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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. i agree; it is ironic the way the islamofacists have so many allies in liberal western society. if i was a new yorker, i'd have strong feelings about a mosque being built so close to the site of the world's biggest ever terrorist atrocity. clearly they're not all terrorists. but shouldn't moderate muslims be a bit more clued up as to the reaction this move would surely trigger? Think muslims around the world have been TOO moderate. The need to take a leaf out of Israel's book.
  2. ...and within miniutes of opening your gob after the 5th pint.
  3. About half a milion from the indian sub-continent fought on our side in WW2.
  4. Gingrich and Palin stirring the tea party fervour doesn't constitute a serious attack on the freedom of muslims to get acquainted with a mat and a Quu'uuran. They get more publicity than they deserve rather like Nick Griffin in England. 20 million Muslims in America, it's about time they stopped pissing about with landmark buildings and shit and got themselves armed.
  5. Do you care to cite examples of this sort of behaviour en masse across the states? What I'm insinuating is I doubt you'll find evidence that the majority of a populace numbering over 300 million are taking part in this sort of rabid nonsense, and if a relatively small protest like this breaks your heart in such a manner what do you propose? So much for freedom of speech... Happens every weekend in deeeeeeeeep South apparently.
  6. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?showtopic=14189 That was more a villagers wth pitchforks event.
  7. Argie AMC foget the name a few years back. Riquelme or Aimar? Both iirc. There was a 200 pages on riquelme on NO anyway.
  8. You find that pretty shocking eh. A few delinquents have a go at a black man and he walks off. I've got a tip for you mate, avoid Bambi; you'll go through a couple boxes of Kleenex watching that by the sounds of it. Have a lie down with your comfort blanket until you feel you're ready to face the world again. Camfort blanket.
  9. wasn't Randy Lerner supposed to be a sooper dooper owner On the Villa board some are saying MON blew a load of cash on shit....But who??
  10. It's part of the breeding hate of Muslims and bringing into the minds of the common Joe, which is the de facto plan of Zog.
  11. Good point, but I think bellers had a bit more dribbling in him. It will be strange if over the next couple of years Carroll ends up with 10 caps or summink.
  12. Argie AMC foget the name a few years back.
  13. I'd normally have gone with Agbon, but yesterday made me do a complete about turn. The finishing is the key difference if you lay off the pace of one against the heading of the other. Thoughts.
  14. I could still see the goals in my head as I drifted off to sleep.
  15. It was Niall Hickman from the Daily Express. He said he had been over to interview McLaren last season at Twente and McLaren had said there was only one player in his squad that was good enough for the Premier League and that was Tiote. Now that I don't believe. While Tiote was instrumental in thei championship win last season and has improved vastly over the past season, there are players in that Twente squad who are better still, like Brian Ruiz. I don't believe McLaren would have said this. Also, you have to wonder why McLaren didn't go in for Tiote for his new club if he really thought that highly of the lad..
  16. All this bollocks about attitude, you don't see it worrying the French. He's up his own arse cause he's talented, he would run rings round our whole mdfield with or without the ball.
  17. 10x better than anything we have or will have in the near future.
  18. Looked like his last game today. Fingers crossed.
  19. Villa boards in meltdown. Chuckletastic! http://www.villatalk.com/index.php?name=PN...sc&start=30
  20. We've all doubted him over the last year, but today may be the first real signs ie PL test that he has what it takes. The side for the most part looked cogent and organised and the link up play was good (haven't seen that in ages to any real degree). He has also against all odds kept faith in AC3, this I suspect is in part due to the lack of cash available, but all the same has managed to bring the lad on in leaps and bounds. I still have doubts about him at the highest levels of the PL, but it is starting to look like he can make a team play on the ground and not panick. Williamson and Routledge have been good buys for peanuts and Perch given time might also be alright. He has the highest coaching badge, but it is a great leap from that to being a successful PL manager and tough times will come this season and hard choices will have to be made, then it will be clearer how much talent CH has as a top notch manager. He might be steady and realistic, but the next level is intuition, gut feelings and tactical awareness that only the best managers have. The next test for CH is to put a run together, which is the hardest thing in this league for sides like ours with all its fragility. Today though apart from the opening 10/15 minutes when Villa came out of the blocks like they meant business, we destroyed what is a top 8 side.
  21. Sweet memories Is she hooked then? The training has begun. Think Luke, think swamp think Yoda.
  22. Can see a full England call up in the near future. It was the third goal that showd his composure.
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