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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Did he say that or did the papers say he said that?
  2. I miss him, cause he always set good bait.
  3. 'Oh dear'. Whether that comment is genuine or I have just chomped, that is the most moronic thing I have heard you say on here, and that's saying something. Apparently she wrote to him 3 weeks before release saying she was dating a copper, knowing full well his hatred for them. I would have shot her in the hands first, now that really hurts. So fucking what? You're seriously trying to justify this psycopath's behaviour? It justifies him taking off some random's face just because of his profession? Btw, it was also reported she did this not to wind him up, but to deter him, backfiring spectacularly. Personally I think her motives and actions are irrelevant in any case. Nothing could justify what he did. Crime of passion tho Shirley. Looks like it anyway. Morrissey will probably write a song about it and you'll buy the 12"...Justice served.
  4. 'Oh dear'. Whether that comment is genuine or I have just chomped, that is the most moronic thing I have heard you say on here, and that's saying something. Apparently she wrote to him 3 weeks before release saying she was dating a copper, knowing full well his hatred for them. I would have shot her in the hands first, now that really hurts.
  5. That's part of his apendage apparently. He hoovers the floor with it.
  6. Renton clearly seething that he has far lower standards than the rest of us Oh and Jimbo, pics or GTFO I'd better put my tin hat on if she finds out. *ok I've chickened out and pulled the pic lol* *disclaimer: I'm not suggesting my Mrs is a borderline boiler ! Her arm is bigger than her body!
  7. I love idea behind that. Good on you Gazza.
  8. I've heard of rubber necking but that is ridiculous.
  9. Tells the story that Fifa are just as retardedly star-struck as the average ITV viewer basically. It's a franchise after all.
  10. This stuff is just spiel for public consumption. Normal people are set up to take the hits during the swing tides of the markets, while Canada for instance just spent 1 Billion dollars on hosting the G8 and G20 meets, inc creating a fake lake and log cabin for journalists. When there is a crisis and we're all meant to be cutting back and making savings etc blah blah...It never seems to effect the ruling class.
  11. Is that another way of saying the industrial base in Western Europe is virtually redundant now after a near 40 year illness due to the far east being able to do things cheaper? Thousands of communites have lost their reasons to exist in that time, for an example most of us just need to look out of the window. The tories are complete cunts, but it looks like they're just putting the country out of its misery and unless you work in Asda or Tescos (are these two the only companies that make a profit?) you're frankly fucked. I think I'm going to go to Canada....who are the Newcastle United of the ice hockey league? There's not much single Govt can do about it. The planet has been raped and someone has nicked all the cash.
  12. There's the rub, climate change is what I'm talking about, Global warming is a fuzzy phrase that doesn't do justice to the topic. To say the global community is "warming" is to ignore the unbelievably complex cause and effect of minute changes in wind and water "streams" that have occured thanks to us. Man has had an affect on the climate of the world. While the Earth does flux and flex, the industrialisation clearly isn't part of that natural rhythm and so obviously we should try and return to some kind of balance. It just makes sense not to blindly charge headlong down a dangerous path. but I forgot about the ufos and/or deities who will save us from ourselves. Who's to say industrialisaton isn't part of a natural cycle? Fair enough, there may well have been a civilisation who went through similar progression, but thee is literally no evidence of that. There is evidence suggesting that the pollutants that industrialised man has released has had a noticeable effect on the climate. just saying like... I'm positive we can turn it round on this planet.
  13. If Spain win it, it will go to Villa or Xavi and the same for Robben.
  14. makes sense to me. crunch & bang, crunch & bang, etc. If the universe made sense it wouldn't work.
  15. Shouldn't you be masturbating over Vauxhall Astra Spoilers?
  16. There's the rub, climate change is what I'm talking about, Global warming is a fuzzy phrase that doesn't do justice to the topic. To say the global community is "warming" is to ignore the unbelievably complex cause and effect of minute changes in wind and water "streams" that have occured thanks to us. Man has had an affect on the climate of the world. While the Earth does flux and flex, the industrialisation clearly isn't part of that natural rhythm and so obviously we should try and return to some kind of balance. It just makes sense not to blindly charge headlong down a dangerous path. but I forgot about the ufos and/or deities who will save us from ourselves. Who's to say industrialisaton isn't part of a natural cycle?
  17. High fundamental soverign borrowing has only postponed the inevitable, the slow decline and collapse of Westen markets. German alone in the whole of Eruope has a trade surplus (still not creating enough jobs).
  18. xavi surely, he's yet again been the player of the tournament for me ..... though sneijders been pretty damn good as well. Woudln't have Lucio in it.
  19. Electromagnetism plays no part in the relationship between the planets, aside from the energy produced by the sun (i.e. if the Sun increases it's elecromagnetic output, it will affect us, but this will also cause a measurable change in the temperature of the Sun). It is the fourth fundamental force - Gravity - that binds us over astronomical distances. I never know how to take you Parky but you appear to be going through a rather bonkers stage, even by your standards. Electromagnetism and gravity are indistinguishable as forces and their resplendant footprints. Gravity is actuall a wave and a cousin of electromagnetism. It's how UFO's work. Here's an example of magnetism and its effect on heat... Heat shields are an important part of any space vehicle that re-enters the Earth's atmosphere. The next generation of heat shields to protect astronauts and payloads on their re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere may use superconducting magnets to deflect the plasma that forms in front of spacecraft as they travel at high speeds in the air. The first test of such a heat shield could happen as early as ten years from now, and the basic technology is already in development. The heat isn't caused by gravity, it's caused by friction with ionised particles (plasma). These magnets may be able to greatly reduce that, it sounds like promising technology, but it has NOWT to do with anything you have said. Without Googling Parky, could you honestly even describe the four fundamental forces of physics? Why didn't you say you wanted t discuss the gluon, photon, graviton etc....Personally I thought they were made up.
  20. http://www.appinsys.com/GlobalWarming/EarthMagneticField.htm Earth, the giant magnet Magnetic energy generated in the Earth's core results in a geomagnetic field. This phenomenon, which makes compass navigation possible, also deflects and absorbs harmful solar radiation. Earth's solid inner core, mostly iron, is surrounded by a chiefly fluid outer core, consisting mostly of molten iron. The interaction of these two regions, in which material flows at different rates, creates what scientists call a "hydromagnetic dynamo," something like an electric motor that results in a magnetic field akin to a giant bar magnet. Invisible geomagnetic lines stretch from one pole, curve far out into space, then back to the opposing pole. In a static environment, the curved lines might appear like a wire-frame model of some giant pumpkin, but the electrically charged solar wind blows the pumpkin into a teardrop shape. As best as researchers can tell, this protective field has existed in various forms for at least 3 billion years, periodically growing stronger and weaker, shifting around and, on a few occasions, even flipping its polarity entirely. Scientists have examined old rocks for indications of previous reversals, which leave directional clues in solidified magnetic minerals. At times, the field is thought to weaken to practically nothing, a state that would leave earthlings exposed to high doses of solar radiation.
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