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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. If it's radiation from a solar wave/storm/pulse (magnetic) it goes off and stays off, cause everything gets melted. There is a theory that this is the reason they are spraying the skies with barium salts and micro-aluminium to act as a shield.
  2. Arsenal have about 30. Man Utd must have a few as well cos four of them died of old age last year, Fergie was on saying he went four of his scouts funerals in 2009. SBR's team wasn't the best imo. Whoever told him to buy Fumaca (this it was Wadsworth) oh dear...and Cordone for that matter. Fumaca was a Wadsworth recommendation (thought he just signed on loan though). Others (iirc) were: Cordone (season long loan?), Lua Lua (Lomano - not bad in fairness), Bassedas and Gavilan. About £9-10m's worth there. The one scout thing still shocks me. There is no easier way for a club to make and save money than employ a scout in every European football playing country and one or two for South America.
  3. He just makes it up doesn't he.
  4. "I'm a fahkin football managah"!
  5. Shut the fuck up. Parky tbh. I'll bet anything she's a better person than you.
  6. Sniffs mate, take it from me there is no comparison. Bafra is simply the most gifted of the three musketeers at Clairfontayne: Benzema, Nasri and Bafra. It is like a dream to me that he will wear our shirt. I think it will only take 5 games for you to see what I mean. Use the force Luke. P. Ok obi wan, in view of that little gem of wisdom (source?) why didnt Wenger make a bid for him at any point in the last 4 years or so? and is it Bafra to his friends or is that just what he's been christened on't'internet? I don't propose to know the mind of Wenger, sorry. But I'd hazzard a guess that he thinks Nasri is a more composed hard working player, with nearly the same skills. Wenger has said good things about a whole bunch of French players, but that doesn't mean he has to go out and buy every one of them or there is something wrong. Psychologically, Nasri is ahead of the three and really gets on with it although allegedly is a pain in the arse as well, but hasn't the forte for histrionics a la Bafra. Wenger has also failed to buy a proper keeper for how long is it now? And another thing, VP isn't the answer to tight games like Drogba, Berb or Tevez are. The thing is, regardless of how talented he is (and its plain that'll be "very") you seem to be overlooking what we do know about him.....he's broke his contract at two clubs by just walking out and he's so pleased to be playing in front of us at SJP he' signed for the whole of this season......sorry to piss on your parade but I'm with sniffer on this....he's trouble and is using us as a stepping stone...probably to fuckin Arsenal Prozac? Denial isn't a river in Africa old son I hope he's better than Cruyff,plays for us until he's 40 and lives in a flat above a shop in fuckin Benwell but its all highly unlikely Last year I lost 70% of my business, my family (back together now) and was in psychotherapy for 4 months back in England. What it taught me was to appreciate the little things in life when they come along.
  7. Sniffs mate, take it from me there is no comparison. Bafra is simply the most gifted of the three musketeers at Clairfontayne: Benzema, Nasri and Bafra. It is like a dream to me that he will wear our shirt. I think it will only take 5 games for you to see what I mean. Use the force Luke. P. Ok obi wan, in view of that little gem of wisdom (source?) why didnt Wenger make a bid for him at any point in the last 4 years or so? and is it Bafra to his friends or is that just what he's been christened on't'internet? I don't propose to know the mind of Wenger, sorry. But I'd hazzard a guess that he thinks Nasri is a more composed hard working player, with nearly the same skills. Wenger has said good things about a whole bunch of French players, but that doesn't mean he has to go out and buy every one of them or there is something wrong. Psychologically, Nasri is ahead of the three and really gets on with it although allegedly is a pain in the arse as well, but hasn't the forte for histrionics a la Bafra. Wenger has also failed to buy a proper keeper for how long is it now? And another thing, VP isn't the answer to tight games like Drogba, Berb or Tevez are. The thing is, regardless of how talented he is (and its plain that'll be "very") you seem to be overlooking what we do know about him.....he's broke his contract at two clubs by just walking out and he's so pleased to be playing in front of us at SJP he' signed for the whole of this season......sorry to piss on your parade but I'm with sniffer on this....he's trouble and is using us as a stepping stone...probably to fuckin Arsenal Prozac?
  8. Not worked out exactly as expected for those 3 tbh. Still all more than young enough to go very far. Benzema really needs to get out of Madrid, he looked completely shot of confidence when he came on as a sub against Mallorca the other night. Mourinho coming in should have been a fresh start for him but their relationship is already being tested.. Think Benzema was too young to go to Madrid, the problem is Italy is a graveyard for young strikers as well.
