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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The whole SJW movement comes from the pretend studying of archeology.
  2. More cheap airtime fillers?
  3. This Yaya thing is like people wanting Rooney a couple of weeks ago.
  4. All the myriad of gay festivals are starting. Whole streets cordoned off and loads of free music and shit expensive cocktails.
  5. That Corbyn speech wasn't too bad the other day. Just imagine a human making it.
  6. It's about time he put some fear into the FBI.
  7. They have to say that. But I think he will go.
  8. We have to go after the assets. But coming out with it immediately alienates vast sections of the well off never mind the super rich. Renton is right about progressive taxation but it has to be pitched carefully.
  9. Blair was parachuted in by the same cabal that parachuted in Manroc. Manroc was on 17 magazine covers one day last week and Goldman Le Penski was on none. The problem Labour have is that it is a balancing act now between getting the people on side and not pissing off the banks and the various interest groups that have great influence on our politicians. I believe it can be done. But it requires such slight of hand and charisma and such delicate nuance it is almost impossible to satisfy the various wings of the party and Big Corporations at the same time. But we have to try.
  10. Poor Rayvin locked in a sauna with Gloom and Renton.
  11. It's a wild fire on his heed.
  12. It's a tough league to get out of. We've done the business and nothing else matters.
  13. Things are worse than people imagine. I don't think even with the will the wherewithal is there to halt Neo. Economies have been stagnating for so long and sovereign debt is at record levels. Their only solution so far has been to print vaster and vaster sums of money and keep wages down and move around even cheaper unorganized Labour...Create low paid jobs...etc.. The geezer from Siemens UK was saying that rebuilding manufacturing in the UK would take 20 years.
  14. Yeah it is a mix of those very things but it has developed a new and more worrying symptom - it is holding back the means of production at a level that it already achieved 30 years ago. It's doing this because advances that it doesn't fully understand might impinge on its future feeding grounds. There are many areas where tech could already be used for the benefit of all and also reduce drudgery and repetition and create new seams of efficiency...But the monster has noticed that these developments might hurt it.
  15. Mixed economy. The monster has to be kept to an enclosed area for feeding. Just enough to provide income for the state without overwhelming it. This line has been crossed however and the monster has to be beaten back and it doesn't seem to want to negotiate.
  16. Capitalism only gives a bit back when it has to. Unless the state is strong enough to counter balance the excesses of private finance (its power to do so is diminishing by the decade) it will go on unchecked till the host is paralyzed in its strangle hold. In this phase it starts converting capital to assets which it moves away from the arena of the carnage till it can intervene and feed again. The host is allowed to recover just enough for the feeding to begin again...Or the host is on a drip (Quantum Easing, Bank Bailouts, Tax credits). .Sometimes it cooks up new tricks like importing new hosts into an area where the old host has got wise and beginning to resist or on its last legs (immigration).....Immigration fulfills another function where the state supports the new victims while the rulers take the profits (state bears the costs private finance takes the profits)...If all else fails start a war. Mucho feeding...
  17. Paul Mason reckons the electorate are too racist for a left wing manifesto. Not sure what that means....Is it the emergence of this new Ukip/Tory vote swapping?
  18. There are two factions in the Tory party as there are two maybe three factions in the Labour Party. The difference is that the Tories at election time fall into line and the party machinery is just that much more polished. Of course one can't underestimate the power of having 70% of the MSM batting for you.
  19. Yup that pretty much covers it CT. Thanks for the post.
  20. Been a lot of positive movement in the gold markets. This was brought to my attention in my recent visit to London. There is a weird and portentous mood developing with reg to the viability of QE and the ECB and European funds running to Wall Street (the recent jump). Financial players are always about 6-9 months ahead of bad news or they ARE the bad news. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-05-05/italy-dependent-ecb-foreign-investors-dump-bonds-amid-capital-flight
  21. There was an article somewhere can't find it now where they showed how the Tories focus on electors and Labour focus on supporters at election times.
  22. ''The two problems – the limited leeway afforded by ‘market sentiment’ and the power of neoliberal ideology – are linked, in that most voters are materially, as well as ideologically, dependent on economic prosperity, in the form of jobs and mortgages and pension funds, and will not vote for anything that can be labelled as threatening it. As things stand, this means almost any measure the left may propose, thanks to the myth of Labour’s so-called profligacy. Nothing Labour says about the economy will get a serious hearing until the potency of this myth is broken, making this an essential first step in the ideological shift that is needed. The reality is that between 1997 and 2007 Labour reduced the national debt from 50% of GDP to 45%, well below the levels of Germany, France and Canada. But while this was happening the banks were gambling with the country’s economic safety, and lost. Some became bankrupt and all came close to it. The big increase in the national debt under Labour from 2008 to 2010 was due to the government having to borrow over a trillion pounds – equivalent to two thirds of the annual national income – to lend to the banks, to cover their bad debts and save their shareholders’ fortunes. And because the banks had plunged the global economy into recession, tax revenue also fell sharply, so still more money had to be borrowed to plug the budget gap. The failure of the past Labour leadership to burn these basic facts into the public consciousness is not simply down to the political bias of the media. It is also a failure of the Labour leadership. Every time a senior Labour figure is quoted as acknowledging that the party needs to ‘recover the voters’ trust’ they implicitly endorse the myth instead of attacking it.'' https://www.opendemocracy.net/uk/colin-leys/how-left-can-win-in-britain
  23. Had a quick shufty at some of Dianne Abbots recent forays into the media. Real cringe worthy stuff. How did this untalented and obviously disingenuous woman get on the Labour front bench?
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