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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Car horns strangely silent tonight. Seriously though if you sit that deep and only come out to play with 10 min to go you get what you deserve. fuck off Lowe and all that Yogi bullshit. Got it completely wrong...If germany had set about the dwarves in the correct manner they'd be in the final now.
  2. Not sure how he's going to win a second term on the 'change' platform again.
  3. Why don't they apply to Barcelona or Hamburg, these whole cities are gay?
  4. He's had ample opportunity to state that there are problems with Bush's legacy laws even if he admitted he coudn't change them - instead he has defended, strengthened and extended them - I don't see how citing the power of the institution of government is any excuse. Bet he'll soften up a bit just before re-election time with some bunch of flowers legislation or other.
  5. Lambert said the government's decision to go down the wrong path took the police with them. Senior officers could have done more to tell the government their policies were making the task harder by alienating Muslims. "We could see the Bush-Rumsfeld approach would be counter-productive and impact on us as police officers in London. "There is still a duty on the police to let government know what the impact of their policies are, a duty on the police to report the damaging impact on Muslim community support." Quiker we de-link our broad policy stroker the better. Been saying it for ages now. Yer British Muslim is quite different to ones in Europe and the US.
  6. They are determined which is apart from the ability to pass and hold position seems key in this WC as Ghana, Jpn and Chile have proved. Miss those opening Chile games as they really seem to enjoy their football.
  7. There is a truth behind it of course. The Shankly quote is one of the all time famous ones. I bet you first saw it on that t-shirt. He cribbed it from Rob W apparently.
  8. Apart from a funny 10 min or so the Dutch normally have the jitters per game, they were really solid. If indeed it is a Dutch - Germany final, there will be hell on. Really tasty 120min looking forward to it already. Spain will be brushed aside once they wear out that center circle with a million pointless passes while Villa finds just the right quantum sq meter to make his run from.
  9. There is a truth behind it of course. The Shankly quote is one of the all time famous ones.
  10. Before my time mate [/DJ Spoony] And mine.
  11. Shite defending imo. Best Scottish moment was when they won the WC in 1967. Bonus glimpse of Souey in his prime.
  12. I'd be surprised if they pay that much. In the 77 days since the spill (11 weeks) it's only cost them $3 billion. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/10505423.stm 7 days after the explosion first quarter (12 week) profits announced were almost double that - $5.6 billion. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/ap...oil-prices-rise The law suits ain't started yet bro. The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, yielded $1 billion in restoration and restitution costs, although Exxon Mobil Corp. estimates it has so far spent $3.5 billion and faces an additional $2.5 billion in criminal penalties. Can't see BP getting hammered for almost 7 times that amount, especially if they manage to pin the blame on Deepwater Horizon. It's also set up a 20 billion reserve legal fund. This ain't like the exxon thing, the oil has been gushing for weeks and at a massive rate, not sure it still isn't actually. The impact will be massive and ongoing for generations. Plenty of legal action to come. Trust me.
  13. New cross just always looks menacing, bit like Vauxhall. It's alreet really, once you get off the main burn. All London "high streets" (and particularly South London ones) look identical and just as depressing really. Better to get up into Brockley proper where we actually have trees though. We've had this talk before....About Brockley and them trees and the lack of those trains...
  14. Would be a clever player in the hole. Where fatty plays now.
  15. I'd be surprised if they pay that much. In the 77 days since the spill (11 weeks) it's only cost them $3 billion. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/10505423.stm 7 days after the explosion first quarter (12 week) profits announced were almost double that - $5.6 billion. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/ap...oil-prices-rise The law suits ain't started yet bro.
  16. New cross just always looks menacing, bit like Vauxhall.
  17. The best Scottish moment was that Archie Gemmill goal.
  18. Like him. Good feet. Right age. Go get.
  19. Fiar enough, thats never going to happen if you always predict failure though. Thats the safest seat in the house. Exactly, he gets it from his mum.
  20. Some estimates say it will end up costing BP 40 billion. Utter fuckin disgrace.
  21. Probably with a different name and taller and faster on the ground, who takes players on and scores goals. That's right not Rooney the fat pidgeon.
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