a growing tide of opposition from leading politicians and lobby groups in the UK and America, where both industries are clustered. Labour's City minister Lord Myners has described the proposed regulatory crackdown – being championed by France and Germany – as "fundamentally flawed and promot[ing] protectionism under the guise of protection". Both the Conservative party and Liberal Democrats have similar views. US treasury secretary Timothy Geithner has also been critical. However, after months of deliberation members of the economic committee of the European parliament are expected to pass the text proposed by Jean-Paul Gauzès, the parliament's rapporteur on the proposed directive on alternative investment. Directive rules on hedge funds would require non-European funds to have a "passport" to be able to trade in Europe, but they may not be able to earn one if their home country has different financial regulation. This would limit the presence of US-based hedge funds in Europe, which include some of the biggest firms, such as Paulson & Co. Many hedge funds from both sides of the Atlantic operated registered operations from the Cayman Islands, the Caribbean tax haven. A passport blacklisting for the Cayman Islands could create huge problems for the industry. The proposal has angered the financial industry, particularly in Britain, home to about 450 hedge funds, 80% of the European total. UK-based hedge funds employ 10,000 professionals directly and 30,000 others, such as lawyers and accountants, indirectly. Whatever the Gurardian says it was an orchestrated Wall Street attack on the Euro (short selling) to gain protection and last gasp longevity for the dollar.
  5. Not sure it'll happen but I like that team. I like that as well.
  7. PRESTO FROM SIDC - RWC BELGIUM Wed May 26 2010, 1247 UT The B6.5 flare peaking at 15:55 UT on May 26 (in the Catania sunspot group 74, NOAA AR 1072) was not accompanied by a CME. An isolated B-flare remains possible. The Earth is currently inside a slow (350 km/s) solar wind flow with average (4-5 nT) interplanetary magnetic field magnitude. We expect quiet geomagnetic conditions in the coming hours. Later tonight or tomorrow morning we expect the arrival of the ICME associated with the CME on May 23. Moderate geomagnetic storm conditions are possible. The CME erupted on May 24 is expected to have only a glancing blow at the Earth on May 28, possibly leading to active geomagnetic conditions. http://sidc.oma.be/products/presto/
  8. I'm trying to educate you bro. I'm not saying it's tied into the spraying, just showing you there is plenty afoot right now. From Nasa "Precise helioseismic observations of the 'conveyor belt' flow speed by the Michelson Doppler Imager instrument on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory gave us a breakthrough," said Dikpati. "We now know it takes two cycles to fill half the belt with magnetic field – the part where it sinks at the poles and flows toward the equator, reaching mid-latitudes – and another two cycles to fill the other half – from the bottom at mid-latitudes, then rising at the equator and flowing toward the poles again. Because of this, the next solar cycle depends on characteristics from as far back as 40 years previously -- the sun has a magnetic 'memory'." The magnetic data input comes from the SOHO/MDI instrument and historical records. To test the model, the researchers took magnetic data from the past eight solar cycles and fed it to the computer, and the results matched actual observations over the last 80 years. The team then added current magnetic data and ran the model ahead ten years to get their prediction for the next cycle. We are currently back in the quiet period for the current cycle (cycle 23). The next cycle will begin with a rise in solar activity in late 2007 or early 2008, according to the team, and there will be 30 to 50 percent more sunspots, flares, and CMEs in cycle 24. This is about one year later than the prediction using previous methods, which rely on statistics, like the strength of the large-scale solar magnetic field and the number of sunspots, to make estimates for the next cycle. Dikpati's team includes Dr. Giuliana De Toma and Dr. Peter A. Gilman. All are scientists in NCAR's High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, Colo. SOHO is a project of international collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency. NCAR's primary sponsor is the National Science Foundation. This solar cycle hasn't materialised, which is why there is some consternation regarding the sunspot cycle and fears of a coming massive ejection. Scientists Warn of Unexpected CME Bomb during Solar Cycle 24 by Mitch Battros Scientists are learning to predict giant solar storms that could, at any time, hit the Earth and produce cascading catastrophes. This statement comes from the highest esteemed agency -- The National Science Foundation. The NSF is internationally known for its extremely careful release of information to maintain its reputation of credibility. A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a discharge of 'charged particles' sometimes referred to as 'plasma' from our Sun. CME's are almost always associated with sunspots and solar flares. If a CME is Earth directed, it can cause severe damage from power grid failures to earthquakes. As mentioned in previous articles, the NSF has endorsed my 1998 Sun-Earth Equation (see below). Today's announcement has issued a heads-up warning suggesting our current solar cycle, Cycle 24, could in fact possess a serious, if not record-breaking coronal mass ejection (CME) which could bring the