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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Yeah but if Lennon and SWp were Brazilian or Portugese you'd all be jizzing over them. I very much doubt it. You'd have knocked out about 6 U Tubes already an no mistake.
  2. The Nick Clegg thinktank?
  3. Yeah but if Lennon and SWp were Brazilian or Portugese you'd all be jizzing over them.
  4. With a passion. North Korea beating them would be better than us winning the World Cup as far as I'm concerned. I know the Germans "always do well", but I honestly think they could be a surprise casualty of the group phase. The squad is as poor as it's been since Euro 2004 (and yes, I'm still bitter they didn't get beaten by Latvia like they deserved) and I reckon Serbia and Ghana will both cause them problems. Stevie, the odds for a Serbia win against Deutschalnd might be worth a look.
  5. Could break into the first team.
  6. The Quasi-Western and Jewish hegemony that has cost the West billions and billions in its short sightedness and cruelty to mostly the innocent around the Arab and Muslim world (Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine) is coming to an end, it is essentially militarily and secondly ethically unsustainable. It also won't be forgotten the role the lapdog media has played (owned as it is by multinational congrlomorates and banking interests) and how for so long they have kept the people occluded from the truth of the cruelty inflicted on civilian populaitons in the disputed and occupied zones. The shear flagrant terror unleashed on parts of the Arab world will as often is the case in history come with its own particular and nasty blowback. And that blowback is coming.
  7. They might also need the cement to rebuild the 3000 odd houses that have been demolished in the last couple of years.
  8. Boarding in int waters is illegal anyway and the ship is allowed to defend itself, which is what it did. The blockade isn't about weapons it's about punishing them for voting for Hamas. Bording the ships is for intimidation and to send a message to others who might think about breaking the blockade and nothing to do with weapons being found onboard. It will be interesting when the Irish ship gets there and MANY MORE WILL FOLLOW.
  9. Hasn't been getting enough games to be going IMO.
  10. I tend to support Holland once England are out.
  11. This has to be the most well prepared and tactically briefed team we've ever entered thanks to Capello.
  12. On the 5th January 2009 Len Wardle, Co-operative Group chair, wrote: "The Co-operative Group board has decided to suspend sourcing products from illegal West Bank settlements. However, we will continue to trade with Israel and will seek to develop trading links with Palestinian farmers. The Co-operative Group only rarely curtails trade with particular countries or regions. However, in the case of the illegal settlement in the Israeli controlled occupied territories, it has proven to be all but impossible to ensure that supplies derived from the region are not perpetuating injustice and unfair terms of trade. We will no longer source dates, grapes and a number of herbs from the illegal West Bank settlements and will be phasing out the use of similar items from our own brand products."
  13. I'm totally the opp. I find after the 7th pint I begin to wonder if I could get away with banging one. I'd forgotten about this. Oh noooes.
  14. Have you seen A Prophet yet? Watched that a few nights ago. Mint. Cracking performance by Antony Worral Thompson aswell. Good spot.
  15. Your request is being processed... Rachel Corrie Continues Towards Gaza: Will Obama Let Israel Attack? How do you know when someone is serious about pursuing a strategy of nonviolent resistance until victory for justice is achieved? When they refuse to turn back in the face of state violence. Damn the commandos. Full speed ahead. The Irish Times reports: The MV Rachel Corrie is ploughing ahead with its attempt to deliver aid to Gaza despite yesterday's attack by the Israeli navy on Gaza-bound ship the Mavi Marmara. The cargo ship, which has four Irish nationals and five Malaysians aboard, is due to arrive in Gazan waters tomorrow, a spokeswoman for the Irish Palestine Solidarity Campaign said. The vessel became separated from the main aid flotilla after being delayed for 48 hours in Cyprus due to logistical reasons. Nobel laureate MaireƔd Corrigan-Maguire, former UN assistant secretary general Denis Halliday, and husband and wife Derek and Jenny Graham are the Irish nationals on board. Speaking from the ship today, Mr Graham said the vessel was carrying educational materials, construction materials and some toys. "Everything aboard has been inspected in Ireland," he said. "We would hope to have safe passage through." Might the Israeli military attack the Rachel Corrie, as the Israeli military attacked the Mavi Marmara? Would the Obama Administration permit such an Israeli attack on the Rachel Corrie, as the Obama Administration permitted the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara? Note that in particular, under international law, an Israeli military attack on the Rachel Corrie in international waters would be an attack on the government and people of Ireland, because the Rachel Corrie is an Irish-flagged vessel.
  16. Not keeping the weight off tho.
  17. I can't see what masturbating in front of him is going to achieve. Paddy's version of assymetrical warfare?
  18. I've been through this kind of bollocks recently...Took all my willpower not to put an axe in his head. Keep in touch with your kids, don't let him take over, the novelty will wear off.
  19. How old is he? If he is over 12 the judge can ask him what he wants.
  20. Was really rough this morning with an insane craving going on...Feeling jumpy, neck pains and a vague sense of feeling lost... Has one after lunch it felt like heaven.
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