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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Seriously Stevie isn't it time you went alone. You must have a big enough contact base by now.
  2. But you'll find if you know them long enough that they'll remember 'that joke' forever.
  3. I reckon this is one of Stevies threads by stealth.
  4. Didn't read the op properly, never and I mean NEVER make jokes via e mail. These days everyone is so fukin robotised with standardised thinking and scratch and sniff reactions it really isn't worth it. Banter by the water cooler or while you're picking up a coffee you can get away with as people forget stuff after a day or two, but never write shit down.
  5. Maybe their thinking is that Iraq is a nice logistical base The US army is having recuruiting problems.
  6. Totally harmless craic tbh. Bring a pink star into work tomorrow.
  7. Being tied up in Afg and Iraq and also border hijinx in Korea, I really don't think the US has enought logistics to start on Iran right now.
  8. The rich make money regardless. Debt collection is the market to get into We've probably got the highest amount of unpaid personal debt in Europe bar Greece.
  9. Maybe so, but you must admit they're an unspiring bunch at best I don't know much about them tbh.
  10. Park Life

    Joe Cole

    He always annoys me for some reason. He is always angry and i specifically remember him almost crying when he and drogba fought over taking a freekick, and Drogba took it. Mainly his facial expression that pisses me off. Fair enough I've not watched Benjani too much. Just remember him being decent before city got him and then got benched. Seemed like a good buy for free anyway. Is Shunsuke Nakamura available on a free now? He was released on some recently updated FM game i had. Oh and Nevland has gone back to Viking. Typical moody spoilt Kraut. Always thinks he's in the right and trying to get the old towel on the deckchair at dawn.
  11. When things are bad the poor pay, when things are good the rich make money.
  12. Trotsky was a well educated middle class intellectual actually.
  13. Think it will be a tough game, openers always are. But you never know we might mash up isn't it?
  14. Was also nearly responsible for the failure of the whole western banking system...Batteries in calculator issue apparently.
  15. Quality that. Watched Cinema Paradiso for the first time last night. Fucking brilliant Btw, for any fans of The Beach, the book is well worth checking out (still haven't seen the film). I was gently perusing one of varous lists I need to get through and noticed I hadn't watched the 2nd best war film of all time. Cross of Iron tonight. MrsP hates all these war films.
  16. Not sure how a shoulder injury, fall/twist like Rio, Drogbas fractured elbow, bad tackle on Ballack etc can be put down to tiredness though. Surely playing a higher number of games means theres a greater chance of picking up niggles that never heal properly or picking up something fairly serious none of those injuries have anything to do with "niggles" though More an example of things that can happen, obviously the tackle on Drogba and Ballack could of happened regardless of the number of games played Ferdinand barely played this season so I doubt thats down to fatigue as well. All shopped out?
  17. Even Capello was banging on a couple of weeks ago about the Germans due to the winter break being fresher with higher energy levels.
  18. Capello snapped at photographers today at the training ground. He's right up for it.
  19. Where Is He Now: He recentley starred in a movie called 'Beer League' which was written (and also stars) Howard Stern comic Artie Lange. This movie hit the theaters briefly and should be making its way to DVD soon. About a year ago there was talk of Ralph getting his own TV series on Fox, but that never materialized. In addition he writes and directs. A few years ago he was responsible for the HBO series 'Love Thy Brother.' He was in the Off-Broadway play, 'Magic Hands Freddy' with Michael Rispoli ('The Sopranos') And in the past couple of years he's gotten some noted stars to participate in some readings of his original screenplay, Mangled Care." Matt Dillon, Rose McGowan, and Dan Lauria to name a few. Ralph is hoping it gets picked up and he can direct it.
  20. Paul Hogan Where Is He Now: He has been shooting a new movie in Australia called Charlie and Boots with director Dean Murphy and co-star Shane Jacobson. Hogan recently found himself the target of Australian media after being accused of refusing to pay over AU$300 million worth of taxation. In October of 2008, however, Hogan won a major victory in the tax fight with the Australian Crime Commission, who were forced to cough up millions of taxpayer dollars to pay his legal bills. The ACC has since returned tens of thousands of personal financial documents to Hogan. When he isn't working, Hogan lives in California.
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