world to its knees. Equation: Sunspots => Solar Flares or CME's => Shifting Earth's Magnetic Field => Shifting Jet Stream => Shifting Ocean Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (Battros 1998) Today's NSF warning of future hazards has in fact happened on three occasions in recorded history. Note: The term "recorded history" reflects an extremely short period of time capturing a mere approximate 200 year span. This is to say; although I am speaking of a possible 4th event which could be labeled as "record-breaking", it does not consider the fact the Earth has experienced such an event thousands -- if not hundreds of thousands -- of times during Earth's life history. However, such an event occurring within the next 2 to 4 years would cause unmatched devastation due to our current electro-magnetic technological advancements. The first and most spectacular event occurred on September 1st 1859. The Sun unleashed a massive record-breaking coronal mass ejection (CME), speeding through our solar system at nearly the speed of light (671 million per hour - or 186,282 per second), hitting Earth's magnetic field. This caused the largest geomagnetic storm ever recorded setting off auroras across half the world almost reaching into Central America just short of the equator. To give perspective; the average solar storm sets off auroras which cover Alaska and maybe down into northern Canada. This event has become known as the Carrington Storm or Carrington Event, named after Richard Carrington, a member of the Royal Astronomical Society, observing Sunspots through a telescope, making the first-ever observation of a white-light flare -- a huge explosion erupting on the solar surface. The explosion observed by Carrington signaled the ejection from the Sun of an interplanetary hurricane directed at Earth. Approaching at 5 million miles per hour, it struck 18 hours later and immersed the planet in the biggest magnetic storm ever recorded. The second Carrington Event occurred March 15th 1989 with Quebec, Canada as its epicenter. A wave of ten X-class solar flares set off in rapid succession which was Earth directed knocking out Quebec's largest power grid. 6,000,000.00 people went without power during one of Montreal's worse ice storms. A great number of the population went without power for up to three weeks. The community survived by relying on their neighbors. Homes with a fireplace were the only source of warmth for thousands. The third Carrington Event was actually a 'near-miss' occurrence. It occurred on November 4th 2003 and is also known as The Halloween Event. The sunspot group had just rotated around the Sun's western limb before exploding. If it had been Earth directed, no one is quite sure what the devastating results would be. This was the largest solar flare ever recorded measuring an X-45. It literally sent NOAA's and the USAF measuring instruments off-the-scale. They had to recalibrate their instruments which will now read solar events beyond X-50. CMEs are associated with peaks in the activity of sunspots, which are knots of magnetism on the Sun's surface generated by subsurface movements of solar material. (Sunspots appear dark because they are cooler and therefore less bright than their hotter surroundings.) Sunspot activity peaks about every 11 years; this 11-year cycle is, in turn, related to a 22-year cycle of reversals in the Sun's magnetic field. During a typical 11-year sunspot cycle, the Sun hurls about 100 severe CMEs and about four extreme CMEs into the solar system--only a fraction of which usually hit the Earth. Such CMEs are most likely to occur during peaks in sunspot activity, and are less likely to occur during periods of low sunspot activity. CMEs still occur during periods of low sunspot activity; but they are just fewer and further between than during active sunspot periods. It is still very possible for a fierce geomagnetic storm to occur during a solar minimum. The 1859 geomagnetic storm was the largest storm ever recorded; "but there is absolutely no reason why the Earth couldn't be hit by an equally or even more violent geomagnetic storm today, tomorrow, or the next day," said Sarah Gibson of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colo. Because scientists vigilantly watch for CMEs through high-tech telescopes and because it usually takes two or three days for most of a CME's impacts to reach the Earth, scientists can anticipate geomagnetic storms once Earth-directed CMEs start. Nevertheless, scientists cannot yet forecast when CMEs will start. With funding from the National Science Foundation, scientists at NCAR are currently using various methods to improve their understanding of CMEs and their ability to forecast them. Among these methods are computer simulations of CMEs that describe their physical properties based on conditions on the Sun and Earth and the laws of magnetism, electricity, gravity and thermodynamics--as shown in the above image and an animated simulation of a CME. Some simulations are based on hypothetical data that is designed to reflect typical solar events. But other simulations are based on specific data collected on a particular day and are designed to recreate actual CMEs. Data incorporated into such simulations may include, for example, the Earth's position relative to the Sun during the CME; the mass, composition, size and electrical charge of the CME; and conditions immediately around the Earth upon the CME's arrival. By comparing their simulation with direct observations of the real-life CME it was designed to recreate, scientists can evaluate their simulation's accuracy and improve it.
