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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Got a ways to go to get to Renton levels bro.
  2. The pretend Hard Brexit is in full flow. One thing you did say the other day caught my eye and I think is essentially correct in that the rich part of the elite absolutely are trying to bully the Tories into a Hard Brexit for their own ends.
  3. I'm sorry I can't take somebody from the Essex hinterland seriously.
  4. You are one of the last hysterics in here. Right up there with Renton.
  5. Jesus had a quick deco at Parliament live Exiting the EU committee room and there is a bloke giving answers with a slight Essex/Crockney accent....We're doomed!
  6. They're climbing down like monkeys who've spotted a fruit stand with no owner in New Delhi.
  7. Your thinking on this (if that is the word) is of the hope and prayer variety ringo.
  8. It's not some Tories it's about 70% (that don't want any kind of Brexit). There is a hard core nutter minority that seem to have got hold of the party over this issue.
  9. It's time to attack. This is the moment where all history is written. /Parkanista
  10. I'm doing a donkey with a parrot backup.
  11. There will be a general election this year and a hung Parliament/narrow Lab maj and Brexit will be cancelled. All in all it's all down to Labour now and how much fight they have.
  12. The Germans are offering 3000e for them to leave. How dopey is that? Didn't you leave yesterday? Yeah I'm leaving again tomorrow....
  13. One of the issues is that our players are always knackered after the 700 games they have to play with no break.
  14. Having nicked out 1st seeding Poland need a lesson.
  15. Russia with easiest group shocker!
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