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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Park Life


    The way she used to badger Dex the stupid slag.
  2. They've all got that little bit of Hitler in them as far as I'm concerned. Too orderly for my liking. Mrs P's tidyness drives me up the wall. Even at w/e we always have 'to be doing something'. She's always fukin arranging things for Sun morning with ParkyJnr, so I look like a cunt cause I refusre to get out of bed at 7.00 (ON A SUNDAY!!!!). She arranges and re-arranges things on my desk, she never seems tired or just able to relax, she doesn't understand anything about the world on any meaningful level, she watches Twilight (that vampire thing) and raves about it. I saw her cleaning her macpro screen with special computer screenwipes the other day (that's just fuking anal!!). Germans are shit.
  3. The Germans are still way behind on all this integration stuff compared to us.
  4. Don't think I've seen it, can't remember it anyhow....But that has never stopped me! 2/10.
  5. The press bit (the mesh) that goes through the coffee, is that glass as well?? Stainless steel i believe. How long have I got? Perhaps only weeks....
  6. It's like if you smoke a joint with tobacco it is equivalent to x3 fags, cause the chemicals in grass open up the alveoli in your lungs and more shit goes in.
  7. The press bit (the mesh) that goes through the coffee, is that glass as well?? I'm actually quite annoyed you had to point that out tbh Parky. Chez you wanker. Quik edit.
  8. The press bit (the mesh) that goes through the coffee, is that glass as well??
  9. Again the metal reacts with the coffee and produces acid and also the alkaloids (or summink) from the coffee is also not good for you. Using a filter takes a lot of the nasty stuff out (acid, coffee alkaloids) etc.. Cafetiere is a road to an early death.
  10. illy is nice. Lavazza is a bit too dark for me.
  11. ok, this ? Does it take filter coffee or beans, will it make 1 cup and how do you clean it out etc ? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bialetti-Moka-Expr...r/dp/B0000AN3QI Don't put it in the dishwasher, aluminium don't like it. fuck me, I'd forgotten about this. Will get one. Whats the best size to get, I'm the only one that will drink it. Will it keep if I get one that makes multiple cups NO!!!!!! Don't get that LM, the metal and the coffee react making it acidic and is bad for your tummy. Get a filter coffee maker, the paper takes out most of the acid from the coffee and it isn't a kerfuffle like this monstrosity. I'm still using a filter machine with a washable nylon ? filter [instead of using paper] This is the point of the post mate, to get it to taste like it does when the professionals do it. Use paper, unbleached and a good quality filter coffee. All that capucinno bollocks is about froth and whatnot, makes no differance to the taste one bit. The taste is all to do with the coffee and the roast darkness you buy and secondly the water you use. Friend of mine uses still mountain water which doesn't hamper the flavour of the coffee. You can get the same result with a Brita for the water you will use for coffee. I've been using Lavazza Rossa since I started this thread, but in the machine described above ie nylon washable filter Switch to paper. It takes out most of the coffee acid, leaving it a touch smoother. The nylon filter will do fuck all apart from stopping the grounds.
  12. ok, this ? Does it take filter coffee or beans, will it make 1 cup and how do you clean it out etc ? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bialetti-Moka-Expr...r/dp/B0000AN3QI Don't put it in the dishwasher, aluminium don't like it. fuck me, I'd forgotten about this. Will get one. Whats the best size to get, I'm the only one that will drink it. Will it keep if I get one that makes multiple cups NO!!!!!! Don't get that LM, the metal and the coffee react making it acidic and is bad for your tummy. Get a filter coffee maker, the paper takes out most of the acid from the coffee and it isn't a kerfuffle like this monstrosity. I'm still using a filter machine with a washable nylon ? filter [instead of using paper] This is the point of the post mate, to get it to taste like it does when the professionals do it. Use paper, unbleached and a good quality filter coffee. All that capucinno bollocks is about froth and whatnot, makes no differance to the taste one bit. The taste is all to do with the coffee and the roast darkness you buy and secondly the water you use. Friend of mine uses still mountain water which doesn't hamper the flavour of the coffee. You can get the same result with a Brita for the water you will use for coffee.
  13. Fucking chicory??? Was she in the Raj?
  14. ok, this ? Does it take filter coffee or beans, will it make 1 cup and how do you clean it out etc ? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bialetti-Moka-Expr...r/dp/B0000AN3QI Don't put it in the dishwasher, aluminium don't like it. fuck me, I'd forgotten about this. Will get one. Whats the best size to get, I'm the only one that will drink it. Will it keep if I get one that makes multiple cups NO!!!!!! Don't get that LM, the metal and the coffee react making it acidic and is bad for your tummy. Get a filter coffee maker, the paper takes out most of the acid from the coffee and it isn't a kerfuffle like this monstrosity.
  15. This would have been easy but for Jonas beginning to play well. And the problem with dropping Nolan is that he creates a distraction in the box for Carroll to exploit.
  16. I read them within days of each other just recently, along with Darkness at Noon. All class.
  17. This is what I normally get. 4euro a pack.
  18. Quite. This is what 2jeeps drinks
  19. Reminds me how aghast Mrs P was a few years back when we lived in London and I drank instant. She was proper writing letters to her dad to come and rescue her.
  20. The most expensive way to drink coffee. Just get a filter machine and spend money on the quality of the coffee and not on little round bits of gold packaging and sexy writing.
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