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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Moyes after tonights result.
  2. I don't see what this has to do with the topic at hand, obviously you're trying to employ some array of confusing tactics to evade the debate. Alex is like a sub captain with his 'countermeasures'.
  3. Beginning to wonder if Roy will survive a season there. Just doesn't look scary enough to manage at anfield.
  4. Masch and Reina want out apparently.
  5. Still not in the CL proper.
  6. At the end of the day our matinee softened liberal european stance to these kinds of things doesn't really address the real issue and that is that balanced media in the states is really notihing more than a pipedream. It's dog eat dog and a poulace proud of killing hundreds of thousands of innocents areound the world with barely a cinammom waffle dropped.
  7. It's been pretty clear for a long time they do this stuff on purpose, if they're not in the pocket of media barrons, they're in the pocket of advertisers, especially in the states.
  8. Must be losing me touch only one bite.
  9. Do you care to cite examples of this sort of behaviour en masse across the states? What I'm insinuating is I doubt you'll find evidence that the majority of a populace numbering over 300 million are taking part in this sort of rabid nonsense, and if a relatively small protest like this breaks your heart in such a manner what do you propose? So much for freedom of speech... I'm all for freedom of speech, if you watch the clip you'll see the black man getting moved on for trying to engage with the protesters and discuss their concerns. Examples of other protests against mosques in other states..... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ST2010082202944 Also, you have to laugh when you realise the Pentagon was rebuilt after 9/11 with a mosque inside. These are the kinds of things why there is always hope for America. Fuvk didn't know that.
  10. I just don't see why you're getting your knickers in such a twist over a relatively small protest. I'm assuming you are in favour of freedom of expression etc. x3 attempt at the bait.
  11. You've crossed that imaginery line between being intelligent to being a danger to the state.
  12. The president of the U.S. has spoken in support of the construction of this recreational prayer centre or whatever it is going to be. A minority of protesters consisting largely of dedicated Fox viewers (The Tea Party) with low IQs have had some demonstrations, and Newt Gingrich has played to these crowds in some recent speeches. What is your problem with this? Do you have a problem with the citizens of a country staging protests? Do you have a problem with a political figure making a speech containing views you find distasteful or even abhorrent? Dedicated Fox viewers?
  13. You're like his boring, bigger brother so it doesn't surprise me in the slightest you taking this angle, you sensible cunt.
  14. He's nothing like Bellamy. Bellamy has always been a clever player whose movement and touch have been quality - whereas Agbonlahor has always looked like a sprinter turned into footballer, to me anyway. You're a bloody connesieur you are.
  15. i have strong feelings about people who blow planes into buildings, yeah. i think the reaction of the people in new york is easier to understand than the decision by the muslim community in manhattan to commission a mosque to be built so close to ground zero. you'd think they'd have a bit of common sense. why not build one a little further uptown instead? Yeah cause it was the NY muslims who did that. well no, obviously not. but you would expect the moderate muslims there to realise that feelings are still a bit raw over what the extremists did. common sense tbh As I said earlier I think muslims are too moderate. With most of their countries occupyied and money drained from their lands and general casual racism all across Europe they wannna start nuking shit.
  16. Could be desribing Israel there mate.
  17. Well you're either on the wind up or a delusional nincompoop if you think Sarah Palin is as intolerant as Kin Jong Il or Robert Mugabe. She ain't got the brains to be intolerant. It's the minimum requirement to rise to the top of Yank politics dontchya know.
  18. i have strong feelings about people who blow planes into buildings, yeah. i think the reaction of the people in new york is easier to understand than the decision by the muslim community in manhattan to commission a mosque to be built so close to ground zero. you'd think they'd have a bit of common sense. why not build one a little further uptown instead? Yeah cause it was the NY muslims who did that.
  19. i agree; it is ironic the way the islamofacists have so many allies in liberal western society. if i was a new yorker, i'd have strong feelings about a mosque being built so close to the site of the world's biggest ever terrorist atrocity. clearly they're not all terrorists. but shouldn't moderate muslims be a bit more clued up as to the reaction this move would surely trigger? maybe it is deliberate provocation by these so called "moderate muslims"........... Lets face it, they don't give a fuck what the softies in the west think of anything else they attempt to do in the name of their "tolerant religion" I bet they spunk in your takeaway curry as well.
  20. Wasn't Shearer meant to have been doing some coaching with him?
  21. Fortunately, Christianity was already widespread among the various American Indian populations when we arrived. ...what was left of them that is.
  22. i agree; it is ironic the way the islamofacists have so many allies in liberal western society. if i was a new yorker, i'd have strong feelings about a mosque being built so close to the site of the world's biggest ever terrorist atrocity. clearly they're not all terrorists. but shouldn't moderate muslims be a bit more clued up as to the reaction this move would surely trigger? maybe it is deliberate provocation by these so called "moderate muslims"........... Lets face it, they don't give a fuck what the softies in the west think of anything else they attempt to do in the name of their "tolerant religion"
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