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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The U.S. Department of State is working overtime sending messages to ally capitals warning the impending release of classified documents by WikiLeaks could harm relations in what is seen as a pre-emptive move of unprecedented scale to neutralize the impact of the unveiling of embarrassing and compromising details about the inner workings of the government apparatus. View Full Image After making shattering revelations about the U.S. policy -- and its practice -- in Iraq and Afghanistan, WikiLeaks seems to be targeting this time the core of the U.S. government machinery, especially the subterranean diplomatic channels it employs while cutting deals and enforcing compliance in world capitals. This knowledge has set off a diplomatic counter-offensive of never-before-seen proportion. The U.S. embassies in allied capitals have been forewarned of the release of documents which could potentially destabilize friendly relations. The State Department, in an advance fire-fighting mode, has said the consequences of the WikiLeaks bombshell to American interests could be severe as the whistleblower website could reveal instances of allies breaking ranks secretly to pursue policies harmful to each other and squarely contradicting publicly stated stances. "Without getting into specifics, typical cables describe summaries of meetings, analysis of events in other countries and records of confidential conversations with officials of other governments and with members of civil society. ... They are classified for a very good reason. They contain sensitive information and reveal sources of information that impact our national interests and those of other countries," State Department spokesman P.J.Crowley said. Researchers have often pointed out the stark contrast between nation states' declared policies -- and the means to achieve them -- and what actually transpires on the ground. The inner workings, the dark secrets and shady deals never see the light of day until they may be declassified years later, severely undermining democratic values of truth and transparency. Now WikiLeaks is out to run a knife through a mountain of classified documents revealing how the proverbial 'secret government' works its way through cluttered diplomatic channels. And that certainly could be embarrassing to lots of people in many capitals, more so in Washington. The Pentagon has already warned the U.S. Senate and House Armed Services Committees that the leaks will “touch on an enormous range of very sensitive foreign policy issues.” “We anticipate that the release could negatively impact U.S. foreign relations,” Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Elizabeth King said in an e-mail to the defense committees. WHAT COULD BE INSIDE LEAKED DOCUMENTS? Media speculate that the soon-to-be-leaked cables could contain sensitive talks between government functionaries, diplomats, military top brass and politicians which may show top government players in unflattering light. According to Sky News foreign affairs editor Tim Marshall, even heads of government will be the target in the leaked documents. "We think that three leaders might be in the firing line, because we know the Americans have criticized (Afghan president) Hamid Karzai, President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin of Russia." President Barack Obama's administration will particularly feel the heat as many of the documents to be published relate to the time since he took office. Experts say there could even be cables related to the government's maneuverings to get allies accept Guantanamo detainees as Obama was pressing ahead with the deadline to close the infamous detention camp.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11847824 Could be the juiciest one yet. The papers aren't interested in running with torture and death, people find it too depressing and turn to the I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here page instead....but if Bush was saying what an arselicking puppet Blair was it'd run for weeks. Heard about this a couple of weeks ago, waiting with baited breath.
  3. He makes a massive difference to them. There is a lot more chance of Carroll running rampage with him missing.
  4. If there was a good time and place to play them, this is it. Terry expected to be back. Still going to be a tough old game like. Terry has no return date on physioroom.com
  5. The lads need to just go out and win this game. That is all.
  6. Yup. Think it's very well written.
  7. He has done very well this season bar the odd game.
  8. Good luck to him. What else is there in life bar football and girls?
  9. He's a predator type midfielder - lot of huff and puff and snarling and energy. Good first touch. pace but often lacking in vision which eliminates him from the absolute top tier. If Nolan is a bus than Anderson is a Range Rover.
  10. At the end of the day the taste and quality of the coffee is all about the beans. Yhe method of making is secondary. It's like the good old days of seperates hi fi when one spent more on the source of the sound (turntable/cd player) than the last in the chain - the speakers. Hi quality coffee passed through a simple paper filter into a glass container gives the most authentic flavours.
  11. The revolution never gets going till people are actually hungry.
  12. Just call him and ask for the password.
  13. We borrowed it of course.
  14. They're probably sub-zero. He looks and feels a bit like a Spurs player.
  15. AXED West Ham assistant boss Zeljko Petrovic has labelled the Premier League 'c**p'. He was sacked yesterday - and now manager Avram Grant has three league games to save his job at rock-bottom Hammers. In a scathing attack Montenegran Petrovic said: "Everybody has great words for the Premier League but it is a myth. "The Premier League is a crap league, it is nothing. In truth the level is shocking. Every team has just three good players. If you take those players out of the teams then there are only players left who would not be playing in the bottom team in Holland. "The Bundesliga is far better." http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport...l#ixzz16BYFW2dk
  16. That meeting is basically the reason cited by the chair for why we should never hold another members meeting again. You would assume that the abuse hurler was the main reason for his argument wouldnt you? well it wasnt, the abuser was, believe it or not, the PR expert (I shit ye not ) and the now chair got upset at the fact people even dared question the work that was going on. And the people on the other end of the abuse? non other than Mick Martin of True Faith and a respected Solicitor both of whom were instrumental in the setting up of the NUSC. well arent you the clever one, there is nobody to blame ultimately for this than the current chair however if more fans such as yourself had actually got behind the idea of a Supporters Club at the time and helped shape it then maybe, just maybe it could have turned out differently. How anyone can crow about this and laugh at the fact it may have failed is beyond me. Lets be sure here though, this should not be the end of a NUFC fans organisation, it may well be the end of the Trust and it definitely should be the end of some peoples involvement on the board but there are good foundations for a well ran Supporters Club which we desperately need. Therein lay the problem, it was started up as a ridiculous attempt at buying the club from Ashley. There was no suggestion of how much he wanted, it seemed as if a figure that he may accept was just plucked out of thin air by the NUST and a whole campaign started on the back of it. Then the requests for money started! Many wealthy local business men had pledged millions apparently, still to find out who they were or what they pledged like and the cynic in me would suggest this may have been embellished as a ploy to get others to start hoying money in. Whatever happened to all the cash that was paid in membership fees and any pledges btw? As for the foundations of a good supporters club? Aren't they meant to have some sort of dialogue with the club? Some way of putting their point across? I think that ship sailed the minute NUST was shouting on in the press about MA being a cunt and how we were going to buy his club off him I don't expect you to agree and no doubt your a little embarrassed as you were the NUST champion on here at the time of its inception. But for every NUFC fan i've spoken to about NUST they all have similar feelings about it as me and are glad they weren't duped into handing over any money. The weakness in the whole project is that Ashley doesn't and imo won't ever give two shits about a supporters club/trust/protest group and I think deep down we all know that there will never be any meanigful dialogue with him. The fact that is was tried as an avenue is always a good thing as a lot of this stuff is trial and error.
  17. I wonder how long MA would have lasted at a club like Napoli.
  18. He single handedly turns refs against us by bitching continually throughout games (when he plays). Nicky Butt with hair.
  19. Nolan is basically just holding back the fat bloke in the pub who is bursting to get out.
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