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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Tiote selects passes like Swiss watchmakers selects his materials.
  2. Across a 45-minute presentation, the team revealed the methodology that made the on-die security an irrelevance and proved beyond doubt that the Hypervisor tech – the CPU guardian that is supposed to stop unauthorised code running – was almost completely pointless. According to the Fail0verflow team, the PS3's architecture appears to allow the execution of rogue "unsigned" code with only the minimum of effort required from a determined hacker – which seems to explain in part how the PSJailbreak exploit was able to run pirate games even though the Hypervisor was not touched at all. Based on their presentation, it looks as though the team has not cracked the Hypervisor even with the new hack, but their contention is that its application is an irrelevance anyway. Even specific code that Sony revokes and bans from use within the PS3 isn't actually being checked when it is run, so after the Hypervisor's cursory check, rogue code can be patched back in and run as per normal. However, the Fail0verflow team's work goes way beyond this traditional style of hacking. They have released the technique by which any kind of unauthorised code can be run on any PS3. Every PS3 executable file is encrypted, or signed, using private ciphers only available (in theory) to Sony itself. It has long been established that brute-forcing the keys would take hundreds of thousands of computers hundreds of thousands of years to complete. However, despite this mathematical reality, Fail0verflow are now in possession of all of the encryption keys Sony uses. They can create DLC-style packages that will run on any PlayStation 3, and yes, they can create their own custom firmware upgrades. Their stated aim is to produce their own firmware update that boots directly into Linux on any PS3, but the methodology allows for any kind of custom firmware to be produced – and we all know what that means. So how did Fail0verflow get the keys so quickly? Well, in creating the encrypted files, an important element of the mathematical formula is the use of a random number. The PS3 encryption scheme uses just a single random number that never varies between each signed file, while the proper way of carrying out the signing process is to use a different random number every time a file is signed. Armed with just two signatures, it is possible to mathematically reconstruct the encryption key thanks to this constant variable. I
  3. 4 of his 5 failures were forwards....needs to cut that out tbh CT Aye, but a good chunk of the 51 successful were forward as well. Noticable how much goes down the right these days as opposed to the left. Also lots of that play inside their half. Its clever stuff like that chalkboard. aye I love it. I'm a bit of a statistics nut -- in FIFA and FM I spend a lot of my time just looking through the stats (I really wish there would be something more like the chalkboard in these games, but oh well!). The guardian should have a prize for the first team to score a goal that looks like a cock. Named the Freud Cup.
  4. I like it when Tiote surges forward once or twice a game. Has a deceptive bit of pace like.
  5. Aren't you on about a Magarita? Grappa's brandy made with the leftovers of the wine-making process, i.e. the stems, grape skin etc. It's rocket fuel and a bit like Raki. Grappa is a killer an no mistake.
  6. He's ordered those learn Italiana cd's apparently.
  7. What's the thinking on here?
  8. Tend to go to the gym from April till end of May. That is all.
  9. Mate seen any deals on this mythical Hughton comfort blanket?
  10. Jamie McClen once got man of the match against Arsenal too... Parky how does that work about Bryan Robson?? "He would've been a good manager but for injuries"? Brain injuries? Him and Acuna bossed the midfield. Shame we got murdered in the replay like. Aye, was that the game where Robert got sent off too, or was that the league game? Both draws iirc? Robert was sent off in the league game (I think) because he scored the equaliser in the cup game in the 2nd half (70 mins-ish?). Pires got that bad injury in the cup replay when he went over on his ankle. Aye that's right, was that the one where Wiltord skinned Distin at left back and Edu scored? I can remember games from years ago better than ones this season tbh. Parky, I'm not having a pop but I still donno what you're on about. Repeated heading of the old heavy ball was akin to being a boxer ie losing brain cells. You don't play enough so don't worry.
  11. Jamie McClen once got man of the match against Arsenal too... Parky how does that work about Bryan Robson?? "He would've been a good manager but for injuries"? Brain injuries? To do with the old balls and their weight. Read an article a few years back that was basically inferring it had the same effect as if they (especially CB's) were boxers. That and the drink combined (Adams). Robson was a fair drinker (with Mcgrath and Whiteside) and all that heading they did. You can see shades of it when Bruce talks.
  12. For me Coyle or the farmer running Blackpool. Probably go to Wenger or CheekyHarry though.
  13. Blackburn are a bit of a shambles atm, if Jabba had still been there this would be a home win banker.
  14. Could be his replacement like. Twittergate.
  15. scholes strike rate similar, but in terms of ability, ginger nuts every time. another one for you. franz carr. fast as the wind but no end product! Not saying Robson was the best player ever or owt but I find it strange to see him mentioned in a list of most overrated players ever. Agree 100%. England's best player of the 80's, too many injuries though. I can't remember if he's a toon fan or a mackem fan though. Certainly got a mackem accent, worse than most CLS accents even. The fact Amdy Faye has amassed probably £3m from playing football when there are better players on this board, suggest to me he truly is the most overrated player in history. Of players who are rated as true legends Totti stands head and shoulders above the rest imo. I forgot all about Amdy Faye. He was dog shit at every club he played for. Can't remember him ever having a half decent game for us. Totti ranks alongside Ibra and Adriano for me. Ali Dia was overrated but I guess he rated himself so it doesn't count Totti stayed at Roma too long.
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