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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. My mate sent his Breitling back when he realised the lunimous spots gave off radiation.
  2. The Last Station. Overaught melodrama about Tolstoy. Nice photography and littered with big actors and that comedy actor who was big in the 90's. Lovely photography. 6.2/10
  3. Bikes look cool. Suprised the watches are Seiko.
  4. The Russian and Eastern Euro girls in hamburg look like supermodels 100e for 2 hours. She looks a little jaded for 1000 a night imo.
  5. There seems to be a pervading myth amongst idiots that footballers have to be nice. Give me a creative cunt anytime over a boring steady fella.
  6. I think it's obvious the war lingers on in Germany in the nations psyche more than any country in the world. I'm of the opinion such a dictatorship and fanatical brainwashing would never happen to the British people. I think it's not in our make up to conform. People are basically saying here, the German ethic and sterile nature is purely as a result of their guilt. Who is to say that German people weren't sheep like robots before the war. I mean most of their wars were massively unjust to start with. There is some truth in this, I worked on a corporate book and the company was based in Westphalia/Munster and for the intro I added a kind of potted history, of course the region was rife with very fanatical religious beliefs (Catholic) and various 'men of god' taking over villages and predicting the end of the world etc..There is something in the blood here, definitely and it's also on the whole the dark side of the force.
  7. Great debut from Zowie I thought, must watch it again. Goes to show at the end of the day flashy CGI special effects mean fuck all. On a complete tangent I wish this 3D gimmick would fuck off as well. Moon is pukka.
  8. Berlin had a cracking drum and bass/ electro scene when I first started going there regularly about 8/10 years ago. Also a lot of things are dead cheap like booze, fags, clubs etc...Everything is open all night. There is a certain magic about the place, but it takes synching with.
  9. I donno like Oz said sex was in its' inphancy on Tyneside after visting a German brothel.
  10. Your final thought there is right on the button fella. They have been neutered, their collective consciousness has been hived, they are almost 'off planet'.
  11. They are good at gay love alright, but it's cause it fits in with their parameters, it isn't complex and spritual, it is more high turnover and bestial. No offence. Not that I mind that or there is anything wrong with, in many ways it is more honest and manly.
  12. Mini 850, went like shit off a shovel cause it weighs nowt.
  13. My motebecane is a copy of one of his bikes apparently.
  14. turns you into a fat alcoholic who bores everyone around with stories and issues about brewing............
  15. It's basically a country that has no love. The Germans don't love (they are attentive and caring). But that isn't love, there is no love in their eyes, just a kind of electrical destiny, the rise and fall of various pushes against the tide to understand something (themselves). But there is no love, no capacity for it, not enough love RAM or space on the hard drive. The land that love forgot. They have fallen back on liberatin themselves with attention to data, the methodical, numbers, charts, calculators and a whole host of electronic plotting of the surface of their emebedded psyche. They were put here to build things perfectly to supply humanity with things that are marvelous and ingenious, but in amonst all that shuddering and whirring of minds, love is a stranger. It is germane that all thier fairytales are dark and set in the black forest, for you can see the darkness of their souls, the forcefield of their spirit. You can see the thing with the Jews was a meeting and frissionn of two versions of the dark side, like Sith Lords one with the Kaballah magic and the other with Hegellian/Nietzschean/Ubermensch mythos, the clash of two earth forces of times gone by. There is no love here, it's also why they like/encourage the Turks, another bunch of lost, argumentative, insecure souls with a fighting spirit.
  16. What's the inlaws like? I really get on with the dad basically cause he's an old skool lefty with a really healthy love of football. Often get free tickets from him to go and watch HSV. I also like him cause he gets on Mrs P's case, every since she let him down by not becoming good enough at hockey (he was there on the sidelines barking orders). She played Bundesliga as a Dm for a couple of years and is pretty much a very high standard skier and swimmer ( I can't ski and fear water). He likes it that Germany imports gas from Russia, he smokes, he comes over and does my diy. He isn't really that German and I can't fifure out why, the only thing I can think of is that he was a social worker. The mother is like all German women - cold, calculating and deadly. Her brother got a bit lippy once and I offerred him out he's been quiet since (steals a lot of trainers and gives me some).
  17. When you do business with then you have to do everything correctly or they call you 10 times a fukin day about the meeerest detail. They don't know how to blag it, they don't know how to make a descision without asking about 12 people or having 5 meetings, they are polite and attentive to the point you want to put a pencil in their eyes. They ask you personal questions withing miuntes of meeting you, no clue about small talk, everything seems like some king of data exchange. I've only met two Germans who I really get on with and that's because they are basically artists ie outcasts.
  18. They've all got that little bit of Hitler in them as far as I'm concerned. Too orderly for my liking. Mrs P's tidyness drives me up the wall. Even at w/e we always have 'to be doing something'. She's always fukin arranging things for Sun morning with ParkyJnr, so I look like a cunt cause I refusre to get out of bed at 7.00 (ON A SUNDAY!!!!). She arranges and re-arranges things on my desk, she never seems tired or just able to relax, she doesn't understand anything about the world on any meaningful level, she watches Twilight (that vampire thing) and raves about it. I saw her cleaning her macpro screen with special computer screenwipes the other day (that's just fuking anal!!). Germans are shit. Robots, but a lot of the women look good, and I presume shag good. Personality wise they'd be alright if they were more like us. I don't think many Irish or English people would admit it but we're almost identical culture and personality wise generally speaking. The French ARE the best shag. MrsP operates it like a quota system the blonde Nazi bitch!
  19. They are really repressed and stunted psychologically the control is so high here. It's one of the reasons all the Turks act like cunts cause they can get away with it here. They wouldn't last 5 min swaggering around like that in Eng.
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