  10. Earth's Magnetic Field Reversals Illuminated By Lava Flows Study ScienceDaily (Sep. 26, 2008) — Earth's north magnetic pole is shifting and weakening. Ancient lava flows are guiding a better understanding of what generates and controls the Earth's magnetic field – and what may drive it to occasionally reverse direction. The main magnetic field, generated by turbulent currents within the deep mass of molten iron of the Earth's outer core, periodically flips its direction, such that a compass needle would point south rather than north. Such polarity reversals have occurred hundreds of times at irregular intervals throughout the planet's history – most recently about 780,000 years ago – but scientists are still trying to understand how and why. A new study of ancient volcanic rocks, reported in the Sept. 26 issue of the journal Science, shows that a second magnetic field source may help determine how and whether the main field reverses direction. This second field, which may originate in the shallow core just below the rocky mantle layer of the Earth, becomes important when the main north-south field weakens, as it does prior to reversing, says Brad Singer, a geology professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Singer teamed up with paleomagnetist Kenneth Hoffman, who has been researching field reversals for over 30 years, to analyze ancient lava flows from Tahiti and western Germany in order to study past patterns of the Earth's magnetic field. The magnetism of iron-rich minerals in molten lava orients along the prevailing field, then becomes locked into place as the lava cools and hardens.
  11. Jupiter Has Lost a Cloud Stripe, New Photos Reveal By Tariq Malik SPACE.com Managing Editor posted: 13 May 2010 03:19 am ET This story was updated at 8:10 a.m. ET. A giant cloud belt in the southern half of Jupiter has apparently disappeared according to new photos of the planet taken by amateur astronomers. The new Jupiter photos, taken May 9 by Australian astronomer Anthony Wesley, reveal that the huge reddish band of clouds that make up the planet's Southern Equatorial Belt has faded from view. Jupiter's trademark Great Red Spot, a massive storm that could fit two Earths inside, is typically found along the edges of the planet's Southern Equatorial Belt (SEB). When the southern cloud belt fades from view, the Great Red Spot stands out along with Jupiter's Northern Equatorial Belt of clouds in telescope views. "It was evident to Jupiter watchers late last year that the planet was going into one of these SEB fading cycles, but then it was lost behind the sun for several months and naturally everyone who follows these things was eager to take images as soon as possible after its re-emergence in March," Wesley told SPACE.com in an e-mail.
