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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. See when I used to do them 97-2002, it was a real lottery, I bet not one I ever did was more than 50% MDMA. I remember one time doing a "pill" turned out to be Ketamine, I think it was anyway, worst thing ever, instead of my pupils being like saucers, they were like tiny pins. The drug of choice at my work is powder MDMA, but I doubt I'll get involved in that neither in the future, apparently its better than any pill though. There's a fair amount of powdering the nose that goes on in the House of Commons.
  2. Pure Mdma has little side effects, there is ususally a fair amount of cack in the average E. Think it's a good idea. Can't be worse than giving mental patients acid.
  3. Wasn't he officially found to be the second fastest player at Arsenal last season? that article was a farce, it wasn't 2nd fastest at Arsenal it was 2nd fastest in the whole fucking league No Swp, Lennon, Agbonlahor, Vela, Sagna, Evra in short theres a ton of blatantly obvious people missing, and considering Bolt's top speed is 24mph there is no fucking way campbell is anywhere near it. it's probably something stupid like top speed achieved over any distance rather than being able to maintain a decent speed over one. Yeah but it's a fact that the most important distance in football is your speed over 10 yards.
  4. Iced Coffee with yoghurt topping. Mega.
  5. Like old Russia eh? :lol:
  6. Fuck me!! Don't look if you don't want you dreams ruined. http://humor.beecy.net/misc/celebs/ Christina Ricci
  7. It isn't overstating things to say that Ridley Scott is among the greatest filmmakers of all time, and "Alien" is among the greatest films of all time. So how could anyone not be eager to learn every little detail about his prequel to the 1979 classic? On Thursday (April 22), we caught up with the "Robin Hood" director to speak with him for next week's MTV Summer Movie Preview. And when he mentioned that he was feasting his eyes upon the latest "Untitled 'Alien' Prequel" script pages, we couldn't help but ask some questions. What followed might be the most revealing interview Sir Ridley has given thus far on the top-secret project. Read on for exclusive details concerning the prequel's plot, creature design and the woman — not named Sigourney Weaver — who will soon be kicking alien ass: MTV: We're very excited about your return to the "Aliens" world — what's going on with it at this point? Ridley Scott: As we speak, I've got a pile of pages next to me; it's like the fourth draft. It's a work in progress, but we're not dreaming it up anymore. We know what the story is. We're now actually trying to improve the three acts and make the characters better, build it up to something [we can shoot]. It's a work in progress, but we're actually making the film. There's no question about it, we're going to make the film. MTV Imagines The Kick-Ass Stars Of An 'Alien' Prequel MTV: Awesome. Scott: Now it's a matter of, how good can I get the screenplay in the next few weeks so I can get a good ballpark figure of what it will cost. I've already got people working graphically on designs for the various requirements of the film. MTV: Since this is a prequel, will you need to make the ships more primitive-looking than in "Alien"? Scott: It's set in 2085, about 30 years before Sigourney [Weaver's character Ellen Ripley]. It's fundamentally about going out to find out 'Who the hell was that Space Jockey?' The guy who was sitting in the chair in the alien vehicle — there was a giant fellow sitting in a seat on what looked to be either a piece of technology or an astronomer's chair. Remember that? MTV: Of course. Scott: And our man [Tom Skerritt as Captain Dallas] climbs up and says "There's been an explosion in his chest from the inside out — what was that?" I'm basically explaining who that Space Jockey — we call him the Space Jockey — I'm explaining who the space jockeys were. MTV: And is the Weyland-Yutani company in existence at this point? Scott: It's Weyland. Weyland hasn't joined Yutani yet, so they go and see Weyland. [The film] is about the discussion of terraforming — taking planets and planetoids and balls of earth and trying to terraform, seed them with the possibilities of future life. MTV: We know how obsessive "Alien" fans can get. Are you going to make a film that doesn't require having seen any of the other movies? Scott: Totally. Yes. [People will still get it], because there's a lot of copying, dude. MTV: There's a lot of copying of your movies. Scott: There's a lot of homage. Is that the polite word? Homage? I call it something else. [Laughs.] MTV: Will Sigourney Weaver have any participation at all? Scott: It will be before she was born! MTV: So not even a voice-over, explaining things? Nothing? Scott: Well, the main character [in the prequel] will be a woman, yeah. We're thinking it could go down that route, yeah. When I started the original "Alien," Ripley wasn't a woman, it was a guy. During casting, we thought, "Why don't we make it a woman?" MTV: So will you be creating new aliens for your prequel? Scott: What you have to do is — were there four or five "Alien" films? I can't remember how many followed. MTV: There were three after you, then the "Alien vs. Predator" nonsense. Scott: Yeah, the thing about "Alien vs. Predator" is, I know it's commerce, but what a pity. I think, therefore, I have to design — or redesign — earlier versions of what these elements are that led to the thing you finally see in "Alien," which is the thing that catapults out of the egg, the face-hugger. MTV: OK. Scott: I don't want to repeat it. The alien in a sense, as a shape, is worn out. MTV: Will you consult the original alien designer, H.R. Giger, on these ideas? Scott: Yeah, he's still around. Once I get more serious and get going, and the big wheels start turning, we'll certainly talk. And maybe we'll come up with something completely different. MTV: In your mind, when do cameras begin rolling on the film? Scott: We're hoping to have it in theaters in late 2011, or maybe the best date in 2012. MTV: Have you given any thought on how you'll feel when you walk on set that first time, how you'll deal with the déjà vu from 1979? Scott: Yeah, it'll be weird, because I always said I'll never do a sequel. [Laughs.] MTV: What made you change your mind? Scott: Honestly? They've squeezed the franchise dry. The first one will always be the most frightening, because the beast we put together with Giger and all its parts — the face-hugger, the chest-burster, the egg — they were all totally original, and that's hard to follow. ... I've always avoided sequels, unless I felt there was something fresh.
  8. Well the golden era of Hollywood was informed by much foreign talent.
  9. This interests me. Do you have a link or care to fill us in? It's the William Gibson version that was never made.
  10. Chez posted about it last week. BP have US law enforcement at their disposal to exclude the public from public property so they can keep reporters from reporting on the worst damage that's been done. Scary shit. I would have ages ago, but would have been acussed of being a nutter etc so didn't bother. Probably. Unfortunately, your confidence in an alien presence and scepticism over global warming gives you a slight 'boy who cried wolf' persona round these parts. I just did a straw poll at work and everyone (7 out of 7) had heard about the methane bubble so I don't think it's loony conspiracy on a par with the theft of our bodily fluids. I'm just ahead of the curve fella.
  11. As Stevie was saying earlier we need to keep hold of him.
  12. Chez posted about it last week. BP have US law enforcement at their disposal to exclude the public from public property so they can keep reporters from reporting on the worst damage that's been done. Scary shit. I would have ages ago, but would have been acussed of being a nutter etc so didn't bother.
  13. We talked about it a few pages back in this thread fella. A lot of the damage from this spill is worrying and will be on a much larger scale than they are all admitting to (apart from the eco/scientist crowd). If the methane pocket goes off it's all over for that part of the Usa and maybe more. This deep drilling lark is really such a gamble.
  14. Average. 4/10 But better than the new Polanski 'Ghost Writer'. Really bad. 2/10. No tension, wit, vision, characters or anything. Nice house on the beach is all it had going for it. Bond nor Luke could save it. I looked here before Kevin's post to see the Predator review score was a 3. I demand explanation! Was it Danny Trejo? In all seriousness I couldn't give it a 3. But how the fuck do you cast a skinny creative actor (The Pianist etc) as the lead badguy? Ruins the whole thing. Some nice touches with the alien world but rest is predictable shoot anything that moves bollocks. No guile and littel mystery. The original predator was more or less along the same lines although the characters were better. Brody was pretty beefed up as well and had about a 16 pack going on ! Not sure how you can pick on that. Cinema is all in the eyes, Brody just has those looking for light fiction at the back of the bookshop eyes. And the orignal Predator had all the mystery of not knowing what the Predator is all about. We know that now, so follow ups have to either dig down for more mythology or have the characters in such a way that you actually care if they die. They tried the old "Yeah we'll put it on another planet" thing, which brings something in itself, but isn't really enough. The survivor who they meet could have been instrumental in taking this up a notch in the sense that he could have been used as a vehicle to investigate more of the Predator themes. Also after the first 20 or so minutes, I was looking forward to seeing other space races being dropped in - didn't happen. The lack of genuine creativity is shocking really.
