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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. They were by far the best band in the world for three years. I'm too young to have been caught up in the media hype they got so I just hear their music as it is, and a lot of it is pretty mediocre. They didn't have the musicianship to evolve as a band and probably didn't want to, so they kept churning out the same kind of stuff and it became tired imo. They have some good material but it lacks substance imo, Noel has openly admitted he used rhyming books to help him write the lyrics (waterfall, cannonball etc). In terms of bands from around Manchester I'd say the Smiths were a lot better musically than Oasis, Noel would probably agree with that as well. Stone Roses ftw tbh Probably New Order for me like. If you class Joy Division as a separate band (which they were really), I actually prefer NO, even if that's not as cool. I like JD but I have to be in the mood for about 95% of their output. Same here.
  2. They were by far the best band in the world for three years. I'm too young to have been caught up in the media hype they got so I just hear their music as it is, and a lot of it is pretty mediocre. They didn't have the musicianship to evolve as a band and probably didn't want to, so they kept churning out the same kind of stuff and it became tired imo. They have some good material but it lacks substance imo, Noel has openly admitted he used rhyming books to help him write the lyrics (waterfall, cannonball etc). In terms of bands from around Manchester I'd say the Smiths were a lot better musically than Oasis, Noel would probably agree with that as well. The fuckin Smith's :icon_lol: The only possible way you could say The Smith's were better musically than Oasis, is if you were desperately striving for some inspiration to top yourself in a darkened room. The fuckin Smith's . Morrisey is a talentless useless cunt. I was all prepared to ride shotgun for you, but you've blown it with that last bit of tripe.
  3. You missed Jimi Hendrix at the Isle of Wight Festival and The Rolling Stones at Altamont. He took some 16mm while he was there apparently. Actually reckons he heard The Who at Leeds, but he wasn't actually there, just in a pub nearby. I'm being serious as well. The crazy bastard. Rob is like Forest Gump where he turns up in all of the iconic photos of the 20th century, just knocking about in the background. Air Miles.
  4. A mans bailieys is a shot of bailieys and a shot of whisky in the top (the same one Baileys is made from).
  5. You missed Jimi Hendrix at the Isle of Wight Festival and The Rolling Stones at Altamont. He took some 16mm while he was there apparently. Actually reckons he heard The Who at Leeds, but he wasn't actually there, just in a pub nearby. I'm being serious as well. The crazy bastard.
  6. You missed Jimi Hendrix at the Isle of Wight Festival and The Rolling Stones at Altamont. He took some 16mm while he was there apparently.
  7. Class has no relation to money. It all has to do with upbringing.
  8. None of his threads go anywhere. I wish he could just move on. he can't - he stops taking the medicine and we all suffer - "care in the community" Unfortunately we're the community oh fuck. Amnesty International is back.
  9. That is dangerously close to collecting Diana memorabilia.
  10. Basically class doesn't define a person as much as it used to. I can tell by posting styles class on here. Stevie - working class as is LM Renton and Gemma - Middle class. Kitman is tricky cause moving to Nz has middle class written over it although I had him down as working class.
  11. When he turns to the side they're actually in single file.
  12. Gemmils eyes are close enough together to make a pitch for upper class as it goes.
  13. Someone like Oliver Reid you could define as middle class, or Michael Caine in Educating Rita, heed the baals come in all walks of life and with varying intelligence levels. Reed is deffo middle class but Caine has a whiff of working class about him.
  14. Real middle class people tend to have crappier cars than the upwardly mobile working class.
  15. http://www.amazon.com/G%C3%B6del-Escher-Ba...n/dp/0465026567 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del%27...teness_theorems
  16. Slight tangent but germane is the work of Kurt Godel and the like. One for the maths boffs... he Continuum Hypothesis: A Mystery of Mathematics? The concept of infinity has been a subject of speculation throughout history. In the nineteenth century, Georg Cantor produced an elegant theory in which the notion of infinity could be treated mathematically: set theory. The concepts investigated in set theory are the building blocks on which the whole of mathematics can be built. In set theory the size of an infinite set can be measured by its cardinality. Many problems regarding cardinal numbers that have a simple formulation are unsolved even after years of effort by outstanding mathematicians. The continuum problem asks for a solution of the continuum hypothesis (CH), and is the first in Hilbert's celebrated list of 23 problems. This problem has an ambivalent nature: it is comprehensible to a vast community of scientists, but the effort devoted to solving it shows that even in mathematics there are deceptively simple questions which may not have an answer. More precisely, the existence of 'solutions' depends on the philosophical attitude of the person seeking them: does every precisely stated mathematical question have a solution? Most Platonists believe so, and a large number of them believe that the latest research in set theory is leading to a satisfactory solution of the continuum problem in particular. A skeptical mathematician, on the other hand, is apt to believe that this problem will never be settled. While there are many ways to formulate CH, we choose the following: For every subset X of the real numbers, either there is an injective map from X into the natural numbers or there is an injective map from the real numbers into X. Gödel and Cohen showed that the accepted axioms of set theory cannot solve CH. Gödel in 1939 was able to produce a model of set theory in which CH is true. In work for which he was awarded the Fields Medal, Cohen in 1963 introduced the forcing method and used it to produce a model of set theory in which CH is false. While many set theorists (including Cohen himself) are convinced that these results proved that the continuum problem could never be settled, many others (including Gödel) believed that they merely showed that new 'natural axioms' of set theory powerful enough to settle the continuum problem should be sought. In the spirit of the latter approach, a major achievement during the eighties was the proof by Martin, Steel and Woodin that there is a 'true' axiom (projective determinacy), which implies that any counter-example to CH must be very complicated essentially 'indefinable' in a technical sense. Recent research aims at isolating 'maximality properties': principles which say that the greatest possible variety of conceivable mathematical objects exists. A 'natural' class of axioms that approximate this criterion, the so-called 'forcing axioms', have been found. These imply the axiom of projective determinacy and the failure of CH, as well as many new and surprising results in general topology and infinite combinatorics. Hugh Woodin has provided a philosophical motivation for the failure of CH: he has solid mathematical arguments to conjecture that any 'maximality principle' able to settle all the problems of mathematics of the same 'complexity' as CH will imply the failure of CH. Forcing axioms solve another problem in cardinal arithmetic of a 'higher complexity' than CH: the singular cardinal hypothesis (SCH) asserts that the cardinality of the power-set of strong limit cardinals is the least possible. SCH is true in Gödel's model, and models of set theory where SCH is false can be produced only by combining forcing techniques with the use of large cardinals. In my thesis I was able to generalize a result of Solovay in order to prove that a 'popular' forcing axiom, the proper forcing axiom (PFA), implies SCH. There are grounds to conjecture that SCH is just an example of the class of problems of 'higher complexity' than CH that can be settled by forcing axioms. The correct definition of this class of problems as well as the search for the solutions given by forcing axioms is a topic of active research in set theory. Matteo Viale has been awarded the 2006 Sacks Prize. The Sacks Prize is awarded by the Association for Symbolic Logic for the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in mathematical logic. It was established to honor Professor Gerald Sacks of MIT and Harvard for his unique contribution to mathematical logic, particular
  17. Sticking with me start of season prediction of 12th.
  18. Silly analogy. You need to think more about consciousness. Maybe you think too much? Don't ask questions if you don't like the answers.
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