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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. "Shoplifters of the world unite and take over"!
  2. -----------------Gilks----------- Hughes-----Hageland-----Collo-----Enrique Albrighton---Tiote-----Ireland-------BenArfa ---------------------Kalinic-------- ---------------Carroll £55.4m
  3. Using the fantasty PL valuations pick a Newcastle side. http://fantasy.premierleague.com/ RULES No players from top 6 ManU, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man C, Liv, Spurs. MUST INC 3 current Toon players. Total Budget 56m
  4. It's one of the best things ever made for television IMO. Big Lynch fan.
  5. Brentford, Leicster, Leeds, Barca, Blackpool (this year), Everton, Derby, Forest, Valencia, Napoli, St Pauli.
  6. Park Life


    Love it when you do these kinds of posts Stevie.
  7. You're still in the game bro.
  8. More past it or perma-crocked than overrated I'd say, in their day Smith, Nolan, Duff, Geremi, Owen etc ect were somewhere between half decent and excellent but we stupidly bought them up based on their past histories rather than current form/ability/fitness. All Fat Sam bar Duff iirc.
  9. If you estimate the legal fees as 3k offer the geezer 2k (an estimated legal bill of 3k will turn out to be 5k). Think of it as business and take emotions out of it. My uncle used to go round and throw people out of windows but that is another story. Good luck!
  10. No, exchange of contracts depended on a freehold in place. You reckon we can get away with whacking it back on the market leasehold only? Right the root of the problem is the shared freehold which entails rights others have reg having to agree to hand over a share of the property as a whole to the new owner. If you keep yourself as the freeholder/share of said property nobody has to sign anything right ? And bearing in mind this fucker won't sign it is the salient option (Why won't he sign, what is the real reason have you asked?) It is important if you are still paying the mortgage to get it back on the market under a leashold (the lease being to you). But the actual costs of maintenenace etc will have to be continued to be born by YOU, this is the downside of selling it leasehold and remaining the one with the rights of a freeholder. So, back on the market with a 99yr lease is the way to go although this will take a hit on the price, but money will be freed up once you get rid of it. Freeing up YOUR MONEY is what the game is all about. Try and use other peoples money AT ALL TIMES. Not sure about some of the finer points which will be to do with the various contractual obligations of the freeholders (you and the other incumbents) but at a broad stroke it is important to keep the selling ball in the air otherwise you are burning cash. The might be other local laws with regard to freeholder rights in your area, but the lawyer would have alerted you to anything if there was something weird. Is renting it out an option? Is offering the bloke money an option? Is nuking the site from orbit an option? Sounds stressful and I hope you get it sorted, But be firm with all concerned and NEVER PAY ANYBODY YOU REALLY DON'T HAVE TO PAY AND WHO HAVEN'T ALREADY ASKED 3 TIMES. P.
  11. I'm laying on for a 1-0 to Stoke tonight. 7/1 most places.
  12. Let's get back to basics. Have you/the agent actually sold the property ie exchanged final contracts? **Reg credit ratings there's a lot of nonsense talked about it. Nobody wants to harm your rating cause every mother wants to lend you more money. There is a due prcess before your credit rating is harmed and that process is at least 6 months of exchange of demands and options and whatnot. The bank isn't going to guantanamo you till the'ye spoken to you via letter and phone at least a dozen times. This is the least of your worries at this point.
  13. Reading it again if freehold wasn't on the terms the auctioneers supplied, the contractual law is between the vendor and the auctioneer. I'd hold out on that one for a start. MODERN LIFE is about everybody taking money out of YOUR BANK, the key is to stop that. STOP PAYING MONEY for things that you aren't using.
  14. Probably hoping you die in the meantime, it's cheaper.
  15. My uncle owns a fair bit of property in London and this kind of shit is always happenning, normally someone is looking for a payoff. Leasehold is only any good if it's a 99y lease otherwise the effect the value.
