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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Was that him or Invicta? Same person NO way is KD/SSH Vic. NO way.
  2. All the keyboard warriors on here wouldn't be half as gobby in real life It's just a bit of banter mate, nee ones having a character assassination on anyone here just a bit carry on. Don't be so defensive. I'd rather have an interest in pinball machines and games consoles than cricket personally and half these love cricket. I'd be at the bar with me arm round ye "double vodka and red bull and a bottle of volvic for the lad."
  3. It's the kind of squad we have, pissing around with gadgets and giggling instead of reading up on the opposition and preparing mentally for a game in isolation on a Japanese island.
  4. Although I'm now rather more keen to see the full panoply of his largesse as a metrosexuaaal and no mistake. Creme de menthe allround!!
  5. It's whatever you want it to be bright eyes.
  6. More for around the house. The mind boggles. Is it a real thing HF or something you've made up? It's as real as the manbag you carry to the park, but not quite as fruity. Yes but the parkmanbag has been legitamised by various fist fighting parkmen as an essential thing to have when in a park.
  7. Never Well that explains it. Did ye ever drink in The Berkeley Tavern Chez? First pub team I ever played for. Bunch of heed the baals but I loved it. Have been known to drink in the Berkeley. Is it still open? Mainly frequented The Horse, Monkey Arms, Foxhunters, The Beacon, Hunting Lodge and The Briardene as had quite a few mates lived in Whitley Lodge. Glenn Hoddle? I guess that makes Parky the Eileen Drewery of the board.
  8. More for around the house. The mind boggles. Is it a real thing HF or something you've made up?
  9. Why go out if you're only going to order the cheap things on the menu?
  10. I agree. The hoo ha around him is imo state sponsored but not serious in the sense that it makes hijm a cause celebre and a safe source to reveal more worthless inofmation, inidispersed with sensitive material briefing against our enemies ie Iran etc. Notice nothing of any great porport against Israel. One of the Chez's links shows documentation about spying on higher education esp Mulslims in the UK as it is here in Germany, to subvert or co-opt renegade movements with more well funded avenues and paymasters. YOu could explain this to young muslims till your blue in the face and yet they continnue to chat about politics in amongst their liking of fashion and brands on facebook. You counn't make it up.
  11. "Addendum: The CIA would be the most likely $5M funder. Soros is suspected of being a conduit for black money to dissident groups racketeering for such payola. Now it may be that that is the intention of WL because its behavior so far fits the pattern. If fleecing the CIA is the purpose, I urge setting a much higher funding goal, in the $100M range and up. The US intel agencies are awash in funds they cannot spend fast enough to keep the Congressional spigot wide open. Academics, dissidents, companies, spy contractors, other nation's spy agencies, whole countries, are falling over themselves to tap into this bountiful flood. But competition is fierce, and accusations of deception are raging even as the fleecers work in concert. Chinese dissidents -- a brand name among many -- are already reaping huge benefits from covert funding from the US and from the PRC, along with others in the former Soviets, in Africa and South America, inside the US, UK and Europe, in the Middle East and the Koreas, who know how to double-cross ditzy-rich Dads and Moms. In solidarity to fuck em all." It's basically where I was at with this about a week ago when I started saying I was bored with him and was waiting for the assasination attempt.
  12. To the United States, Julian Assange may now be Public Enemy Number One. Some American politicians have even called for his execution. But less than a year ago, the founder of WikiLeaks was officially entertained at a US Embassy cocktail party by one of the very diplomats whose secrets he would soon spill to the world. At the reception, held at the US ambassador's residence in Reykjavik, Iceland, Mr Assange chatted with Sam Watson, the embassy's deputy chief of mission. He was already sitting on dozens of Mr Watson's classified cables at the time of the December party, including embarrassing details about America's and Britain's role following the collapse of Iceland's banks which were later published to widespread outrage in the local media. "He certainly had fun at the party," said Birgitta Jonsdottir, an Icelandic MP and former activist in WikiLeaks. "He went as my guest. I said it would be a bit of a prank to take him and see if they knew who he was. I don't think they had any idea." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/...fce467b17fe%2C0
  13. http://www.democracynow.org/seo/2010/12/20...clyn_friedman_a
  14. Ann Ardin one of his accusers has apparently left Sweden (refuses to helf authorities) and moved to Palestine. This just gest wierder and wierder. Mmmm, might need to give it some special attention. Edit, P A cursory glance at this reveals she is some kind of right wing Christian hence her interest in Israel/ Palestine thing, i Other things of note perhaps is to take a closer look at Mr A's parents. Anna Ardin the sultry Cia stooge. Hope this ain't let's make the interweb look really dangerous and out of control so we can close it the fuck down kind of thing.
  15. There was a moment there where I thought Carroll had hurt himself. This really is the period we need him to get through without any mishaps.
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