  12. This is also one of the theories. There are some very strange things going on in our solar system right now ie Venus losing one of its rings and ALL the planets looking like they are heating up/new anomalies in their magnetic fields *see nasa website. @Renton Commercial airlines/planes aren't involved at all. This is strictly a military op hence the ease of deniabiltiy. I know that over europe it is American planes doing it which are Nato alligned some based in Belgium and others based in the Uk and Germany. I don't really know why they would be doing it, but the cost is high (in terms of fuel and mantime, the aerosol is cheap to make) so there must be some very grounded reasoning behind it. UV is definately part of the puzzle as is atmospheric temperatures which might be an issue if there are problems with our magnetic field as there is currently with Venus. It was only recently acknowledged that there is a kind of filligree of electromagnetism that links the planets depending on orbit and procession, so things happening on the big ones (inc the sun) also effects us. SOMETHING IS GOING ON. Erm, Venus doesn't have any rings and only has a neglible magnetic field though. Out of interest, are military flights a regular occurence in Germany because I don't think they are here (they're pretty easy to spot). So that would beg the question, why would Germany prepare for 2012 or whatever, but not the UK, bearing in mind both are members of the EU and Nato? Could it be that perhaps Rob's explanation, provided by a qualified expert, might be correct? That contrails have always had an atmospheric effect but the increase in flights in recent years would make this more noticeable? This just reeks of the usual conspiratorial speculation on nothing. Don't know why I typed Venus, it is Jupitur that has changed... 05/13/2010 06:46 PM ID: 84104 Permalink Jupiter Loses Southern Band When Jupiter recently re-emerged into view, astronomers noticed that it was missing one of its dominant features: the southern band, a dark wide stripe on the gas giant. This is not the first time it has done so while being observed. In 1973, the Pioneer space probe passed by and scientists noticed that it was missing then too. Later, in the 90s, it vanished temporarily. It is theorized that white clouds in the upper atmosphere of the planet might be obscuring the darker belt region. Recently the planet has been experiencing numerous other sudden changes: bands changing colors, and random appearance of spots. WHO DOES ROB WORK FOR? WHY DOES HE COUNTER EVERY ANOMALY? I WANT ANSWERS!!
  13. America is that out of ideas and that bancrupt it might welcome a war if not provoke one. It certainly will lose the economic endgame against China.
  14. This is also one of the theories. There are some very strange things going on in our solar system right now ie Venus losing one of its rings and ALL the planets looking like they are heating up/new anomalies in their magnetic fields *see nasa website. @Renton Commercial airlines/planes aren't involved at all. This is strictly a military op hence the ease of deniabiltiy. I know that over europe it is American planes doing it which are Nato alligned some based in Belgium and others based in the Uk and Germany. I don't really know why they would be doing it, but the cost is high (in terms of fuel and mantime, the aerosol is cheap to make) so there must be some very grounded reasoning behind it. UV is definately part of the puzzle as is atmospheric temperatures which might be an issue if there are problems with our magnetic field as there is currently with Venus. It was only recently acknowledged that there is a kind of filligree of electromagnetism that links the planets depending on orbit and procession, so things happening on the big ones (inc the sun) also effects us. SOMETHING IS GOING ON.
  15. Nice Orb soundtrack on this one.
  16. Fucking hell Parky, are you being serioud here? What are you proposing? 'They' are putting barium and other chemicals into aviation fuel to cool the planet? Or 'they' are deliberately polluting organic vegetables so we'll have to buy GM food (as suggested by the OP video)? Who is in on this global scandal - fuel manufacturers, air traffic control, meteorologists, government, the military, aliens? Do you even know how utterly insane these conspiracy theories sound? Is there any conspiracy theory on the net you don't subscribe to? Edwin Griffin, the person who is promoting the video, believes cancer is caused by vitamin B deficiency and that the medical profession is suppressing this truth. And he has the nerve to ask for a donation at the end of it so the truth can be told. Kerching! They don't put it in the fuel (it would fuck up the engines), they have dedicated pods for it. As I said earlier I didn't belive it for a very long time, but I've seen it for myself now in Hamburg, Surrey and when I was in Basel. The possible explanations are: 1. It is anti-satellite detection - a film of alu powder floating in the atmosphere stops satellite imaging. But then it would be a war game and not continuous. It's not a new idea, Saddam did almost the same thing by setting fire to the oil rigs. 2. It is a trial for global cooling, alu reflects sunlight and barium is a well known radiation leech. Combined they would have an effect of the fierceness of the sun. 3. It is old style weather mod (the Russians have been doing it for at least 30 years), to create more cloud formation and rain.