  16. Tbh I've given the best advice this board can manage. In these situations it easy to go chasing everything and get stressed. Let the others chase you. Then you can basically say, "Well it was all sorted but Mr X wouldn't play ball, you better speak to Mr X. I'm done with it." It scares the shit out of everyone. Layyers will just take his money and go down the pub.
  17. The thing with these hard working compact sides is that they are actually easier to beat at their own place, when they have to come out and make a game of it. This is what I'd be putting in me little black book if I was CH.
  18. Barton was wank everything about his game was poor. Coloccini looked shaky to me, but I was drunk too HF. After 5 minutes I could see it was going to be a hard game, because Blackpool imposed themselves and didn't look intimidated but..........we're never as good as we think we are after a good win, or as bad as we think we are after a bad defeat. HF is the tall ugly one, i'm the sharp dressed, youthful looking 8 out of 10.
  19. Stop paying everyone. It's what I always do. And then after a while clarity comes. The first thing I ALWAYS DO is stop money going out of my bank whatever the scenario. Stop paying the lawyer, the mortgage, the rent whatever, the utility and everything. STOP TODAY. Then wait.
  20. Seriously though this whole Nolan things makes me laugh. What other PL side constantly picks a player/lumbered with who rarely performs and adds very littel to the actual overall performace of the side? The short ans is NONE. Why do we continue to do it? Why do we also compound it with an inarticulate holding midfielder who is a landmine and at any given time can gift the opponent the match? Seriously what other PL sides continue with such stupidity to the level that it becomes a caricature of of 80's football where, names went on teamsheets and Optra or game engines/performance monitors were just a gleam in mangers eyes. Football is a science now, where meters covered, postitive passes made and tackles renedered can easily be pulled up on a screen and analyses. Why does Jonas still cross with his left when he we can all see the first 100 times he can't, is it too much to get him to try and cut inside and use his right like Ashley Young and Milner used to?? These things aren't rocket science. Why when Carroll readies himself for a flick on isn't there a receiving player anywhere near him? Again these are basics that can be covered in training ie zones of predictability and movement of supporting players. There's just too much nonsense on the pitch to go into, but it makes me wonder if the players are really listening to the manger and coaches or just go out there and start doing things on a whim. The most basic things like compacting space when the opposition midfield has the ball....Happens maybe once or twice a game. The team need to foirget about the Villa game and really focus on what they are doing without the ball and play to strengths or 2/3 losses will become half a dozen and then the confidence will go. We have enough in this squad to stay up, just needs a bit of thought.
  21. You deliberately got that name wrong. Smith if you read these pages I think you're a fuckin cunt. If you had anything about you, you'd give every penny of your wage this week to charity, you complete fraudulent disgrace. I think right with Smith he's such a big figure in the dressing room, Mughton is scared to drop him. Get this Tote in you mug. Honestly and I mean this, I'm better than Smith. agreed, there is NO way that Tiote could be worse than Smith, he is literally shit at almost every facet of the game nowadays, he was always overrated imo but how he's gotten so unmitigatedly rubbish in the last few years is beyond me. What does he dee????????????????????? Can't pass, can't shoot, can't head, can't dribble, can't control a ball, can't tackle. What the fuck does that cunt dee, someone tell me what he does. "Smith had a good game the day" normally means he won a tackle. He's shit and a mug. He smiles a lot.
  22. You deliberately got that name wrong. Smith if you read these pages I think you're a fuckin cunt. If you had anything about you, you'd give every penny of your wage this week to charity, you complete fraudulent disgrace. I think right with Smith he's such a big figure in the dressing room, Mughton is scared to drop him. Get this Tote in you mug. Honestly and I mean this, I'm better than Smith. I rememeber reading back in 2006 how Fergy was going to turn Smith back into a striker at Gold Trafford.
  23. Think Routledge has done alright since his return to the PL, he is certainly a very good out ball and gets into postive areas quickly, which Jonas rarely manages. Our greatest problem in mf is that barton, smith and Nolan are all too similar (barton as an attacking force is marginally better).
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