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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Tiote for me is already up there with the best holding mf in the PL. Need to keep a hold of him.
  2. We need 2 upfront at home and a proper support striker with pace. That is the problem.
  3. Ref won them the game basically. There's something going on with these refs tbs. Is it fear of the big sides? Do they get posh sandwiches at these grounds? Citeh seemed really panicky when we started moving the ball around and I was surprised that the same side beat Chelsea, just shows you that on any given day any side in this league can be beaten. The bottom line is when we dominate we don't score cause we don't have a quality and mobile striker. Carroll is still learning his trade and he is doing it more or less alone up there.
  4. He really needs a dose of his own medicine and it will come. Other sides are more aware now than ever what he's about.
  5. Ultimately these kinds of players are cowards and are hiding behind their shirts and the sport. YOu could see when Tiote walked came back over to DeGone he looked scared.
  6. NO chance, both the bones in his legs have snapped. Easter at best. Keegan and Butt both think it was a fair tackle. Sorry, but that's just bollocks. It was massively cynical, I bet Mancini told De Jong to take BArfa out. That's really bad news for us. Hope for a full recovery. Need to see that tackle again.
  7. Fingers crossed on the HBA injury. Might only be 6 weeks hopefully.
  8. Excellent performance after the early setbacks. Kept their heads up and kept a good tempo. City look strangely undecided about what to do.
  9. That's the end of the Afra behind Carroll debate.
  10. This is the first game this season I've had a feeling of impeding disaster, although it might be all the tequila from last night.
  11. Don't do own goals either the idiot!
  12. In the interview Sanchez is saying more or less the same thing, but I guess insinuating that JS is more devisive than is commonly appreciated.
  13. If you listent to the actual interview it seems he's bringing attention to a people like Stewart who "are part of a liberal left priveledged intelligencia" and he's saying that the can't really relate to the minorities in Amerinca. He's also saying that the JS show isn't really comedy but it's actually news (as a Time poll showed or summat). What he actually said was Jews aren't really a minority as say hispanics etc - this was prompted by the host. Sanchez is correctly pointing out that most of the major media in the US is filled in major roles by Jews and its a false comparison to him a working class, hispanic etc...He has also had enough of JS picking on him cause he can't pronoumce certain words. He makes a lot of intersting observations about the US media from a very under represented position ie working class hispanic.
  14. CNN anchor fired after Jon Stewart rant Rick Sanchez rails against Jews, calls 'Daily Show' host a 'bigot' in radio interview Rick Sanchez is no longer employed by CNN after the anchor went on a political radio show and ripped his perceived enemies — CNN brass, Jon Stewart and Jews. By Hunter Walker CNN has fired anchor Rick Sanchez following a radio rant Thursday night where he called Jon Stewart a "bigot," blamed CNN brass for discrimination against him and insinuated that the media industry is controlled by Jews. The network announced Sanchez's dismissal in a statement early Friday evening: “Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well,“ the statement said. Sanchez's controversial interview occurred on the final day of his show in the 8 p.m. time slot, where he was replacing Campbell Brown, who departed in May. Angry about being replaced by CNN's new "Parker Spitzer" talk show and the constant jokes made at his expense on the "Daily Show," he lashed out on at his perceived enemies — CNN brass, Jon Stewart and Jews. Sanchez went on Pete Dominick's Sirius XM show to promote his new book, "Conventional Idiocy." While on air, he called Stewart a "bigot," implied that CNN is controlled by Jews and that the network passed him over for promotion because he's Latino. Sanchez's controversial comments began when he suggested that he had been marginalized by CNN brass because they're "elite Northeastern establishment liberals" who won't let him anchor because they reserve the top jobs for "the high-profile white guys." Here's what Sanchez had to say about his experiences with prejudice at CNN: "It's not just the right that does this. 'Cause I've known a lot of elite, Northeast establishment liberals that may not use this as a business model, but deep down, when they look at a guy like me, they look at a ... they see a guy automatically who belongs in the second tier and not the top tier ... White folks usually don't see it, but we do, those of us who are minorities ... Here, I'll give you my example, it's this, 'You know what, I don't want you anchoring anymore. I really don't see you as an anchor, I see you more as a reporter. I see you more as a Jon Quinones.' You know, the guy on ABC. That's what he told me, he told me he saw me as Jon Quinones. Now, did he not realize that he was telling me, 'when I see you I think of Hispanic reporters?' 'Cause in his mind, I can't be an anchor, an anchor's what you give the high profile white guys." Transcript of Sanchez interview In his interview with Dominick, Sanchez went on to say that prejudice and discrimination "happen all the time" in the media establishment and he pointed at the "Daily Show." http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/39464138/ns/...-entertainment/
  15. You forgot starting a small local war.
  16. Now there's a thing. This board is already divided over the Standing/Sitting arse wiper debate - can we have a show of hands for the pro-sprout crew please? Buttered with bacon… mmmmmm Sprouts are borderline for me, if forced to I will eat them. Dash of lemon juice is the secret.
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