  17. “CHEMTRAILS” AND THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT By W. Hall Aigina, Greece August 30, 2007. Submission in the European Parliament of written questions on “chemtrails” by Dutch Socialist deputy Erik Meijer will be seen as a positive development by some activists. Are we witnessing the beginnings of a new phase in the years-long saga of this aerosol-spraying activity, and of the stigmatized opposition to it?. (See the present writer's: “Climate Change Jekylls and Hydes”). Meijer's written questions, under the heading “Aircraft condensation trails which no longer only contain water but cause persistent milky veils, possibly due to the presence of barium and aluminium”, are not the first such submission to have been tabled in a European legislature: in 2005 the Democratic Left deputies Italo Sandi and Piero Ruzzante raised similar questions in the Italian Parliament. More recently their political associates Asimina Xirotiri and Fotis Kouvelis did the same in Greece. But faced with the stereotyped and uninformative responses such questions receive from official spokespersons, the reaction of parliamentarians is to become discouraged - or at any rate inactive and inaccessible - perhaps not perceiving what they should do next and for that reason reluctant to have too much contact with citizens still pressing them for action and/or answers, whom they are obliged to confront “with empty hands”. Objectively Erik Meijer has greater margins for action. Working inside the uncompleted institutions of the European Union, a citizen of one of the two nations that delivered the death blow to the first attempt to impose a politically unacceptable “constitution” on the European peoples, leading member of an ex-Maoist political grouping now able to field twenty-five deputies in the Dutch parliament, with one foot in such would-be institutionally pioneering milieux as the Social Forums, Meijer could take advantage of the political abdication of the European Commission, and the European political class generally, on this terrible subject. He could turn it to the benefit not only of the European Parliament but also of the citizens' movements seeking a voice inside and outside the Social Forums. Not to mention of European integration generally. He could be a hero. They must all be making it up Rob. You're wife wrote a letter to the met??! What do you do if you want news on Afghanistan write to the MOD? ha ha
  18. European Parliament: question on aircraft condensation trails which no longer only contain water Strasbourg, France - By Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) (WAPA) - "Written question E-2455/07 by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission Subject: aircraft condensation trails which no longer only contain water but cause persistent milky veils, possibly due to the presence of barium, aluminium and iron 1) Is the Commission aware that, since 1999, members of the public in Canada and the USA have been complaining about the growing presence in the air of aircraft condensation trails of a new type, which sometimes persist for hours and which spread far more widely than in the past, creating milky veils which are dubbed 'aerial obscuration', and that the new type has particularly come to people's attention because it is so different from the short, pencil-thin white contrails which have been a familiar sight ever since jet engines came into use and which remain visible for 20 minutes at most and can only be produced if steam condenses on dust particles due to low temperatures and high humidity? 2) Is the Commission aware that investigations by these complainants, observations by pilots and statements by government bodies increasingly suggest that what is happening is that aircraft are emitting into dry air small particles consisting of barium, aluminium and iron, a phenomenon which in public debate in America has come to be known as chemtrails? 3) Unlike contrails, chemtrails are not an inevitable by-product of modern aviation. Does the Commission know, therefore, what is the purpose of artificially emitting these Earth-derived substances into the Earth's atmosphere? Does it help to cause rain, benefit telecommunications or combat climate change? 4) To what extent are aerial obscuration and chemtrails now also being employed in the air over Europe, bearing in mind that many people here too are now convinced that the phenomenon is becoming increasingly common and are becoming concerned about the fact that little is so far known about it and there is no public information on the subject? Who initiates this spraying and how is it funded? 5) Apart from the intended benefits of emitting substances into the air, is the Commission aware of any possible disadvantages it may have for the environment, public health, aviation and TV reception? 6) What is being done to prevent individual European states or businesses from taking measures unilaterally whose crossborder impact other States or citizens' organisations may regard as undesirable? Is coordination already taking place with regard to this? Is the EU playing a part in it, or does the Commission anticipate a future role, and what are the Commission's objectives in this connection?". (Avionews) (006)
  19. Didn't watch the whole vid I take it.
  20. There is an old military saying Rob: The longer the arm reaches the weaker it gets. Seriously I would have run out of patience with Nike attired SK long ago and nuked it.
  21. It's in this thread. Blind as a bat.
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