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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I recommend it as well. It might be a bit too accessible for Parky though. Bet it's a right load of old shit.
  2. it's not a 2/10 film but DiCaprio is a pretty terrible actor non? Non. Taking advantage of Film Four's Star Trek marathon. Watched IV The Voyage Home last night - the one where the Alien spaceship that looks like a turd with a football comes to Earth as it does every couple of hundred years to sing to humpback whales and when they don't sing back cos they're extinct it gets a bit narked and kills everything. Proper back of a fag packet plot but one of the best. Watching VI the Undiscovered Country now. HD really doesn't do Shatner any favours. Some of the old skool ST movies are some of the most watchable sci-fi ever.
  3. I for one salute the work of Roy and Rafa the RR (Rolls Royce) of managers.
  4. The higher up the better as it says. Reckon we'll see him playing in March.
  5. Big debate in the PTA on whether to bring uniforms back or not. I'm all for it,
  6. Was smoking some very strong green, some of the details may have escaped my attention. Make sure you watch it though very enjoyable.
  7. you patronising prick. Off to see The Social Network. Hopefully it's easy and entertaining enough for me.
  8. The problem is really Ashley.
  9. They have to put something out there before people are distracted by Xmas that's all this is. Will catch no one and save nothing.
  10. One thing about the French is that they don't give up their rights without a fight, not like us. Quick moan on the train all forgotten.
  11. They're not likely to stop paying half a million people are they. It's just nonsense to fill this awkward gap till Xmas.
  12. Agree with Nicos. This is just window dressing to keep middle england in step. Fat Dave who does my mothers odd jobs and gardening signs on and I respect his efforts to get extra cash for his children once in a while ie Christmans etc..He's also a good source of cheap baccy. Lovely bloke who used to be a ganster of sorts with many funny stories. People like him fighting for survival on the periphery aren't the problem. Big business and banking fraud is, but I guess the pay the politicians to keep quiet. Arm the people!!
  13. REDS. Stellar cast and a very coy and entertaining toungue in cheek Bruce Willis. Good romp with some intelligent action all played out with a wink and a smile. Really enjoyed it for what it is. Stole a little too much from the Bourne films for my liking but otherwise can't fault it. One certainly for Gemmill and the like who like it easy and entertaining. 7/10
  14. England still has loads of cheap coal very near the surface. Building clean/filtered coal power would by an option if I was running it and also it would create loads of jobs.
  15. Alternative means of energy will be put in place when significant amounts of money can be made from them. I read somewhere that the wind farms only have 12 year life cycles before the turbines have to be replaced. That's a quarter of a million a pop. Agreed, but investment will bring efficiency before the money's rolling in. 30 years ago PC processors were the size of a kitchen and could generate 2 colours. The demand for smaller more powerful processing has meant huge investment and now you can get massive processing power on a nats chuff. Google and other investors wouldn't be spending $5 billion on wind power technology if wise heads didn't think it wast going to be an earner... http://www.reuters.com/article/idUS253507592420101012 Nothing against wind power btw. It currently generates 12% of Germany's energy needs, just that it is expensive for what it is.
  16. Frankly I'm completely out of ideas on what's best for this lot. It's anyones guess now really.
  17. I noticed that both of them there were just happy semi-backing into him rather than jumping for the ball. FFS!
  18. I honestly think 11 fit blokes out of the crowd would have done better that half. Totally serious.
  19. First one almost a free header while bein 'marked' by 2 defenders. Williamson just put his arse out instead of jumping. Second one he just hit it, could have gone anywhere. The meltdown has started.
  20. Alternative means of energy will be put in place when significant amounts of money can be made from them. I read somewhere that the wind farms only have 12 year life cycles before the turbines have to be replaced. That's a quarter of a million a pop.
  21. As much as I think Hicks is a bit of a shyster, in his long interview on sky (utube), he comes across quite measured and balanced. Interesting to hear that he had plans and art ready for the new stadium (spent 30m with architects at the end of 2008) and was readying to build a 'world class stadium'. He notes that the world fiancial crisis robbed him of the funds and backing he had in place for the stadium, which had to be put on hold. He also points out that Rafa had the second biggest amount of money to spend only behind man city (SAF also points this out somewhere). I think he has a point in the sense that there was a ;conspiracy' by the board to keep him from getting back into the club even though as he maintains "we had the funds ready to pay the RBS loan off". if the last bit is true, there is a good chance that the 1Billion $ law suit for damages looks more promising than just vengence or payback.
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