  15. Average. 4/10 But better than the new Polanski 'Ghost Writer'. Really bad. 2/10. No tension, wit, vision, characters or anything. Nice house on the beach is all it had going for it. Bond nor Luke could save it. I looked here before Kevin's post to see the Predator review score was a 3. I demand explanation! Was it Danny Trejo? In all seriousness I couldn't give it a 3. But how the fuck do you cast a skinny creative actor (The Pianist etc) as the lead badguy? Ruins the whole thing. Some nice touches with the alien world but rest is predictable shoot anything that moves bollocks. No guile and littel mystery. Fair enough. I did think that Adrien Brody was an odd choice like. I couldn't buy him as a threat to the Marks and Spencers returns department if he was arguing over a cashmere jumper that shrunk in the wash. It's the done thing to put proper indie actors in your big blockbuster now. They imagine it lends them some weight you wouldn't otherwise get if you put Dolph Lundgren in it. I think it started with Tobey Macguire doing Spiderman. Prince of Persia did it with the gay cowboy, Terminator and Batman had The Machinist in, the Green Hornet's coming soon and they've got Ryan Reynolds. Yeah but Christian Bale can do macho and scary and pissed off. Brody looks like he stepped onto the wrong set.
  16. Average. 4/10 But better than the new Polanski 'Ghost Writer'. Really bad. 2/10. No tension, wit, vision, characters or anything. Nice house on the beach is all it had going for it. Bond nor Luke could save it. I looked here before Kevin's post to see the Predator review score was a 3. I demand explanation! Was it Danny Trejo? In all seriousness I couldn't give it a 3. But how the fuck do you cast a skinny creative actor (The Pianist etc) as the lead badguy? Ruins the whole thing. Some nice touches with the alien world but rest is predictable shoot anything that moves bollocks. No guile and littel mystery.
  17. "Several months ago, we told you that a Ridley Scott-produced Alien prequel was on the way and that the film was to be directed by Scott protege, Carl Rinsch. Well, Great Scott! That is no longer the case. In space, no one can hear you scream, but it would appear that the 20th Century Fox finally heard fans of the Alien franchise because they have now hired original Alien director Ridley Scott to return to the helm for the next installment of the long-running sci-fi franchise. The long-rumored sequel reboot prequel has been gestating since 1997′s Alien Resurrection (even with the Alien Vs Predator films being produced). Scott has often publicly pondered returning to the series, but only with original star Sigourney Weaver. However, this new movie is supposed to be a prequel to Scott’s own film and not a continuation of the series, so it would appear that Weaver won’t be involved - having said that, she recently re-teamed with her Aliens director, James Cameron, for Avatar, so never say never. The original Alien followed the crew of the Nostromo as they responded to a distress signal from a ship on a distant planet (LV428). Once there, a member of the crew is attacked and an alien parasite (a face-hugger) is attached to his face. Soon the creature dies, but then the real horror begins… Alien and its first sequel Alien are modern science fiction classics and even the lesser sequels (David Fincher’s Alien 3 and Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s Resurrection) have some interesting visual flourishes and plot developments." Have high hopes of this living upto the original two Alien films. Just been reading the unmade version of the Alien 3 script which shows there are just so many dierections left unchartered by this franchise.
  18. Average. 4/10 But better than the new Polanski 'Ghost Writer'. Really bad. 2/10. No tension, wit, vision, characters or anything. Nice house on the beach is all it had going for it. Bond nor Luke could save it.
  19. They've just taken that LA vibe and imprinted onto a vampire film.
  20. Thought the whole set up was pretty poor cod nonsense. Had little dramatical tension and was all a bit, "hey look deep down black people have the same concerns and hopes as us..What a surprise". Freeman is good in almost everything. I reckon he'd even be good if he played a down and out telesales bloke in Croydon.
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