  9. Sniffs mate, take it from me there is no comparison. Bafra is simply the most gifted of the three musketeers at Clairfontayne: Benzema, Nasri and Bafra. It is like a dream to me that he will wear our shirt. I think it will only take 5 games for you to see what I mean. Use the force Luke. P. Ok obi wan, in view of that little gem of wisdom (source?) why didnt Wenger make a bid for him at any point in the last 4 years or so? and is it Bafra to his friends or is that just what he's been christened on't'internet? I don't propose to know the mind of Wenger, sorry. But I'd hazzard a guess that he thinks Nasri is a more composed hard working player, with nearly the same skills. Wenger has said good things about a whole bunch of French players, but that doesn't mean he has to go out and buy every one of them or there is something wrong. Psychologically, Nasri is ahead of the three and really gets on with it although allegedly is a pain in the arse as well, but hasn't the forte for histrionics a la Bafra. Wenger has also failed to buy a proper keeper for how long is it now? And another thing, VP isn't the answer to tight games like Drogba, Berb or Tevez are.
  10. Christ! Wasn't aware of the details. Bad form whichever way you look at it.
  11. Sniffs mate, take it from me there is no comparison. Bafra is simply the most gifted of the three musketeers at Clairfontayne: Benzema, Nasri and Bafra. It is like a dream to me that he will wear our shirt. I think it will only take 5 games for you to see what I mean. Use the force Luke. P.
  12. As his personal therapist, how do you feel he would cope with that? He don't like it.
  13. Just blame it on Barton if he plays bad, he's already got Smudger on speed dial, who no doubt will be holding his passport hostage with a lighter.
  14. I hope there isn't going to be an avalanche of nit picking and whinning on here when he has a bad game.
  15. MICHEL OUAZINE: "Hatem BEN ARFA IS AN ARTIST" Near Ben Arfa, he has known him as a boy, Michael Ouazine is a man of the shadows and maintains the mystery of the influence he is alleged to exert on the now former Marseille. While his "Poulain" has just been loaned to Newcastle and is blamed in the press by the player's father and half-word, by Deschamps, Michel Ouazine Footineo chose to take stock. Excerpts: - "I lived through this period very difficult. I suffered for him." - "Hatem is an artist, with all that entails. Often, we do not recognize the talent of an artist at his death." - "I can confirm: Real Madrid contacted me. But it was not a serious challenge to Hatem at present. There are steps. As you approach the sun too quickly, you can burn quickly." - "There have been many, many rumors (...) The clubs who have contacted me, it Hoffenheim and Werder Bremen." - "You can have the most beautiful woman in the world in your arms, come home at night and not sleep with." - "Hatem wanted a club that will give him lots of love, warmth and that will allow it to store the competition." - "Newcastle is a club rich with incredible facilities and a stadium. There, it will bind to the games and thrive." On this last statement, some have doubts ...
  16. Yeah cause Nolan, Smith and Barton aren't mouthy vindictive, petty - cunts. Bafra is also the 'type' to attract resentment and friction.
  17. This is my main worry. Though win bonuses shouls alleviate that.
  18. No. Thought they started English at 9 in France??
  19. Do Stoke have debts? Genuine question. I'm not sure. I think they have a fairly strict wage structure with Jones having part of his wages paid by the mackems. However, I'm sure Gudjonnson and Pennant earn a few quid. Stoke had minute debts last year due to an ultra low wage bill, not sure about now.
  20. Nolan is going to play, because he is the captain. Nobody leaves their captain on the bench. If he does this, he will have to make someone else captain. Look at last season though, Smith was captain but didnt play all the time, especiailly when the Midfield was performing. He NEEDS to leave him out to leave more room for creativity. I agree with you, in a way. If he doesn't intend to play Nolan, why make him captain ? If someone takes up Nolans advanced position, will Nolan play the deeper role ? Don't think Bafra was on the radar when Nolan was made captain. There is also the rumour that CH has promised Bafra to build the side around hin (I would), so we'll see. What I don't want to see is Bafra on the bench against Blackpool and coming on for 15 min cause that would be cowardly.
  21. I don't know. But that's where he should play, he's not as effective deeper ie in midfield proper, he needs to do his damage in dangerous areas where he can thread final passes, take potshots and make hijinx in and around the box or being able to strike for the box early in the run (beating one or two). His second most dangerous postion is attacking from the left of midfield (whrere Jonas is now) and he can also play right attacking midfield etc..But he is the kind of player that will thrive on confidence, where a Keegan can just take him aside and say, "Go out and play". Part of Benzema's rise at OM was the feeding and creative play of Bafra and the sheer panic and distractions he can cause while other benefit. Anyway it is a good problem to have ie selection, it has been awhile where the manager had the oppurtunity to lay his signature on a side. I hope that especially at home CH will relax some of his safety first mentality. -----------------Tiote------------- Routledge-----Barton-------Jonas-- -------------------Bafra -------------Carroll. Is the ideal. Against Blackpool at home that could be tried. *Wenger plays Nasri too deep, he has become part of the passing schemes instead of being the final attacking phase. With all the big hungry black fellas Arsenal have, Nasri should be doing his damage 10/15 yards further forward.
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