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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. If you were in charge of the foreign aid and you could give all our aid to one country which would it be and why? Me. Palestine. The reasons are clear.
  2. I hate those. Those are the worst regrets like. Life is too short.
  3. ...you did in 2010 or one thing you didn't do what would it be? Me, not getting blind drunk at the HH lit awards and embarrasing my host and various other non-descript hangers on and obliterating a painfully built up contact list of local influentals.
  4. Did you read Balotellis views on him winning the Golden Boy and his comments on Jack Wilshire? Cheeky cheeky overpaid overated idiot. Jose'll sort him right out on sunday. Just seen that, what a twat. He's got some head on him like.
  5. Are you Serbian descent like? Yeah, mum's side. Both her parents are from Belgrade, they moved (separately, then met) here after WW2. Have a lot of sympathy for the Serbs now that I've read up on some of it.
  6. M lights are the worst thing on coke. I could easily go through 2 packs a night in the bad old days. ouch, that'll be one sore throat the next day. i know what you mean though. the reason i've been able to almsot quit is those days for me are few and far between now. i don't know about anyone else but in my group of mates all the birds have all 'grown out' of the big nights and the lads are all still a bunch of closet savages just waiting for a chance to get together with out the birds for a night of carnage. used to be every weekend but you're talking about once every 6 weeks these days. that's the problem when everyone starts moving in with their lasses and having kids. there used to be one remaining house share up until last year that a gorup of mates lived in where we always used to go for nights of pro evo and gack but these days there's nowhere as literally every one of my mates have moved in with their missus. sign of the times i suppose, approaching mid 30s. not getting any younger and all that. bit of a rant there, apologies for derailing the thread That's it in a nutshell bro. Wunderlust and the rogue male.
  7. And gives much valued advice on hair care products.
  8. M lights are the worst thing on coke. I could easily go through 2 packs a night in the bad old days.
  9. You should chuck them Parky. I've got no discipline at all, so If I can give up anyone can, Thursday now and I'm thinking about them but can do without. Well done me. I've only been smoking for about 8 years so the novelty hasn't worn off yet.
  10. My old man used to roll in LeShark polo's. :icon_lol: The absolute pits. He thought he was the next big name to hit the Milan catwalk. Backed up by colour co-ordinated Farrrah no doubt. Farah's were fucking shit, weren't they? I never got them. I had a few pairs of sta-pressed like. I was ocassionally seen bedecked in a lemon Lacoste and Lois jeans (spending many a desperate evening with dumbells to make my arms look bigger for the Lacoste). A mate of mine nicked about a dozen Farah so I had a couple of pairs by default (wore the burgundy pair ocassionally but hey made my legs look skinny). Still it was a time you could get into a pub when you were 15. Happy days.
  11. I used to wear a lacoste tank top about 6 or 7 years ago, inspired by none less than John Gregory. http://www.wardrobeclothing.co.uk/image/ca...128-500x667.jpg Anyone who knew what was good for them was rolling in this clobber. Fuck me how did my pic end up on the net. Mrs P threw all my tank tops away. She said I was making her a laughing stock.
  12. My old man used to roll in LeShark polo's. :rolleyes: The absolute pits. He thought he was the next big name to hit the Milan catwalk. Backed up by colour co-ordinated Farrrah no doubt.
  13. I used to wear a lacoste tank top about 6 or 7 years ago, inspired by none less than John Gregory. Well at least it was Lotto.
  14. I am still in awe how Maradona lead Neapel to win the Waffa-Cup in 1989. I'll always remember watching him in the semi final against Bayern and then in the final against Stuttgart tbh Not bad for a gypsy foundling.
  15. Cut back to about 42 a day.
  16. The last two winters in Hamburg have been two of the coldest on record with mega snow falls.
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