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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Shit their pants didn't they. The same people who bang on about ideals suddenly became relativists.
  2. Norway with their sovereign wealth fund can be as left wing as they like and they are. They don't have to parse their policies against international finance and being competitive. They have oil and a small highly educated populace and probably some of the best and cheap/free healthcare on the planet. I would move there in a heartbeat if it wasn't so fucking cold.
  3. It's much more powerful than political parties. The nature of things here is that I see a much greater clear and present danger in the short term and you are worrying about the long term. You have to accept that for whatever reason or magic the voting classes in the UK aren't that bothered about Noe-Lieberalism and definitely not to the level that me or you are. But I see the immediate fight as more crucial ie keeping the Tories to reasonable levels within the power structure.
  4. The left of the center left of the Labour Party don't know how a mixed economy works and that is mainly because their ideals are unworkable within hostage Capitalism where the financial mural is international and the pressures on countries are global. Whilst Labour and finance are fluid and mobile across states and time zones you simply cannot build a truly left wing Govt. It is impossible. The art is in the compromise ie protecting as many as possible whilst dealing with the power of international finance and Globalisation realistically. The left wing of the Labour party never discuss it honestly.
  5. All we are saying is that Corbyn could have managed the damage by stepping down instead of continuing with those Depeche Mode videos and tilling his sweet potato yam allotment. I think that is clear even to a summertime Marxist like myself.
  6. It's pretty clear Labour have undergone a coup. Signing up people at Glastonbury ffs! Deluded, drug addled hippies are in control of the Labour party.
  7. If this bloke wasn't in Militant Tendency I'm my cats uncle. http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/uk/2016/05/jon-lansman-interview-theres-no-leader-who-would-find-it-easier-win-jeremy
  8. How Corbyn chanced into the leadership. A long but in depth read. http://www.businessinsider.de/momentum-the-inside-story-of-how-jeremy-corbyn-took-control-of-the-labour-party-2016-2?r=UK&IR=T
  9. His crime is even worse when you take into account that think tank after think tank, poll after poll, survey after survey, focus group after focus group, foundation after foundation, steering committee after steering committee, Fabian discussion group after Fabian discussion group, time after time hammer home the heightened significance of the importance of perceived leadership skills, personality and charisma among the electorate. And that the reports across the board with reg to Corbyn have been nothing short of catastrophic. Corbyn
  10. The amount of self-serving and deluded wankers in politics in the UK must be at the highest ebb since the second world war. The insular and partisan nature of the various sides is an embarrassment with regard to wider issues and the sheer ignorance of our politicians with regard to matters of our time is mind blowing. Politics in the UK is where losers with no drive or imagination end up. There is a leadership vacuum on all sides and a reluctance to tell the truth and tackle issues head on. It's nothing more than a circle jerk paid for by the public who themselves are in realm of ignorance unsurpassed in modern history. The 5th largest economy in the world where 2m people are using food banks. Absolute joke.
  11. Get yourself on the resveratrol. The active ingredient in red wine. Can't beat a bit of red wine and cheese. I normally have some apple slices as well.
  12. Hope you sent your team away for coffee and set about giving the respondents a piece of your mind.
  13. That is hard to fathom. People don't understand/ aren't told that the UK has been in recession since 2006 and this has been combined with austerity. Food and energy poverty are at all time highs in recent memory. High streets filled with charity shops, pawnbrokers and pay day lenders. Charity shops in formerly affluent Harrow/Edgware/Wembley. These shops are filling formerly bankrupt businesses. https://www.yell.com/s/charity+shops-harrow.html Pawnbrokers. https://www.borro.com/uk/directory/pawnbrokers-london/pawnbrokers-harrow
  14. Bath is a bit filled with older voters and oldskool Tory leaning types isn't it?
  15. As I said a couple of weeks ago this election will start to turn hence more of this stuff will be pumped out. Don't mean its real.
  16. When the comments are turned off you know its a scam.
  17. Yeah it's hard to figure out which side he's really on. The Russell Brand of economic dialectics. Shill chill.
  18. He's right about asking for an 'off the shelf' solution like Norway. This would make it difficult for petty punishments and time wasting.
  19. What's that all about?
  20. The Tory party whatever the press say are currently all over the place and mortally wounded by Brexit. Shire muggle Tories and the wets are in full rebellion against what is being revealed day by day to be the nasty and psychotic wing of the party who have chanced into ascendancy.
  21. Most people in the UK who aren't politicized unlike most of the posters on here have little idea what the Labour Party really stands for. Is its economic policy interventionist? Will they keep Trident? For or against Brexit? On key issues of the day all I read is carefully worded flim-flam and contradictions by the day. He's making a speech on Thu when everything should be clear apparently.
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